Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by cheriek, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    IM a big fan of "if its not broken dont fix it" but.. im getting concern, both the girls are sick with ear infections/nasty cough, they are on the mends now and we had Eve back in our room for 2 days-she slept great! and charlotte did too! no one woke up til 7:30am and 8:00am! im floored but dont want to have them seperated so soon? they have to share a room, we cant have a 19 month old in a PNP forever right [​IMG] its been so bad with them waking each other up, charlotte cries, eve is up-vise versa-[​IMG] how do we stop this? and is it ok that they dont play together? or even basically acknowledge each other is around? I dont see a twin bond with the at all and its worrisome, we know Eve is 6 months behind approx do you think that is the main reason? i hear of other kids hugging and kissing each other -chatting-mine dont[​IMG] they dont even chat after naptime to each other-[​IMG] ____
  2. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    I worried (well, maybe wondered is a better way to put it) about this for a long time with our boys. If they acknowledged each other, it was only to fight over a toy or steal food. They got along better with their older brothers (I wonder if maybe having older siblings has something to do with it too) than they did with one another and I wondered if they just wouldn't have that special bond that everyone else was talking about. It wasn't until after their second birthday in September that they really started to show an interest in each other and now they're almost inseparable. There's lots of "I need Reese" and "come on Riley." They hold hands and snuggle together and share better and play on their own without their siblings. So, give it a little bit more time and maybe once they're caught up and communicating better, you'll see a change in their behavior. :)

  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree that probably when they are caught up and can talk/communicate better you will see an improvement. My two are two and they still do a lot of independent play and then at times they will acknowledge each other (by fighting, playing nice, etc)...I would say if you are still concerned about it when it's time for their 2 year visit, it could not hurt to ask your pedi about it.
  4. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    thanks girls! that makes so much sense too! I hope by 2 yrs old they will have a better understanding of each other--its funny because they want to hang around the older boys and play with thier stuff:ibiggrin: , even Eve runs around with the older ones cheering from the side-too cute!
  5. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    I am glad u posted this. My boys barely acknowledge each other either. Doc was not concerned since it is not until 2 that associative play starts. I think they are just so used to each other that it's almost like they are not there?
  6. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    My twins are just now really having the bond. It took awhile, but they do rely on each other more & more.. I wouldn't be too concerned. It'll happen!
  7. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Interesting subject Cherie. My Dh just looked at me the other day and said, "They really hate each other." Mine run away from each other and fight a lot. I do occasionally see them play with each other, but it's not the norm.
  8. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    I knew this was the best place to ask -its not just my two:laughing: it will be interesting to see at age 2 how things change between them:) --I was thinking it was perhaps a fraternal thing but Tiffany you have the same issues so its an age thing?
  9. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    I would say that it is kind of odd.

    I don't know tho. I have no experience other than w/ the twins I know personally, which is only like 12 sets or so.. and none of those sets are identical. None of them are as close as MY twins are.

    My boys (id twins, 2 yrs old), are absolutely INseparable and always have been. We call them siamese twins! They might as well be sewn together. They go NOWHERE w/o one another. They are ALWAYS within inches of one another. They share a pillow, a chair cushion, a chair, a kleenex, a square on the floor... a piece of play doh............. you get the idea.. They sit on each other's laps in group time!!!!!!!!!!!! They pet each other and hold hands when they walk. They rub each other's backs ALL DAY LONG w/o even noticing it!!!! This has been going on since they were about a yr old.

    So, for me, I would say- no, that doesn't seem right but that's cuz mine are such Tight friends.

    I guess I'd ask the doctor. Maybe some twins are just not as close??

    I dunno.

    Good luck :)
  10. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    It could be. I have one that is delayed and I noticed for a long time, he did not want anything to do with his brother and it actaully concerned his therapists. But I have to admit his brother is a bully and I think for him, just being able to sit in a corner, by himself without his brother was enjoyable for him.

    All that changed over the summer and now they play and chase each other around the house. They just turned 2 this month and just yesterday I noticed Josh handing Jake his sippy; something he never did before. Jake has been sharing for a long time.

    Are they in any type of therapy through EI? Josh started OT (occupational therapy) in December and I've noticed a HUGE improvement in his overall demeanor. He's much more sociable and playful.

    Sorry, I don't have any advice for the sleeping. From the day we brought them home from the hospital, one could be screaming their lungs out and the other would be fast asleep.
  11. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    mine play with each other, they are 20 months... but... its more of just wanting to steal what the other has... they don't hug or kiss spontaneously... I can get my ds to kiss his sister when I ask - usually when they are in a grocery cart or something where they are confined. but they don't have a great bond yet either.

    its so hard not to worry about every thing! I bet it has to do with the delay and time will help.
  12. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I bet it will come! I used to wonder the same thing. By 2.5/3 they were starting to be the best of friends. They have an amazing bond now that just tickles my heart but it did happen long after when others around the same age were witnessing it.
  13. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    thanks girls i love to hear the twin bonding stories keep it up:)
    Judy, Eve has a OT and they both a resource teacher, but Eve is the only one who is delayed, its very rare to catch them even acknowledging they are around expect to steal her sister's bottle or soother :lol: -want to hear a funny story:) in the 3d u/s we saw Eve with her little hands up protecting her face and Charlotte trying to kick her LOL so mean, someone asked me how i need twin A and B were and i said they haven't changed since being in the womb! :rotflmbo:--
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