Not Crawling at 10 Months

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jenniferkkelly, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    My twins were born one month early (at 35 1/2 wks) and they've been a little behind on everything so far. But now it seems like they are REALLY far behind.... They'll be 10 months Monday & neither one is crawling. My pediatrician said if they still aren't crawling by 12 months, he'll refer us to early intervention. So should I just relax and let them crawl at their own pace? Or should I try to get them help earlier? Does anyone else have really, really late crawlers? DD was scooching backwards for a while, but then she got the stomach flu & wasn't on her belly for about 5-6 days. Once she recovered, she seems to have forgotten how to scooch backwards & won't stay on her belly at all. When you put DS on his belly, he "swims" but he doesn't lift up his torso at all or move anywhere. My DH thinks they'll be crawling soon & I hope he's right (even though I know our lives will be more chaotic!).
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug: I'm sorry you are worried about this. Are either of them rolling to get where they want? I'm sure Hannah will get back to scooching in a few days, she is probably still very aware of how much pain she was in while she had the bug and doesn't want to go there again. :hug: My two were late crawlers, they both crawled at 9.5 months and showed NO signs of starting until they did. Before that the only way they'd get around was by pushing themselves backwards. I think if you are really concerned, call your ped. back and ask if you can have them evaluated. It can't hurt and will help you put your mind at ease. :hug:
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    It is hard not to worry. My twins were born on schedule but looking back at their calender, I see they didn't start crawling until into their 10th month. Evan currently is 10.5 months he does the 'inchworm crawl.' He gets up on his hands and knees, but when he moves, he pulls himself with his arms and pushes with his legs. Babies crawl and do milestones at different rates. Try not to worry, he'll be getting into everything soon!
  4. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    :hug: It's so hard not to worry. I have heard that some babies never crawl. Are they able to get where they want to go via another method? At 10 months I don't think I would worry just yet. Like Liz said, you will be amazed and one day they will just "get it". Good Luck!
  5. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(jkk922 @ Mar 7 2009, 10:03 PM) [snapback]1218494[/snapback]
    My twins were born one month early (at 35 1/2 wks) and they've been a little behind on everything so far. But now it seems like they are REALLY far behind.... They'll be 10 months Monday & neither one is crawling. My pediatrician said if they still aren't crawling by 12 months, he'll refer us to early intervention. So should I just relax and let them crawl at their own pace? Or should I try to get them help earlier? Does anyone else have really, really late crawlers? DD was scooching backwards for a while, but then she got the stomach flu & wasn't on her belly for about 5-6 days. Once she recovered, she seems to have forgotten how to scooch backwards & won't stay on her belly at all. When you put DS on his belly, he "swims" but he doesn't lift up his torso at all or move anywhere. My DH thinks they'll be crawling soon & I hope he's right (even though I know our lives will be more chaotic!).

    Mine were born two months early and are a little younger than yours, but they are quite far behind in their gross motor also, particularly DD. She actually is part of EI and an OT comes out to our house once a week to help me come up with ideas for her. When I talked to her about all this last week, she said that late development is not nearly as concerning as hitting milestones out of order. For example walking before crawling, standing before sitting. I can't remember what was negative about that, but she said as long as they are making good progress and hitting milestones in order, we're doing well. If I were you, I could understand wanting to be evaluated sooner though. GL with your decision, hope they crawl soon and just set your mind at ease!
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My DS was a late crawler. He did not start until he hit 10 months and he would use his arms only and no legs. We were concerned and called EI in and they determined he was not behind in services but by the time they evaluated him, he was crawling (I guess he heard us make the call). I would say if you are concerned, EI is worth the call, it's a free service and they'll tell you if your little ones will qualify for services or not. Good luck with your decision!
  7. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(itsnancycozzi @ Mar 8 2009, 02:52 AM) [snapback]1218530[/snapback]
    I would say if you are concerned, EI is worth the call, it's a free service and they'll tell you if your little ones will qualify for services or not.

    Totally agree with this. I would just worry for 2 more months. Why not have him evaluated and go from there. But do keep in mind as you can see many dont crawl until 10 months or so.
  8. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would try to not worry about it, babies do things in their own time. I know that is easier said than done. :hug:
  9. babymOmmax2

    babymOmmax2 Well-Known Member

    I feel your frustration. My twins are a year old and STILL aren't crawling. I have their 12 month wellness checkup tomorrow, so I'm going to get more details about what I should do or if EI should step in. Hang in there!
  10. yeacab

    yeacab Active Member

    Don't worry! There are many singltons (3) in our playgroup that don't crawl (1 is 11 months) and they were born full term. Every baby is different! My friend's twins are 16 months and still not even walking and they are fine. They will crawl when they are ready :).
  11. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    I would get them evaluated now because they might qualify and EI is awesome. I am a special ed teacher so I have seen the benefits with my own eyes. I had my boys evaluated for physical therapy and they barely qualified. I am thrilled they are getting it. Now they will get it once a week for a year. I think it's worth a try because individualized therapy can even help typically developing babies. I was probably one of the few parents who was excited my kids qualify. I just know how much it helps and I've worked with so many kids who just eventually catch up with no problems.
  12. skovarik

    skovarik Active Member

    My boys turn 11 months this week and I have one inch worming around and one doing the swimming. I just had them evaluated and their gross motor is about 3 months behind where they should be but they are where they should be or way ahead in the other areas. We are getting some PT just to help them out. If it is something that worries you I would see if you can get EI sooner than later!
  13. Jody_527

    Jody_527 Well-Known Member

    I wouldnt worry, my boys are going to be a year old this month and I have one DS that has no intention of crawling and we had him check out and the specialist said that not all babies will crawl, some will go from laying on their backs to walking. He said this is because we are told to put babies on their backs and after 4 months old they are comfortable with this and dont like being on their stomachs. My little guy does have a bigger head for his age and this is the cause but they told me not to worry. His brother on the other hand will be walking soon, he crawls and walks along furniture and they were both born a month early! Hang in there! :hug: Im kind of glad its only one motoring right now, Im exhausted chasing him as it is :laughing:
  14. hsuter

    hsuter Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Jody @ Mar 8 2009, 08:46 PM) [snapback]1219399[/snapback]
    My little guy does have a bigger head for his age and this is the cause

    Sorry to kind of but in but did you mean that he is not crawling because he has a bigger head for his age? My ds has a bigger head as well and doesnt lift up very well while on his belly and only rolls over occasionally, certainly not as well as dd. Just wondering if its because his head is so big? we've joked about it, but is it true?
  15. leokon

    leokon Active Member

    My son was born at 38 weeks. Has not been behind in anything!! But he has never crawled, it used to bother me alot, but my doctor told me that some babies don't crawl, they go straight to walking. That is exactly what happened to my son, he started walking @ 12 months, and than learned to crawl. I would not worry about it too much, but if the doctor suggest evaluating them at some point, it would not hurt!!! But don't worry, they will be fine!!!
  16. colleenh11

    colleenh11 Well-Known Member

    I second what everyone has said. Some babies never crawl. Crawling is not really considered an important milestone anymore. I never crawled, my brother never crawled, my DH never did either. My full-term singleton DS crawled at 10 months and walked at 14 months. All normal development. They say as long as they try to get around somehow (rolling, scooching, etc.) they are probably fine.
  17. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    It stinks to worry about their devbelopment. :hug:

    My dd didn't crawl until about 10-11 months and didn't walk until 18 months. She was a bit delayed and did EI. She is running all around now!! Personally, I would not worry about it and let them figure it out. IT is still early adn within normal range.

    You don't need a dr's recommendation for EI if you are concerned. you can just cal and say you think they need to be evaluated.
  18. mairoge

    mairoge Well-Known Member

    Mines are just about 9 and a half months old. My DS is crawing, standing and getting into the sitting position. However, my DS is not. She started rolling to get she wants though. Every baby is differerent. For instance, my DD has two bottom teeth while my DS has no teeth.
  19. larastevens

    larastevens Well-Known Member

    i wouldnt worry, the swimming action usually means its not far behind, and then mine got on hands and knees and rocked backwards and forwards for ages. it took oran forever. then one morning we were playing, i was putting one soft brick on another and he was knocking it down. then i moved it about a centimetre away from his reach and he moved the tiniest amount. we kept doing this until he had moved half way across the room, but if i put it too far away he wouldnt try to get it. that was a couple of weeks ago and now he is crawling all over the place. but he has now forgotten how to turn over and will lie on his back and cry!!!!
    hope they get crawling soon to put your mind at ease. it does seem very common to not be moving yet.
  20. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    There is a large range of normal and actually crawling isn't a milestone. But if you are concerned definitely call EI and make an appointment. They might have some tips to help get your lil ones to become interested in moving (like putting a toy a little out of reach so they need to work to get it, etc). :hug:
  21. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    My boys were born at 33 weeks and have been closely followed by EI. They didn't crawl until the last week of their 10th month and wouldn't use it to go anywhere until 11 months. They also didn't walk until late 15/early 16 months. Sometimes it takes a while to get an assessment done by EI so if you're worried you might want to start the paperwork now.
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