Not Acting Like Herself

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by dawnmj, Aug 22, 2008.

  1. dawnmj

    dawnmj Well-Known Member

    I just a call at work from my husband that Haley is not acting like herself. All she wants to do is lay down and isn't really being interactive with him or Megan. During the day today she layed down a few times, and didn't run around as much but nothing really unusual. Neither of the girls at lunch (totally normal).

    He took her temp and it is 100.5, the concern is more with her behaviors. The girls haven't been sick in a long time so this is all new to me. Sorry to be a bother, but at what point do I get more concerned than I already am??
  2. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    My son has been sick the past few days. I noticed it when he did not eat dinner one night and then I took his temp and it was 101. I gave him motrin and he went to bed. For the past few days, he has been on and off. Sometimes he wants to play and other times he likes to lay around and gets a little cranky. He also has had some diarreah. Maybe your daughter has a little virus.
  3. dawnmj

    dawnmj Well-Known Member

    Thanks Nicole, always worries me. Haley is my quiet one in general so when she acts even more quiet it is concerning.
  4. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It's really common for a kiddo when running a fever to act lethargic. Is she hydrated well enough and when you give her Ibuprofen/Tylenol, does the lethargy go away?
  5. dawnmj

    dawnmj Well-Known Member

    Spoke with dh recently and he said she is acting a little better, drinking lots of fluids. Still not really up and about but doing a little better. Thanks!
  6. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I am glad she is feeling better. :hug99: Hope she is feeling better.
  7. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    Poor thing. I would just make sure she keeps drinking. Maybe a good nights sleep will help.
  8. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I hope it's not the onset of something. I would just continue to keep an eye on her and see how she is tomorrow. Did she sleep well last night? :hug99:

    It's not a bother!!
  9. dawnmj

    dawnmj Well-Known Member

    She is the best sleeper! (probably just jinxed it) They both sleep well, 8:30 to about 7:15ish Haley would sleep longer if Megan didn't wake her up.

    Just called home and she is playing still has a temp but doing better.
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