Not in daycare - how do they get socialized?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by TeeandGee, Jan 27, 2008.

  1. TeeandGee

    TeeandGee Well-Known Member

    Our girls are 15 months old. We work full time so during the week they are either with my Mother or with a nanny (in our home). I worry that they aren't getting time to "socialize" with other kiddies. We get together with friends on occasion who have kids and we bring them out shopping, restaurants etc on the weekends. We will probably also start bringing them out to playgyms on some weekends to play with other toddlers. But is that enough? Or is this too young for me to even worry about? Do children at this age need to "socialize"? When they turn 2 we may sign them up for nursery school one morning a week and another activity (i.e gymnastics or dance class) but do I need to worry about socializing them now? Or, as parents of twins, are we already ahead of the game because they always have another one to play with (their twin)? ;)

    If you are a SAHM or you have a nanny, do your little ones get out to socialize?

    Thanks in advance!
  2. Jennie-OH

    Jennie-OH Well-Known Member

    At their age, I feel that what you are doing/have planned seems like plenty right now. We have a nanny starting Monday (girls have been in daycare since August) and I do have concerns about them getting enough time with other kids. Fortunately, we have a very large, flat yard so the neighbor's little boys can come over this summer. Then I'm hoping the nanny might be up to hosting a playdate every so often since she doesn't have a big enough car for all of the kids. Then I will be enrolling them in activities now that they are turning three (min age for most thing around here) like soccer, gymnastics, dance, karate.
  3. jennyj

    jennyj Well-Known Member

    Ive been home with my kids for 7yrs and they have never been in daycare of at a babysitters...and I have never had a problem with socialization... they are around family and well Im with friends and there kids... I have never never worried about it... tehy will totally be fine as long as they are not locked up from the world
  4. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    I would not worry. At that age I think it's fine to just be meeting up with friends and going out at the weekends. Plus I do think it 'counts' that they have each other. Perhaps you could try and find a local mother and baby or twin group for your mother/nanny to take them to; those are good for giving everyone a change of scene.
  5. cajuntwinmom

    cajuntwinmom Well-Known Member

    I spoke to my pedi about this becasue we are getting a nanny and he said at this point socialization isn't that big of a deal. I would say that if you would like them to get some sort of interaction, join a playgroup or a gymoboree class.
  6. a1cbrandy

    a1cbrandy Well-Known Member

    You could try something liek MOPS

    or church groups. This is what I do...:)

    And preschool 3 days a week.

  7. ehm

    ehm Banned

    We did nothing until age 4 when they went to preschool 2 1/2 hours a day 3 days a week.
  8. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    At that age I did kind of what you are doing. We met with some friends every now and then, my dh and I also had them in a swim class (mommy and me type class, but they really didn't socialize then). We did take them to the park in the nicer weather but once again they just kindof played with each other. When they were almost 3 they started Sunday school and then when they were almost 4 (in 2006) they started preschool, the 3yr old class for socialization. They both do very well at school with playing with others and not just each other. Their teacher from last year even said she barely saw them playing with each other (they do play with each other a lot at home). So I wouldn't worry to much about it until they are a bit older.
  9. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    My ped said until 3-4 y/o that they don't gain much from group activities, not that they are bad or it won't be fun for them, but just that it is not necessary for their development.

  10. EJ

    EJ Member

    I am a little worried about the same thing. My twins are 18 months old and really haven't been with other kids much at all. As soon as my youngest turns 6 months old I am going to take all 3 babies to 24 Hour Fitness gym daycare-$15.00/month for 3 kids for 2 hours/day, what a deal. I also am looking into a My Gym class 1x/week (with 2 free gym playtimes/week if we can make it) and a Mom's morning out at a church 1x/week.

    I am most worried because Layla overpowers Luke all day and always has. She will grab him by the shirt or diaper, pin him down, and take whatever he has in his hands. I wonder if she'd do that with other kids ....and I wonder what he would do with kids that play nicely.

    I am glad they have eachother. But our days have been spent like yours, especially once #3 came along in October, 07.
  11. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I have had a nanny up until now, but I'm putting them in daycare 3 days a week, starting in February. They do not get to be around other kids all that often (at least in the winter) and when they are they get so excited to play. And I guess I just sensed it was time to give them a bit more social time, and daycare works for us because I work FT and need childcare, so I am going with 3 days/daycare and 2 days/nanny for now. If they absolutely love daycare and are doing great with it, we'll probably go FT daycare starting in the summer or fall.

    I honestly don't have time to arrange for playdates, etc. since I work FT and my nanny is an awful driver and I'm not big on the idea of her driving them anywhere. And I do have a very nice gym daycare, but my one DD did not walk until right before Christmas so I've not taken them there yet as I wanted her to be a confident walker before I did. Now I just need to get back in my workout groove and I will probably take them there once a week.
  12. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    You're doing just fine. :) Your girls have a playmate and the people they actually need to be learning from right now are adults. A 15 month old isn't going to exactly learn a lot from another 15 month old, KWIM?
  13. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Even as a SAHM, my kids didn't do any "classes" until they were 16 months old. And even then it was 2 days a week for a 1/2 hour. Developmentally, kids don't start playing together until they are around 3--that is defining playing together as interacting with each other in play, as opposed to playing near each other or simply with similar toys--a big reason why most "traditional" preschool programs don't start until age 3. It sounds like you are doing fine!
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