Non-messy snacks

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by imlodog, Oct 8, 2007.

  1. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    i'm looking for ideas for non-messy snacks. i thank god that cheerios are kids love them and i feel like they eat them a lot while we are out. i want to change it up a bit and give them some other things. any ideas? i have a myriad of snacks i give them when we are home...but they just don't do well for travel.


  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I do ritz bits pb crackers and pretzel sticks and goldfish. Those are all non messy. Also, Mozz cheese sticks!
  3. guestd

    guestd Well-Known Member

    I just bought some Cheerios snack mix this weekend. It is cheddar flavored cheerios, pretzels, chex cereal, cheese crackers and bread sticks. It's pretty good. I also do goldfish, and I like the graham goldfish, but I can only find those in the snack size variety packs that come with goldfish and chocolate chip cookies. I wish I could find only the grahams. Teddy Grahams are also good.

    WENDERELLA Well-Known Member

    like the PPs, we like the baby goldfish (they are smaller, close to the size of a cheerio), cheerios of course, teddy grahms, the gerber puffs, arrowroot 'cookies'.......they love cracker "sandwiches" too (like peanut butter & cheese or cheese on cheese crackers)
  5. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I like the "Toasted" brand crackers, the wheat ones. They don't make too many crumbs. We also like Craisins, raisins, any dried fruit, really. Dry cereal of various kinds also makes a good snack.
  6. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Lots of good ideas! I also do animal crackers and break them in half so they are bite-sized and don't get them all mushy with their slobber.
  7. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    thanks everyone. i don't know why i didn't think of some of these.

  8. Appymomma

    Appymomma Well-Known Member

    Try your local health food store or grocery store for some dried veggies and fruits.
    I found that most kids love to snack on corn, peas and many other veggies that they wouldn't normally have. Because they are a "snack" they seem to like them much better.
    We get what is called, Just Peas, Just Corn, Just Strawberries, Just Veggies (a mix)
    Also the 100 calorie snacks are great too!
  9. LindyFrog

    LindyFrog Well-Known Member

    I second the idea of the Just Veggies and Just Fruits! All three of my girls LOVE LOVE LOVE these snacks! Basically, it is just freeze dried veggies and fruit- same as the Gerber stuff at the grocery store, only different varieties and a bit cheaper.
    Costco has a huge container of animal crackers, organic, which does not matter to me too much, but I do not like snacks with the hydronated oils in them (trans fats), and those little circus animal crackers have trans fats.
  10. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Goldfish, raisins (I guess they have to be a little older than yours for raisins), Nutrigrain bars (a little sticky, but not too bad), pretzels (when they have enough teeth to crunch them. Costco also sometimes sells little packets of dehydrated fruit -- they're not chewy like dried apricots, but very dry, and they almost melt in the mouth. They leave a powdery dust on the kids' fingers but they LOVE them.
  11. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    Try the Yogurt Burst Cheerios for a little variety. They are great. I think the Fruity Cheerios are a little crunchier, so stay away from those on tender gums. I have found that fruit can be less messy than many crackers - and it doesn't "stick" to clothes. Pears are FABULOUS. Yours may be a little young for grapes, but if you have the patience to peel the skin, quartering them makes a great size for snacks.

    Our pedi has told us to stay away from PB, so we haven't tried any snacks with PB, but I can't wait! I think they'll love it.
  12. avaoliviamom

    avaoliviamom Well-Known Member

    Animal crackers, goldfish, rice cakes, chex mix, vanilla wafers, string cheese. These are some of our staples.
  13. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    I agree with the PP's and would add ice cream cones (no ice cream, just the cone), sliced apples, any freeze dried fruit, fruit strips/leathers, roll up slices of turkey, corn on the cob (they love eating this while in their stroller), and YoGo's (pretty sweet, though). HTH!
  14. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    As well as all the excellent suggestions from pp, we use "snack traps". I'm not sure what they'd be called in the USA, but I'm sure they sell something similar. They're not perfect (my two are pretty good at shaking the contraption upsidedown and emptying everything everywhere when they want to) but do save on an awful lot of mess.
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