Not sure where to post this question - Need info about WIC please

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Grandma2TwinBoys, Mar 2, 2007.

  1. Grandma2TwinBoys

    Grandma2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    I've seen several posts referring to WIC. My DD is currently on Medicaid and their income level after the babies are born will qualify them for WIC. She hasn't done any research into this so I thought I would help her, but I'm not sure where to begin. Can anyone tell me a bit more about WIC, the application process, how it works, etc. and also where she needs to go to get info. Also, how is WIC different from food stamps? Can you be eligible for both? I've done some internet research but what I've found seems a bit vague so I thought maybe some firsthand knowledge would help us out.

    Also, her doctor is now recommending that DD quit work (she is 33 weeks) but they just can't afford it. She has no disability benefits through work and no paid maternity leave. She is already planning on going back to work after four weeks which will be so very hard. Is there state-provided disability or social security disability available, and if so how does that work?

    I'm sorry to sound like such a dummy! Like I said, I've researched this but haven't had much luck in getting the facts straight. DD does have a case worker through Medicaid and she will contact that person as well, but I'm just trying to gather info for her as well prior to that point.

    My DH and I are more than able to help DD and her boyfriend out financially, but our guts tell us that they need to be as independent as possible and we want them to take responsibility. That is so hard for us to do ... as a mom, I just want to gather her (and those babies!) up in my arms and take care of everything, but that's not healthy for anyone. My heart breaks to see them in such financial crisis, but I know they'll make it through this. I just want to be able to provide as much helpful info as I can to get them there!

    Sorry for the rambling. Anyway, any info that you can give me is much appreciated! By the way, DD is in Arkansas (I'm in Texas).

    Thank you!

    (Moderators, please move this post if I've posted in the wrong place, thanks!)
  2. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    You can have WIC and food stamps(we do). You go to a WIC center they check your pay and current bills and then weight and measure mom and the children. She probably qualifies for WIC now( pregnant women get cheese, peanut butter, yogurt, milk, eggs). It will be easier if she can sign up now I think. Babies get formula if they are not bf and if they are bf the mom continues to get food like the pregnant list plus baby cereal & juice once they are old enough. One they are a year they get cheese, milk, eggs, beans, & peanut butter and juice.

    Does she have someone to keep the babies because it may be cheaper for her to stay home. It is for me. I wouldn't make enough to make it profitable for me to work.

    There might be stay funds for disability but I don't know. I do know if the twins have health problems/are very small/long stay in NICU that they can get SS money for the babies.
  3. stephsboys

    stephsboys Well-Known Member

    She needs to contact her local WIC office. My dd is also receiving WIC but she didn't qualify until the babies were born. If she is going to use formula they will provide (at least in Texas where we are) 9 cans of formula a month per baby. I'm here to tell you that it is not enough for a month! I am in the same situation as you... I am the grandma to 2 boys and live in Texas (Houston, but lived in Dallas for many years) also. We help them alot and it is sometimes difficult to know when to let them figure it out themselves. On top of it I am a Social Work graduate student and feel compelled to find them resources! The good news/bad news is they live very close to me so its easier for me to do things for them..
    Best of luck!
    Lindy, mom to Stephanie and Nana to
    Cameron and Corey
  4. kimber074

    kimber074 Well-Known Member

    each state is a little different but I did find this link, hope it helps...

    as far as i know WIC is different from food stamps and she may be eligible for both.
  5. stephsboys

    stephsboys Well-Known Member

    Also, she should contact the local HHS office to schedule an appointment to meet with them to see if she qualifies for food stamps. Also while off of work they may qualilfy for TANF which is Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. Its not much money (about $200.00 per month) but it is better than nothing!
    Lindy, mom to Stephanie and Nana to
    Cameron and Corey
  6. Grandma2TwinBoys

    Grandma2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much for the replies. It gives me a better starting place than I had before!

    Lindy, it's so nice to hear from someone who is in this same boat. It hurts to know how the kids will struggle when the babies arrive (financially AND emotionally! [​IMG] ) and my instinct is just to help in any way possible. As you said, it's hard to know where to draw that line. We certainly struggled as young parents and it didn't break us! I've got to learn to step back and let the kids figure this out by themselves, but at least I can help with info that will help them know where to start.

    It's so hard being 320 miles away from them, but I think we would also have issues knowing how much to help if they lived close. I will be spending as much time as feasible in Arkansas when the boys arrive (or until she tells me to bug off!) of course, but I worry about when DD has to go back to work.

    I don't know how they will financially manage when DD is back at work. They can't afford conventional daycare, that would eat up all of her income. Their current plan is to have her boyfriend's sister watch the babies from 7:30am-6:00pm M-F, for $150 a week. Sounds good in theory, but this girl has NO baby experience, has just gotten out of drug rehab (I'm not being judgmental, just stating a fact), she will be moving to their area just for this, and she will have to work at night to supplement her income in order for her to even pay rent! I'm really trying hard NOT to butt in and sound like a MOM, but this doesn't sound like a good plan to me and frankly it really scares me. But I have to trust that the kids can raise their family without my two cents worth all the time, and trust that God will watch over all of them.

    Wow, I guess I'm just venting now ... sorry about that ... typical mom-worrying stuff! It doesn't stop even when you're the grandma! You've all been great with your input and help and now I've got some good solid info where to direct DD to find some financial assistance. Thank you!
  7. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    her boyfriend's sister watch the babies from 7:30am-6:00pm M-F, for $150 a week. Sounds good in theory, but this girl has NO baby experience, has just gotten out of drug rehab (I'm not being judgmental, just stating a fact),

    I couldn't be that trustworthy... if she is going to have to pay that out weekly, it might do her better to stay at home... that plus all the babies needs are going to be costly.

    Mine were on WIC, they gave us a questionaire to fill out, I had to put down how much DH made... and we qualified that way. It was a rather easy process. I got 10 cans a month per child... and at 4 months they added cereal and juice along with the formula.
  8. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I couldn't let a recovering drug addict watch my kids even if it she was paying me to let her watch them [​IMG] I know the girl is probably trying to straighten out her life but two babies are alot of work and resonsiblity! We made lots of sacrifies for me to stay home. Mine are still on WIC and will be on foodstamps soon.
  9. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Mine are still on WIC and will be on foodstamps soon.

    Ditto, and I get WIC as well... I get milk, chesse, juice, peanut butter/beans, and eggs. I get 3 cards per month. The boys get the same thing, but they get 6 cards per month... so in each month we are getting 18 gallons of a milk! (And we usually drink it all too!!)

    I am going to file for Foodstamps next week. We were on them before I went back to work, so now that I have quit we are going to file for them again. We weren't getting much, but every little bit helps.

    Good luck.
  10. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    Good grief, I would NEVER let someone who just got out of rehab watch my children...I wouldnt even let someone with no baby experience watch them either. I would think the boyfriends sister probably wont last long since she doesnt have baby experience and it will be ALOT more than she will likely be ready for for such little pay.
  11. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you are in a difficult position, but it's great that you are self-aware enough to KNOW that.

    My suggestion to foster independance would be to get her the information, and then have HER do all the applications, etc (unless she is restricted to bedrest and physically can't do it.

    In terms of childcare - frankly, and this is NOT a judgement, but to have someone newly out of rehab taking care of twin infants sounds like a recipe for disaster. For everyone. Read some of the posts from the First YEar forum about wht the first few months are like.

    From what i know, people with addiction issues need to be in a program to stay straight; which means going to regular meetings and doing stuff to stay on the path; spending nine and a half hours a day taking care of demanding four week old infants for $150/week PLUS needing to get another job to supplement he income sounds like more than anyone who is well on the road to recovery could handle. Heck, I know I couldn't do it!

    I dont know how they got this idea - but if i were your daughter I would talk to the boyfriend's sister's counselor in the program she recently left and get their opinion on this; that way it is not anyone making a judgement, but a professional saying "this is NOT the way to go into recovery".

    Good luck with all of it.
  12. witmuch

    witmuch Well-Known Member

    WIC and Food Stamps are income based. to apply for both programs you will need to find out where your local Health Department is and apply there. you might be able to get that information or the applications from the Medicaid department.

    There is also another program that is designed specifically for parents that cannot afford to take off work. in Mississippi it is called TANF. This program covers a parent up to 62 months and will help the parent(s) find jobs and help with education training for higher learning and better job pay! if this is availbible in your area they also will help with house hold bills and transportaion if needed. the sooner she applies the better she will have it. i have been involved with these programs since 1998 unfortunately and i know that it is very hard now to be accepted into these programs now. she needs to at least try. the main reason that it is so hard for honest people to get into these programs is because of those that lie to get what they want and cheat the system. you can't lie to the government anymore they will find out--lol. and many are finding that out the hard way.

    WIC helps with food but not meat!! so you will only be able to get what the state gives. there is a pick up station and they will let you choose the types of cereal, milk, cheese, juice, beans, peanut butter, and others things that are offered. unfortunately you cannot get everything they offer, you have to pick between certain items.

    For Food Stamps some states are using a debit card now like here but other states only use the vouchures, and those you can shop at the participating stores, but you can only get the things on the list they give you. the debit cards are really good if they give that choice to you, because you can use it for ANY kind of food. the vouchures limit you.

    TANF helps with money, household bills, transportaion, better jobs, higher learning/college. and DAYCARE!!! they will cover up to 90% of your daycare bill and sometimes the whole amount depending on the household income. the most i ever had to pay for my 2 boys was $10 per week per child. TANF also helps with GED for FREE. Believe it or not many states are training people to do the work for the state. this means a steady income and it is usually no less than $30,000 a year start off with benefits and 401K. this is better than most store are offering at $7.00 per hour.

    Here is another place that helps with food and other things: this is a group that offers food especially MEAT at VERY LOW PRICES!!! for $25 you can feed your family for 2 weeks with what they will deliver to you!! it's so worth a shot to check this out!

    print this info and find out! you may find that your state offers more than this. but do the research! it is so worth it. also find out where your local food pantries are and find a good support group in your area for her too. you will not regret it and she will so thank you in the end.
    i hope that this helps you and your daughter!
    lots of love and God Bless you!
  13. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    For Food Stamps some states are using a debit card now like here

    Yep, that is like what it is here also.

    I forgot to add, we got our WIC through the Health Dept. and the Food Stamps through the 'Cabinet for Children and Families' that was the name of the place. It is government based, it also has social services office in it as well.
  14. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I have always made too much to be eligible for WIC, the others have all given you some great advice.

    What I wanted to concentrate on is how the doc is recommending she stop work but she financially can't. I don't mean to sound harsh but is this a risk she is willing to take? Cash for babies? I did not get a penny of income when I was on bedrest and I was the breadwinner. I was out of work for 7 weeks before the babies were born and 6 weeks after without a drop of money. We made it work and yes, we did have some help from family. My brother was able to loan us some money to pay a few months bills until I was back to work and then we paid off the loan in full in small increments. I completely agree about being independent and I am in no means condoning they be free loaders but in my opinion a few weeks of work and the paycheck that comes along with them are not worth going against doctors orders. Does she have to go back 4 weeks from whenever the babies are born? What if they are born now and she has to go back to work while the babies are still in the NICU?

    I am not too sure how I would feel on the drug rehab without knowing more of the details but as for no baby experience? If people with no baby experience aren't allowed to care for babies then K&K should have been taken from me long ago.
  15. Grandma2TwinBoys

    Grandma2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for ALL the replies. And for the record, I feel EXACTLY like all of you have expressed about having the boyfriend's sister watch the babies. It scares me to death. At this point I've tried to just point out the obvious and hope/pray they make the right decision. There's only so much a mom can do, these babies will be theirs, not mine, and I don't want to alienate them by being pushy or too opininated. Of course, where safety is concerned I am not as afraid to voice my concerns, but it is ultimately still their decision.

    Sheesh, parenthood is NOT for sissies .... even when your kids are GROWN!

    As for all of the input about WIC and other programs, thank you so much. I know they'll be fine, they just need a bit of help to see them through this tough stuff. A little background: my DD has a college degree but isn't working in her field right now ... due to suddenly "falling madly in love" with the bad boy who can't keep a job, she gave up her dreams and career plans to stay with him and she took a minimum-wage job to support him ... not a mother's ideal dream for her beautiful, intelligent baby girl but I'm trying to accept this!!! (Can you tell I'm not doing so well at the accepting part, lol?!?) So anyway, if she/they can get through this initial baby stuff, she can try to find a job in her field and make decent money. (That's my hope anyway, that college education was pricey!!! [​IMG] )

    Thanks everyone. This place is GREAT!!!!!
  16. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Dianne:
    without knowing more of the details but as for no baby experience? If people with no baby experience aren't allowed to care for babies then K&K should have been taken from me long ago.

    There is a difference however for a mom who has given birth and loves her children and felt them living inside her vs a babysitter who wouldnt neccessarily have the same love since they are not her children...just wanted to be clear on that
  17. Grandma2TwinBoys

    Grandma2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    Dianne, please don't assume that my daughter is putting her financial needs ahead of her babies well-being. She is being closely monitored by her doctor (as all twin moms are, I'm sure) and consulting with him each week about her work situation. She changed positions within her office so that she will not be on her feet (she was an orthodontic assistant, now she is working at the front desk), and she knows the day is coming soon that she will be better off staying at home with her feet up. I did not intend my statement about her working to come off as not caring about her babies. They're not even here and she already loves them more than life itself.

    Her father and I have helped in more ways than you can imagine, and would do anything for her. We will help them out financially if they need it, absolutely no question about it. The intent of my original post was to find out some information that would help them become more independent, but certainly not because I am not willing to help. I received some wonderful helpful information regarding my original question, and for that I'm very grateful. Again, this site has been wonderful in sharing tips and information.

    I apologize if my tone sounds argumentative, I certainly do not want to come across as harsh because I'm not a harsh person, but your comment about my daughter taking "cash for babies" was very offensive to me.
  18. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    Dianne, please don't assume that my daughter is putting her financial needs ahead of her babies well-being.
    I wasn't assuming, I was going on this statement quote:
    Also, her doctor is now recommending that DD quit work (she is 33 weeks) but they just can't afford it.
    If she is continuing to work when the doc is recommending she quit and it is for financial reasons then that to me is putting money before babies. I am sorry I offended you but that is how I see it. I have been there, I understand the fear of not being able to keep a roof over my children's head but going against doc recommendations for fincancial reasons as you posted in your initial post was not a risk I was willing to take!
  19. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    I see you're in Tx. If DD is in TX as well and already receiving food stamps & medicaid, then she will qualify for WIC now & I would encourage her to apply ASAP. I am not familiar with other states, but in TX, you automatically qualify if you already qualified for Medicaid.

    Also, I think it was Witmuch who mentioned TANF and i would absolutely suggest she inquire about that.

    I know it's hard to just stop working knowing she has no benefits to assist her. But considering the consequences of continuing to work...well i hope she'll take the leap of faith and stop working. It would be awful for her babies to be born sooner than necessary, in which case she'd have to stop working anyhow.

    Is she a member of a local church? Or are there nearby charitable organizations who could assist her? I know it's hard and painful to accpet that help sometimes, but I know that with some creativity and diligence, there has to be a way for her to provide for her family while she does what is best for her babies.

    Also, there are daycare benefit subsidies and grants out there (again, I am most familiar with TX and not other states).

    Good luck to their family. She's blessed to have a mother like you, I think [​IMG]
  20. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    I forgot...I saw someone already posted the link for Angel Food. GREAT program! One $25 box of food will provide a family of 4 meals for at least a full week and there are Yahoo groups that share recipe and meal ideas for the current menu. It's good food too, most name brand even, and always includes meats, eggs & beans and then lots of other foods that vary month to month.
  21. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    I am pretty sure that her ob's office should have the form that needs to be sent in. She will have to fill out a couple parts and then the doctors fill in her blood work and verify that it is twins and then she just sends the form in to WIC. There will probably be an address on the sheet. Otherwise she could probably call her medicaid case worker and get the info but that is how it worked for me in Ohio.
  22. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    The other thing I would suggest and I don't know if anyone else said this I didn't read all the posts but there is so much available. First of all I would have her contact her medicaid caseworker to get all this information. There are a lot of housing programs that will make life a lot easier. It doesn't necissarily have to be section 8 but the county usually has a couple different options to help with rent. They may get her into a program since she isn't married that will base her rent off of her income or ever her boyfriend could apply either way. Then they give you a list of all the apartments and houses in the area that accept that particualr program. All of these things take time and a lot of follow up and making sure that things get done correctly, but if you follow the process and do exactly what they tell you to do it can get done relatively quick. She really just has to find out what's available in your area. She'll be fine.
  23. Grandma2TwinBoys

    Grandma2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much Meshell, Lindy, Kimber074, Tabbi and Ericka ... your encouraging responses and info/links have helped tremendously. I know have a better grasp of how WIC, food stamps, TANF, Angel Food Ministries, and even housing assistance works. I really appreciate your nice replies and I know DD does as well.
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