non-traditional crawling?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lovelylily, May 31, 2009.

  1. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    Did anyone's baby(ies) become mobile, but not in a traditional way? DD is hitching herself along in some weird sort of way and I'm wondering if she's going to get this sorted out all right. I keep correcting her, but to no avail. She is going to do it HER way. That's my girl ;) Anyhow, she's in EI for several different issues and her OT missed her last appt because of Memorial Day, so I haven't been able to ask her. Just curious :)
  2. Lizzybo

    Lizzybo Well-Known Member

    Both of mine became mobile in untraditional ways, too. One of them learned to sort of lunge himself around. He'd rock on his hands and knees, then lunge forward and pick himself up and do it again. He "crawled" that way for about 6 weeks. Now he has the hand motions down but drags his knees along the floor. He's already starting to cruise.

    The other is crawling but with his head down running his hair along the ground. He, too, is starting to pull himself up on furniture and will probably start cruising in a couple of weeks.

    Whatever works, right?
  3. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Lizzybo @ May 31 2009, 11:52 AM) [snapback]1334941[/snapback]
    Both of mine became mobile in untraditional ways, too. One of them learned to sort of lunge himself around. He'd rock on his hands and knees, then lunge forward and pick himself up and do it again. He "crawled" that way for about 6 weeks. Now he has the hand motions down but drags his knees along the floor. He's already starting to cruise.

    The other is crawling but with his head down running his hair along the ground. He, too, is starting to pull himself up on furniture and will probably start cruising in a couple of weeks.

    Whatever works, right?

    Good to hear! Thanks :) Yeah, I would think whatever works is good as long as they aren't unable to do stuff you know? I'm excited for her to be a little more mobile as she's getting left in her brother's dust right now and doesn't like it!
  4. fromthecabbagepatch

    fromthecabbagepatch Well-Known Member

    My daughter when she started "crawling" would scoot on her butt and lift one leg at the same time to propell herself forward. It was kind of a monkey crawl of some sort... and people would laugh at her or wonder if she had something wrong with her leg... She refused to crawl like a normal baby! She walked at 12 months though...which was my main concern. I think with the twins we will do more belly time... my daughter hated belly time and that might be why she didn't want to crawl "normal".
  5. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Evan did the 'inchworm crawl' for several months before he crawled on his hands/knees (which started at 11.5 months). It worked for him. Everyone is different.. some even skip crawling!
  6. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    My oldest used to roll wherever she wanted to go. She'd follow me around the room while I vacuumed, by rolling. It was hysterical and I was worried she'd never crawl. She did that for quite a long time, but finally crawled like normal. She walked a little late (15 mo), and in hindsight, it's probably from chronic ear infections which would have affected her balance. But now she's 11 and perfect, LOL!
  7. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(fromthecabbagepatch @ May 31 2009, 12:17 PM) [snapback]1334974[/snapback]
    My daughter when she started "crawling" would scoot on her butt and lift one leg at the same time to propell herself forward. It was kind of a monkey crawl of some sort... and people would laugh at her or wonder if she had something wrong with her leg... She refused to crawl like a normal baby! She walked at 12 months though...which was my main concern. I think with the twins we will do more belly time... my daughter hated belly time and that might be why she didn't want to crawl "normal".

    My nickname when I was a baby was "Scooter" b/c this is exactly what I did. My boys both did an army crawl for several weeks before figuring out the hands and knees crawl. I don't know if that is abnormal or not, but it was nice b/c they couldn't go very fast!
  8. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    both of ours did a 3 legged crawl... using one knee and one foot... the funny part is they used the opposite sides! perfectly normal. a friend of ours was freaked out that her baby wasn't doing it symetrically... but it doesn't matter, they use their brains to move their bodies and off they go! I've heard that crawling is really good for their brains... good for mathematical skills! :D I didn't help them with walking.. but they start that around 12 months... so they did crawl quite a bit before that.
  9. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Leah did the up on all 4's crawl and cocked one leg out to the side and went knee to foot. Derek did the "army" crawl for weeks before he went to the all 4's crawl. And Tyler started with the up on all 4's crawl. But he did occasionally crawl with his head down on the carpet :crazy:
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