Not sleeping at night

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sistersbeall, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    Here is the quickest scenario I can give.....

    This started with one or both of them night waking for an hour or so one night week before they turned one. They are now 18 months and this has progressively gotten worse. We are now at 4-6 times a week and it last for about 3-4 hours. They mostly just seem to play, with the occasional whine thrown in for good measure, and every now then they break down into full on screaming.

    I have tried everything I can think, no music, night light, no night light, given them benadryl, given them motrin, given them a decongestant, put them to bed earlier and later, gone in there and rocked them, not gone in there at all, gotten them out of their cribs and let them play, put on a dvd, read books, given them extra blankets, given them pillows, they have lovies, and we have even tried milk or water. ANd nothing makes a difference.

    Daytime schedule on a good day......
    7ish wake up and get a sippy of milk in their room with the disney channel
    8ish breakfast (and they always eat breakfast)
    9ish nap for about an hour (if they are having a two nap day...they are starting to transition to one nap)
    10ish nap
    11:30-12 lunch (they hardly ever eat lunch)
    if it is a one nap day they go down after lunch and sleep for about twou and a half hours. if it is a two nap day they go down around 1:30 and sleep and hour to hour and a half.
    snack when they get from nap
    5 dinner (hit and miss on eating dinner)
    outised play time now that it is not so freaking hot anymore
    6ish bath
    6:45 quiet playitme in their room with sippy of milk
    7ish put on pajamas, read a book or two, and in bed by 7:30

    The only things that deviate are their nap times and how late I will let them sleep in the morning due to how long they were up the night before, but I never let them sleep past eight.

    My pediatrician has been of no help, and I am truly about to lose it. I am so sleep deprived and I am 34 weeks pregnant and could have this next baby in 2-5 weeks according to the OB. I am just not sure how I am gonna handle three babys awake all nigt long.

    What would you do at this point??????
  2. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    For anyone wondering they have finally gotten silent again at 4:30 this morning and they woke up around 1.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: Momma! Sorry that your twins are not sleeping well and therefore you aren't. Have you tried CIO? It might be a little rough for a couple of days but it might be worth a try. It looks like you've tried just about everything.
    I don't know how much time you have to read but one book that did help me with sleep issues was Ann Douglas's Sleep Solutions for your Baby, Toddler and Preschooler.
    Good luck!
  4. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    I never go in there room anymore unless they are just screaming and even then I swoop in and swoop out. Make sure there is no fever, dirty diaper, and make sure the still have their appropriate bedtime things and leave the room with no sound or lights on. So I have basically been doing CIO for a while now and they still stay up for that long.
    I went to the bookstore yesterday looking for something that may be able to help and I did not find anything there so I will be going amazon and ordering that book. I think that was one of the ones i was looking for at the store.
  5. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    This is so tough. This week I think we have started to encounter the 18 month sleep regression with one of my DDs. But we have been sleeping up to this point. So I agree with Nancy about the possible CIO. I do think that you have tried so many things at this point as a great credit to you, but now it may be time to be a little more firm? Such a tough call. What about a drastic change in schedule. So forcing one nap every day after lunch time to get them used to a rhythm. No matter how tired they seem. They are most likely overtired so it will be a brutal few days transition probably, but maybe saying, okay, nap time is at 12:30 pm every day. And 8 am wake up is fine. That is 12 to 12.5 hours sleep if they were STTN. I wouldn't let them sleep past that if you are trying to force a consistent schedule, but I might suggest putting them down to bed a little earlier for a few days to let them catch up their sleep debt. If they have a small run of days sleeping better at night or nap, the other should align. It just sounds like you are all in a state of overtiredness, hence the lack of eating, etc. We have so been through this. If they are safe and fed and changed, I think they are great candidates to say it is time to go to sleep and let them figure it out, through screams and moans.
  6. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    I broke today and put them down for the morning nap.....mostly because i am exhausted, but they were getting very fussy. The went straight to sleep. The other day I kept them up until noon and they did not nap at all, and two days later I did the same thing and they napped for hour. I am hesitant to force the one nap issue due to them being so overtired and not napping at all, and then they will still wake up at night. We only get one night at a time where they sleep all night. I can't remember the last time I got two or three nights in a row.

    I am also having this problem.....if C wakes up her sister will sleep through it so on those days they want to be on different schedules. Everything is so out of sorts (including me) that I just don't know what to try anymore.
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