No weight gain for my son

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by dtomecko, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    My son was born at 5 lbs 14 oz and by 4 weeks old (what would have been 40 weeks gestation) he was already at 10 lbs. So from then til his 9 month appointment he was way up there on the growth curve (stayed around the 75th percentile, dropped to 50th at his 9 mo). At his 12 month appointment he didn't gain and dropped to the 20th percentile. Now at his 15 month he still did not gain and is in the 5-10th percentile (still at 20 lbs 4 oz). He got taller (31 inches), his head grew, etc. Just not putting on weight. And compared to my daughter who is now 3 inches taller and 4.5 lbs heavier, he seems so small. The doctor said she wasn't concerned, but she could tell I was. She gave me PediaSure and said I could come back in for a weight check in a couple months to see if he gained. She also suggested to cut back on the milk, since he loves it and was on the high end on milk intake and probably fills up on it. He is a very picky eater too, but what toddler isn't? Lately my daughter has been just as picky, but she gained a pound since her last visit. He did start walking at 13 months, so maybe that has made it a little harder to put on weight - but again my daughter is just as active. I've tried to stay away from puddings, ice cream, desserts because I didn't want them filling up on the sugar. But now I'm not sure how else to get the fat in him. We give him whole milk yogurt, he loves whole milk, he loves cheese...I'm not sure what other fattening things to give him. Any suggestions? Anyone else's child fall off their growth curve by this much, for this long? I think overall his weight is ok, especially for a twin. But since he started out growing so fast, and then just stopped, is what concerns me.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: to you Denise! My DS had something similiar, his growth curve dropped after the 9 month visit. He was also born at 5lbs 14 oz too. At our last visit yesterday, DS was 50th percentile for height and 5th for growth. I thought he weighed more then he actually did, he is 21 lbs 15 oz at 18 months. What we do to try to put on the lbs is we will give them Carnation Instant Breakfast in their milk sippies, cook with full fat butter for them, will put cheese on top of some veggies to get them to eat it. Our pedi is not concerned about his weight at all, so though I was a little worried she reassured my concerns. I think the pediasure will help increase calories. I will give ice cream and pudding as a treat (not daily but every couple days). Good luck!
  3. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    One of my girls is very small. She is in the 8th percentile. She was a full pound + bigger than her sis at birth, but she hasn't really grown much since she was about 15 months. Her 1 year and 18 month appointment had ounces different in weight and her sis had pounds. If your ped isn't concerned I wouldn't be either, but I know what it's like to worry about it. I find myself "encouraging" my smaller one to eat more than I should rather than just putting it in front of her and leaving it up to her like I do with her sis.
  4. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    We have a tiny DD too. DS is almost always 4-5 pounds heavier than she is, and shes my better eater!
    Heres a great list of foods: HIGH CAL FOODS FOR TODDLERS
    Let me know if it doesnt work. :)
  5. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug:'s Momma. I went through this with my dd but it wasn't me that was concerned (she looked okay to me) but my doctor was concerned that she was not gaining any weight. I really didn't do anything different but she eventually did start gaining. :good: I think after she started crawling/walking/running she was getting taller but she just wasn't gaining. Good luck with the pediasure, I hear alot of good things about it. :hug:
  6. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    My boys have 2 totally different metabolisms, and even though Jacob eats like a pig, he hardly ever gains much. We went through weight concern issues with one of our docs (she was concerned, I wasn't) around 18 months. I think that once they start walking/running, it is hard for some of them to gain. I added olive oil to almost everything for both boys because they couldn't have milk (a fat source).

    As long as your child is thriving in every other way and developing properly, I'd say to just keep at it and he will grow!
  7. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(E&Msmom @ Jun 27 2009, 09:06 PM) [snapback]1371592[/snapback]
    We have a tiny DD too. DS is almost always 4-5 pounds heavier than she is, and shes my better eater!
    Heres a great list of foods: HIGH CAL FOODS FOR TODDLERS
    Let me know if it doesnt work. :)

    Thanks for the link. It gives some good ideas.
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