No sleep needed for Kaylee

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Angie26, Jun 27, 2007.

  1. Angie26

    Angie26 Well-Known Member

    Here is my situation. I have been having to work until about 11:00 due to me training a new girl. Anyway I get home about 11:00 (after I have worked for 11 hours that day) and I get home and DH put them to bed at 8:30-9:00 and she was laying in my bed tring to wake DH up. I got her some milk and put her back in bed. Then she was back up at 2:30 until 4:30. She would dose off but everytime I would get up from laying with her she heard me and woke back up (I have to lay with her now since they got there big kid beds 2 months ago) I woke DH up at 4:30 and told him to go and lay with her and she threw a fit. She screamed and screamed until I went in there and layed with her and then she was fine and went right to sleep. This a.m. I hear the toy that they push that plays music at 6:00 a.m. WHEN DOES SHE SLEEP??? What can I do this is crazy and I am exhausted. 3 1/2 hours a night for mama is going to work much longer. I feel like I have my tiny babies back, but even then I think I got a little more sleep.
  2. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    I don't have concrete solutions but I am thinking you are going to have to let her cry it out or something to show her she is a big girl and she can sleep just fine by herself. My DD learned to make herself throwup and she knew she would be held and could sleep afterwards- so we had to teach her- if she throws up, she gets cleaned up and back to bed. It's hard but you have to get your sleep - just as well as she for growth.
  3. Angie26

    Angie26 Well-Known Member

    Yes she can make herself throw up as well. My other problem, she shares a room with Kelby and I don't want them both awake, so what do I do?
  4. melslp13

    melslp13 Well-Known Member

    This is just an idea, but maybe she's a little too young/immature for big girl beds right now. Have you thought of trying the crib again? I know it's not an easy solution, but I'm wondering if she just misses the security of the crib or some other such comfort related to it. I feel for you, no sleep really sucks!
  5. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I feel for you. I cannot sleep with a baby/toddler in bed with me. I was doing that with Ainsley for the longest time and had to do CIO because it was wearing me down, this was at 10 months though. I think she might be old enough to understand that Mommy and Daddy sleep in their bed, you sleep in your bed, and we cannot sleep in your bed anymore, you can't sleep in ours. It might be some rough nights, but it's probably best to put an end to it now. Her sleep is probably so out of whack now that it's going to take some time for her to get back on a routine. Maybe an earlier bedtime is needed too.
  6. heathernd

    heathernd Well-Known Member

    Was this just a one-night event or is this a pattern of behavior? I was thinking, if it's a one-night thing or if she just started this recently then perhaps it is separation anxiety (you mentioned working a lot due to training a new emp). If not, have you considered having the girls sleep together in the same bed? I have dealt with every sleep issue known to man, and I never had 1 full night of sleep until they were 3-years old. That is when I finally put them in the same bed, and I was kicking myself in the rear-end for not trying that sooner. Whatever habit you start, make sure it's not one you're going to want to break later. Sleep habits are some of the worst!!! Good Luck!
  7. Angie26

    Angie26 Well-Known Member

    This has been a ritual for sometime. I have only had to work late the past two nights and I get off at 5 and then go back to work at 8 p.m. I have let them decide where they want to sleep and if they want to sleep together I am all for it, but what I have found is they play and then she will keep him up. They do share a room, so I am not opposed to them sleeping together at all. Yes I want to break the laying with them to get them to go to sleep, but how do I do this? I have to admit it hasn't 10 times better okay maybe not 10 times, but better since we put them in their own bed, but now we have to lay with Kelby to get him to sleep. Usually DH does this because Kaylee wants no part of him laying with her so he can just lay with Kelby, but if I have to do I stuggle because they want me in each of there bed and we know this isn't feasible. I am lucky though she doesn't want to sleep with me in my bed, because that is a no no, but I guess I have caved it and just said if she wants me to lay with her I can do that. I am typically in there only 5 min max in the middle of the night but last night was terrible.
  8. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

    i put my kids in the crib at 10 months turned on the bath water in the next room and closed the door.. after 4 days they slept in their crib.. through the night

    my ds did the same vometing thing.. i continued with a strict scheule of dinner bath teeth milk story hugs kisses touch this (special item on counter) and bed

    i also had them look at the babies.. ie baby pix of eachother..
    and look at eachother showing they were in the same room..

    then walked out and turned on the water..

    they dont wake up at night.. atleast hardly ever..
  9. heathernd

    heathernd Well-Known Member

    I wish I had the right answer for you, but I'll tell you what I did. When my boys went from cribs to mattress on the floor (2.5 yrs) I turned the doorknob around so I could lock the door from the outside. I would lock them in their room with nothing that they could harm themselves with and I would sit outside their door until they were asleep. At first this took up to 2 hours, and within a few days it only took a few minutes. Within a couple of weeks I no longer had to do this at all. I was always fortunate that other than a 6-week period of night terrors (Jackson), waking throughout the night meant a quick hug and tuck back in and they were back to sleep. I did not have to go through the whole sitting outside their room waiting for them to fall asleep again.
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