Noise or no noise when babies are napping?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by TeeandGee, Jan 23, 2007.

  1. TeeandGee

    TeeandGee Well-Known Member

    Today, after 3 months, is the first day that both girls have slept for 2 hours straight for a nap (they are still sleeping). Usually their naps are no longer than 45 minutes and not always at the same time. The only thing different about today is that they are upstairs away from any noise and distractions. Normally they are downstairs on the main level with me and they are in their boppy or bouncy chairs. I have never made a point of keeping the area quiet so the radio or TV is usually on and I am on the phone sometimes too talking away. I thought it was good for them to get used to some noise so they didn't get used to a perfectly, quiet area. But now I see the benefits of a quiet room (I do have the radio on low in the room that they are sleeping in right now though).

    So, what is the noise level like when your babies are napping?
  2. TeeandGee

    TeeandGee Well-Known Member

    Today, after 3 months, is the first day that both girls have slept for 2 hours straight for a nap (they are still sleeping). Usually their naps are no longer than 45 minutes and not always at the same time. The only thing different about today is that they are upstairs away from any noise and distractions. Normally they are downstairs on the main level with me and they are in their boppy or bouncy chairs. I have never made a point of keeping the area quiet so the radio or TV is usually on and I am on the phone sometimes too talking away. I thought it was good for them to get used to some noise so they didn't get used to a perfectly, quiet area. But now I see the benefits of a quiet room (I do have the radio on low in the room that they are sleeping in right now though).

    So, what is the noise level like when your babies are napping?
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    When ours were newborns (say, the first month or two), they napped in the dining room, and we just carried on around them. But when they got to the age yours are now, we started tippy-toeing around them. (I'm embarrassed to say that they mostly napped in the stroller or the car at that point -- but when they were in the house, we tippy-toed.) They do get more sensitive to noise once they "wake up" developmentally.

    Congrats on the long nap!
  4. runnergirl

    runnergirl Well-Known Member

    So far ours can nap with quite a bit going on around them. If they happen to fall asleep in their bouncey seats in the living room, I'll still go about whatever I'm doing and if I'm watching TV, I do turn the volume down. I'm trying to get them used to napping in their cribs in a quiet room - hoping that will make it easier on then when they are a little older. Right now, they don't seem to wake up if its too noisy, I know this because our dogs can be barking in the next room and they don't wake up...yet!
  5. babies@2

    babies@2 Well-Known Member

    Ours are a little sensitive to noise. We have the humidifier running in their room. They've been sleeping in their cribs for quite a while, I believe since around 7/8 weeks or so for naps and 2 months old for night sleep. They are getting better with their cribs compared to when we first transitioned them. In the last couple of days I have separated them for naps, one of them has been taking naps in our room. This has somewhat lengthened the duration of their naps. I'm still debating on separating them for naps on a more consistent basis. All in all, their room is pretty quiet, as are we when they nap. My mother tells me to make a little more noise than we do, she likely has a point there.
  6. boogerkw

    boogerkw Well-Known Member

    I know this is bad but I have a tv on in their room. It was the only thing that would get Skylar to sleep. Before I put it in there she would scream bloody murder for 2 hours until I couldn't take it anymore and she was sleeping with me every night. So this seems to be working and she sleeps 12 hours a night now (knock on Wood).
  7. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    A quiet room with the radio on very quietly. Not that means much, my 2 yr old runs up and down the hallway (wood floors) and screams all the time, if the boys can sleep through that they can sleep through anything. They nap for roughly 2 hours while all heck breaks loose. [​IMG]
  8. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    It's usually pretty quiet here during naptime. It's just me & the 2 babies most days. I turn their mobiles on, which are pretty quiet. Their beds are on a wall that the TV is right on the other side of, and we've noticed if the TV is up too loud - even through the wall - it will wake them up. Like one of the pp's said, mine have gotten more sensitive to noise with age.
  9. jennjenn770

    jennjenn770 Well-Known Member

    I play the Baby Einstein lullaby CD for them. It helps drown out outside noises so they can fall asleep. Usually by the time the CD has ended they are asleep. If not, sometimes I will sneak into their room and replay it. It has been part of our nap time routine from the beginning so when they hear the music they know it is nap time.
  10. 2IrishBlessings

    2IrishBlessings Well-Known Member

    We played classical music and baby einstein for their first year at bedtime and naptime. They always slept better. They even would sleep through me vacuuming alot of the times. Not all the time, depends on how tired they felt. To this day they still sleep very well with noise in the background.
  11. fullhouse30

    fullhouse30 Member

    I use a white noise machine in my twins room and my 16th month old daughters room, to block out each other. I got tired of my daughter waking up my twins with her loud voice while they were napping and when they cry at night to be fed they were waking her up. It's soothing so they like it. My daughter gets all excited when I turn it on at night for her to go to bed. It also allows me so I don't have to tiptoe around the house while my kids nap. It's great! Heres the website if your interested.*R1C1*T
  12. Stephanie M

    Stephanie M Well-Known Member

    We use a humidifier for white noise. This blocks their noises and other things going on in the house. I don't try to be extremely quiet or extremely loud. My thought is that I take better naps when the environment is peaceful and I'm sure my little ones do as well. I try to respect them.
  13. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    for the first 3 months, mine napped in the middle of everything. At 3 months, I started naps in cribs--with no noise in their room. I didn't want to have to bring noise with me wherever they went, just to get them to sleep.
  14. Laura56

    Laura56 Well-Known Member

    First 3 months they were mostly napping downstairs. I tried to start putting them upstairs to nap around 2 1/2 months and had them napping upstairs for all naps at 3 months old. If they fell asleep downstairs I would put them in their cribs. They had and still have a radio with a smooth jazz radio station playing at all times in their room. They could sleep through anything.
  15. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    We were never quiet and they napped fine. Now, nighttime sleeping was a different story... [​IMG]
  16. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    My guys sleep better when it is quiet, which it rarely is since my 4 year old is full of energy and my DH is laid off and at home... he is the original Bull in a China shop!!!! [​IMG]
  17. sagertwins

    sagertwins Well-Known Member

    well my girls are great sleepers they have sence birth napped for 3 hours at a time and sleep all night long. I can vaccuum right next to them while they are asleep and they dont even move.
    So that is usally my time to do my house work.
    They go to bed at 9 pm and sleep till around 5 am
  18. tdemarco01

    tdemarco01 Well-Known Member

    We sleep our boys with white noise. I don't want the overly sensitive to noise - it would be harder in the long run if that were the case (I live in a house iwth a very open floor plan)

    As for sleeping- - I found that my boys only started getting into a sleeping/napping routine at 4 months - so you may just be seeing a fluke.


    Teri D
  19. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    When they where newborns they slept in a cot in my living room so there was always the television on or people talking. Then when they got older i started t put them in their cots but i dont make a habit of being quiet as they have to get used to noise. You have to be able to make noise when they are sleeping as if you didnt you would never get any housework done. x
  20. mom23sweetgirlies

    mom23sweetgirlies Well-Known Member

    When ours were babies we never tried to make everything quiet while they were napping. They never seemed to be bothered by it and were awesome sleepers. [​IMG] In junior high I babysat for a lady that would turn off her phone and make her whole house completely silent everytime her dd slept, it was no fun for the babysitter. [​IMG] The sound of the water running to wash the dishes would wake her dd up.
  21. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    We have three dogs.. one that BARKS (she's 120 lbs) and one that yips and one that kind of talks (he groans) ALL DAY LONG. They sleep through dogs, door bells, cats, tv, my son heely-ing through the house and screaming MOOOOOOOMMMMMMMAAAA but the phone ringing wakes them. I am praying that they don't become light sleepers because they'd never sleep in this house!
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