Not liking purees anymore?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by RJ2006, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. RJ2006

    RJ2006 Well-Known Member

    Was wondering if there were any suggestions on good finger food options for our 8 month olds. Its seems as if they are growing a bit tired of purees and just not that in to them. I make most of their food and they were pretty good eaters, but in the last week they've kinda just moved off wanting purees.

    I know they are hungry, because if I feed them whole peas, cheerios, diced up cantelope, etc they will eat and seem in to it. As soon as I put something on the spoon the lock up and try to push it away.

    I know that bottles are still the most important at this stage, but wondering if there are any good suggestions for finger foods. Especially for breakfast. I think I've OD'ed them on oatmeal and fruit.
  2. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You could try cereal bars, ground or shredded meats, boiled egg yolks, diced up tofu, kidney beans boiled really soft, cheese (if they've tried dairy and are ok with it). Although they're probably too young to really use a spoon, you could give them one to play with while they're eating and maybe they'll get the idea after a while.
  3. Kludelhoven

    Kludelhoven Well-Known Member

    I have a whole list of foods my dietician friend has on a list that she fed her twins, i'd be happy to email it to you if you want to PM with your email, its kinda long to post here. Anyone else that wants a copy let me know!
  4. Deyra Mavrides

    Deyra Mavrides Well-Known Member

    We started the following at 8 months (these break easily when gummed)
    - sliced up watermelon (small cubes)
    - Sliced up ripe banana (small cubes)
    - Sliced up ripe pear (peeled and cubed)
    - Cubed cooked sweet potato
    - cubed cooked potato
    - Cubed squash (they didnt like this one - its too stringy)

    I also give them organic rice puffs (they look like rice crispies), MumMum's, and Gerber Whobbly Wheels

    Its improved their fine motor skills tremendously - and they are able to eat what they like, when they like
  5. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    At nine months old-my boys-and Annabella-were eating everything we were. I would probably just start giving them what you are eating, just cut up really small. We went to Italy a few days before they turned nine months old. I had all the baby food with me. We were stuck in Rome and had to eat-so what better place to be than in Italy and have your kids have pasta for the first time?!? They LOVED it! And life was just so much easier when they ate what we did!

    Annabella was never really into pureed food. It was a fight to get her to eat. So as we approached 9 months, I just gave her more and more of what we were eating: potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, green beans, peas, cereal, chicken, pasta, meatballs, cheese, pancakes/waffles/french toast, eggs, toast, cereal bars, etc.

    Give it a try! It seems like they love the finger food-I would keep going with it!
  6. RJ2006

    RJ2006 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the tips! Looks like we've got plenty of options, I just need to get to the store!

    Tried again with purees this morning and it was a no go. But of course, they were loving the finger foods. They will need a little help until they get a bit more efficient at eating with their fingers.

    I've already noticed that in the last week, their milk consumption has gone up because their purees have gone down. I guess it will be like this till they eat a bit more of the finger foods.

  7. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    Sweet potato fries are a big hit here - as are grilled cheese sandwiches, meatloaf/meatballs, mac & cheese, shredded cheese, mum-mums, cereal bars, and pancakes. There is a great baby cereal pancake recipe on you might want to try too - my girls love them, they freeze well and I top them with a bit of yogurt or pureed prunes.
  8. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    By 9 months, my two were on table food, like Meaghan's kids were. It made it so much easier (and cheaper!) to feed them the same food we were eating.
  9. ljmcisaac

    ljmcisaac Well-Known Member

    I don't worry too much about giving mine typical breakfast foods...but normally she gets two food groups (grains, dairy, fruits). Examples--cheerios, bagel, pancakes (I make one about 2 inches diameter and give her the whole thing), baby biscuit, and diced fruit (grapes, peaches, cantaloupe, strawberries) or stewed pears or applesauce. Sometimes yogurt instead of grains. She doesn't like eggs or cheese that much. But if what I have was leftovers from dinner--she gets that. Just try anything they've had pureed, only in bite-size portions.
  10. RJ2006

    RJ2006 Well-Known Member

    thanks so much for the tips. I went out to the shops and picked up lots stuff for them that they can eat as finger foods. I guess I just didn't expect them to go cold turkey on purees!

    The cereal pancake recipe looks great. Will make a batch and freeze a good quantity :)
  11. stephsoss

    stephsoss Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the suggestions! I'm in the same boat, except my two aren't refusing purees. They just seem bored with them. I"m nervous to start finger foods because I still think of them as being my little babies. I guess I have to let them grow up & give it a try!
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