Not sleepy at night

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AmberG, Apr 8, 2011.

  1. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    The twins are 2 years, 3 months and their schedule right now is:

    7:00 am Wake up

    1:00 p.m. - 3:00 or even 4:00 p.m. Nap

    7:30 p.m. Bedtime

    DD is not wanting to go to bed lately. It is 8:30 right now and she is still awake. However, DS goes to bed fine. They just don't seem that tired to me, especially DD. Would you do anything to tweak their schedule? Maybe move bedtime to 8 p.m.? The other variable is that my 6 month old baby seems to need an early bedtime and sleeps from around 6:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. I was hoping to have them sleeping the same sort of hours at night, but maybe that just won't work.

    Also, what do you do when your kids keep getting out of bed because they are not tired? (DS is in a crib and DD is in a toddler bed). We have a lock on their door and she stands there and calls for me. I go to her and put her back in bed, but I don't want it to become a game. On the other hand, I don't want her to wake up my sleeping kids with her screaming and banging on the door.
  2. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    I posted similar post few week ago " Am I missing something?" with the same problem you are going through.
    My two get up at 7:30 am, go for nap at 12:15pm(fall asleep within minutes). They wake up at 2 or 2:15pm(so 2hrs of nap) and go to bed at 7:30 pm.
    So now is almost 9pm and my DS just fell asleep and my DD is still chating.
    I tried shorten their nap, did not see any difference,warm bath seems also makes no difference nor letting them be outside and run untill almost time to go to bed.
    So at this point I just go in their room maybe 3-4x and say its time to sleep and leave and let them "party" in cribs untill they eventually fall asleep.
    My two still in cribs but I am thinking once they will transition to beds I will spend some time sitting in their room and putting them to bed untill they get the idea.
    Sorry not much help.
    Hang in there.
  3. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't let them sleep past 3pm with a bedtime at 7:30. At that age, we had nap from 1-3p with an 8p bedtime. They would sleep until 7:30-8a the next morning. As far as the babies bedtime, could you try pushing it back slowly until at least 7p. If you did it 10 minutes later each night, she probably wouldn't even notice and might start sleeping until at least 7am for you. That would be somewhat closer to the same schedule.

    For getting out of of luck with that! :ibiggrin: No seriously, we had one who was super easy to transition to a toddler bed and never got out of bed once we put her there. However, DS was difficult to say the least. It wasn't until he got closer to 3 that we could actually reason with him and it wasn't an all out battle. We did end up having to do the supernanny approach (staying in the room until he fell asleep). I remember those days frustrating! :grouphug:
  4. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    Thanks, ladies. Yesterday DD didn't nap at all for the first time ever. Today she only napped for 15 min. I think she woke up from her cough.
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