Not here yet... but can I get some carseat advice from the experienced twin mamas?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by momto3under3, Apr 12, 2010.

  1. momto3under3

    momto3under3 Active Member

    Ok, I have twins due in August. I had planned on using the two Graco Snugrides that I already have and then purchasing their TrueFit convertibles that I have money set aside for already. However, everyone and their brother has me freaking out about the size of twins. I REALLY do NOT want to spend over 300 on car seats (Chicco keyfits) that we won't use for long. I know many people think infant seats are wonderful... I do NOT! I have a toddler who will be 2 years 1 month when the girls get here. When we walk out the door I NEED to be holding his hand. Our driveway is at the end of our yard (not a big yard) because it's against the street it's not a situation I would ever feel safe loading the toddler then coming back in the house for the twins or vice versa. I also have rheumatoid arthritis that is particularly bad in my hands. W/ DS I typically left the seat in the car and carried him in my arms to the house, even if he was sleeping. If I ever did carry him in the seat I was constantly switching hands even for the short walk from house to car.

    We will not be shopping alone... EVER! I do not think there is anything I will ever be desperate enough for to take all 3 kids in the car bymyself to buy. There is both a small grocery store and a pharmacy w/in walking distance of my house. Our outings would be going to the home of friends or family, and a drive to give myself a bit of a break. (Maybe) Other than that I won't do it w/o another adult, preferrably daddy.

    I wore DS a lot. The easiest way I can see outings happening for us is wearing a twin in a wrap and pushing the other and DS in a double stroller.

    Sorry this is so long... but I could really use some carseat advice from those who've recently been there and done that!

  2. vyckie72

    vyckie72 Well-Known Member

    What size are twins supposed to be? My boys were born at 37 and 1/2 weeks and weighed 5lbs 9oz and 6lbs 5oz. They were in the graco snugrides. I just got an adjustable head insert to support them better than the one that comes with it.
  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I had mine at 35 weeks... a little over 5 lbs a piece, and they fit in a regular infant carseat just fine...the snugrides will be fine.
  4. amymc72

    amymc72 Well-Known Member

    I am using Graco Snugrides as well - my best friend and I had the same pattern with our first babies, so I had matching ones without having to purchase new (not that they have to be matching, but it was a bonus to me!). My twins are mono-di and weighed 5 lbs. and 6 lbs. 11 oz. at birth - we did have to do a carseat test to get the smaller baby discharged because he dropped to 4 lbs. 12 oz. - apparently 5 lbs. was the magic mark at the hospital where I delivered. And the testers at the hospital thought the Graco was too big. So I borrowed a Peg - no small feat because I delivered 2 hours away from home. And the Peg was expired - arrrrgggggh!! The little baby ended up in the NICU for a couple of days (couldn't maintain his body temp because he was skinny) - we took the big baby home and borrowed a Combi from a friend here when we went back to pick up the skinny baby. The Combi was great (and not expired) - he passed with flying colors. We used the Combi until we went to the first pedi visit at home and confirmed he was over 5 lbs. the following week.

    Also, FYI, not all hospitals do carseat tests - my hospital did, but apparently the two other locations of that hospital (same town) did not. That was according to the on-call pedi who normally worked at one of the other hospitals. Weird.

    I'd stick with the Snugrides ... there are PLENTY of other things to spend $$ on for those babies ...
  5. mom23sweetgirlies

    mom23sweetgirlies Well-Known Member

    My twins were born @ 35 weeks + 5 days weighing 3 lb 9.5 oz (IUGR baby) and 4lb 120z. We had purchased the snugrides for our girls, but since I was medivaced to Seattle from AK we didn't have them with us. The did use one for the carseat tests and she failed so we had to use a car bed. The hospital I had delivered at had car beds that you could rent so we rented two of them and took them back to AK with us. We only used them until their first Dr. visit where he said the snugrides were fine. So if I were you I'd just keep the snugrides. While I love the portability of the infant seats I also don't go places unless I have to, even though I only have one this time because packing that infant seat kills my back! When I had my twins I always attached the carseats to the double stroller anytime we went anywhere, but we have moved and where we live now those types of strollers are not practical.
  6. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm guessing you heard twins are small? I'm not sure what you meant. :unsure:
    My twins came home from the hospital in their Graco Snugrides. They used the snugrides from birth until their first birthday. Worked great for us. In fact, I plan on using the same seat for baby #3.
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I also used the Graco Snugrides. My two at birth were 5 lbs 9 oz and 5lbs 14 oz (born at 38 weeks). We used the snugrides until they were 10 months old.
    Is your concern getting out the door holding a toddler hand along with two infants in snugrides? I found both snugrides to be heavy to hold at the same time, so I always had them in the carseat first and then took them out one by one to get them in the car. What I really liked about the snugrides was that you could take the babies in & out of stores and not wake them & walk around.
  8. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    I think I am the ony one who had a bad experience with a Snugride and a little baby. DD was 5 pounds and change when she came home and even though she passed her car seat test, her head flopped around and was not well supported. This was especially noticeable when compared to DS who had a Chicco (cause he was under 5 pounds) and his head was just fine from the beginning. Once DD grew, we didn't have this issue (but we ended up getting her a Chicco anyway merely cause we find them easier to use).

    Can you borrow a Chicco from someone if you need to? DH ended up having to run out right before DS's carseat test to get one and the only place that carried it was about an hour and a half from the hospital!
  9. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    When our babies left the hospital they were both around 5lbs and one of the nurses showed us how to roll up receiving blankets to give the babies a snugger fit in the car seats (we have Peg Perego car seats). She put one rolled up blanket on either side of their legs and then one around their heads for support so they wouldn't wobble back and forth. I found this picture online that basically demonstrates what the nurse achieved although the picture is of a pillow that is designed for smaller babies travelling in carseats. You should be fine with the Graco SnugRides if you use a similar system.
  10. momto3under3

    momto3under3 Active Member

    Thank you everyone! Yes, I've been told that twins are small, so I was a little concerned. For the record DS was born at exactly 37 weeks and was 7# 6oz, so while I know twins can be much smaller I hadn't thought too much about it. My hospital does rent the car beds, and I know they do the carseat test, but only on NICU babies. SO... I think I'll keep my snugrides, hope for the best and also ask my midwife if they have any carseat programs if the seats we have don't work.

    Even our pediatrician is right across the street... so other than getting home we could avoid carseats all together for the first few weeks if necessary.
  11. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My twins were born at 36 wks 2 days and weighed 6.4 lbs and 7.2 lbs. I also used snugrides and rolled up receiving blankets as someone suggested. The infant head supports work great as well.

    My oldest was born at 5.13 lbs, came home at 5.8 lbs from the nicu, no carseat test and used an original graco infant seat before the snugrides. Blankets and head support worked great.
  12. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    Our twins were born at 36 weeks and 5 days. DD was 5 lbs 6 oz and DS was 5lbs and 14 oz. We have the snugrides. Honestly, all car seats are a bit of a pain in the rear. They are heavy and ackward and $$ no matter which one you get because you have to get two at once.

    Our DD needed a car seat test before going home b/c she was around 5 lbs. We used our snugride and it was fine and she passed. My mom went out and bought a "head hugger" for our babies. They are insert in the car seat and act like those blanket rolls. They were perfect for the first month for both babes b/c their heads did bobble. Now it feels like they fill out the whole seat :)

    Don't worry the snugrides should be just fine! GL.
  13. tpowers

    tpowers Well-Known Member

    I would just stick with what you have. Try not to let people scare you too much about size. Small babies are a higher risk with twins but, there are also plenty that are born at a normal size. Mine were born at 38 weeks exactly and were 5lbs. 12 oz and 5lbs and 15 oz. My smaller one needed a carseat test and did fine. I used an Evenflo which I think is atleast comprable to the Graco.
  14. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to say that the whole time I was preggo I was told my babies were small and were having growth issues. A week before I had them they told me they were only 3 lbs...I had them a week later (at 35 weeks) and they were 5 lbs 9 and 5 lbs 12.5. The doc had me scared to death for nothing! So, just keep in mind u/s are estimates, not true measurements, and your babies may surprise you at how big they are when they are born.

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