Not the best day today....grrrrrr.

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by evemomma, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. evemomma

    evemomma Well-Known Member

    Hi guys!

    I had my appnt with my peri today for my 17 week check-up (I go every other week). I woke up not feeling the greatest, and my silly three year old wasn't helping much. Finally got us both around and rushed to meet my hubby at work to get to my appnt (it's 45 minutes away). Got on the highway and got in a MAJOR traffic jam smack over of a bridge across the Mississippi River (talk about freaky). Here is where I realize I forgot my cell phone!

    So, I had no way to contact my dh or my doc at how late I was. My 3 year old was screaming in the backseat...ugh! So, I finally get to my dh 40 minutes later. Of course he was freaked. And he took over driving to the doctors. And you know what happened with all that stress? I started contracting like MAD. I have an irritable uterus, and stress is NOT good for it. So, long story short is that I ended up being hooked to monitors and getting a manual check of my cervix (it was high and closed, thank the Lord). I also found out I'm still at my pre-pregnancy weight I have to start drinking those nasty supplement drinks.

    Best news is my peri knows I have IU, and so he didn't panic with my contracting and admit me to the L&D. I just had to come home and lay down all day and hydrate. But now I have a really sore throat and am running a fever!

    Sheesh. So,I'm just venting here, if that's alright. I just need this cervix to at least get me to viability!!!!! Of course, I want to go as long as possible...but I definitely want these babies to at least have fighting chance!

    Thanks for listening.
  2. teamturner

    teamturner Well-Known Member

    Hi - I'm sorry that you are having a rough day. I hope you feel better soon. It's so tough sometimes.

    I have to drink supplements, too. I drink chocolate Boost. And there are some good high-calorie recipes for shakes and dinners in the Barbara Luke book - they're actually really tasty.
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug: :hug: Sorry about all the madness this morning. :hug: I'm glad you got to the doctor and everything checked out okay.
  4. evemomma

    evemomma Well-Known Member

    Thank you all. Contrax this early are NERVE WRACKING!!! But my uterus seems much more calm this morning. I'm just going to take it really easy the next few days!
  5. heathlenore

    heathlenore Well-Known Member

    So happy that your cervix checked out great and your contractions have settled!! The contractions can make you feel like a nervous wreck, this past wed. my IU was contracting on and off throughout the day at only 15 weeks. Enjoy your weekend just taking it easy :FIFblush:

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