No more naps? Oh NO!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MichelleVDH, Sep 3, 2008.

  1. MichelleVDH

    MichelleVDH Well-Known Member

    I am thinking my kiddos no longer need naps!!! There goes my mommy time. :(
    They always fight naps, fight going to sleep at night, and get up early. Yet, I don't know how they would do with no naps! At times it seems as though they'll crash and burn if they don't, but when I lay them down they play for an hour before they actually sleep.
    I feel they are so young yet for no nap. What age did you drop your naps? Did you do an every-other day thing? Plus, honestly, I am a bit sad that I'll lose my re-group and quiet time every afternoon. I don't know if I can handle a day without a nap!
    Thanks for the advice; I am at a loss for what to do here...
  2. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    We are still napping here. I'm holding on as long as I possibly can!
  3. Monika

    Monika Well-Known Member

    I remember we went through a phase like this. I was about to give up as well but I knew they needed it. I usually lie down with them and they are out quickly. Now at 3 yr, they nap every other day.
    My oldest son would NOT nap at 2 years old anymore and was going to bed at 6-6:30pm. All children are different and I hope this passes quickly.
  4. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    my girls have been trying to give up naps for months. I keep enforcing "quiet time" which means they stay in their cribs (crib tents are awesome!). But we have yet to make them understand the "quiet" part. all of us need that "down time". but at some point, i'll just stop trying and put them to bed earlier. the battle is often more stressful than it's worth for us.
  5. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    We go through 'no naps' every few months for a few weeks and I think it is the end and then they settle again....weird. But so far we are still napping (one DD naps 5/7 days)

    They are fairly quiet and read/talk/sing but no screaming so all is well. I will be sad when naps are over!!!

  6. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Hey Michelle, just wondering how it's going? I just typed in "naps" in the search so I could read the various threads and posts on naps. I read your post and immediately connected as we are in the same situation. It is just all over the place and it's frustrating! Arwen can definately go without a nap and she doesn't even get cranky or anything but she is in bed and out like a light by 6:30pm. I have to be honest, there were a few weeks were neither of my girls were napping and they went to bed those nights at 6:30 and although it was so hard to get through what often felt like never ending days, I really enjoyed having a longer amount of night time! However, now we are back in a weird transition phase where Lorien will fight the nap (she has now been awake in her crib for an hour despite the fact that she appeared to be very tired and WANTED to be in her crib). Yesterday, she didn't nap but by 5:30 she was an utter disaster!!! I mean she just couldn't function! She would cry she wanted to eat so I'd make her what she wants and then she wouldn't eat and would cry. She asked for milk, so I got it for her and then cried and threw the cup. Ugh. So so frustrating. I have been playing around with the nap times but nothing works and if she goes to nap too late, she takes hours to fall asleep at night and then I have NO breaks. It's so exhausting and part of me can't wait until they are completely out of the napping phase and can just go to bed every night at 6:30. I just hate inconsistency and the all over the place schedule. It's making me batty :wacko:
  7. chris629

    chris629 Well-Known Member

    Sean went through a phase around 2 or so that he thought he didn't need them but I was very stern with him and was consistent on him going no matter how much he fought and after about a wk or so he was back to his old routine of good napping. He dropped them at almost 4 yrs old. He still took some for a couple of mos after that but it was just here and there.

    Josh still takes nap at around 33 mos. He only takes a short one but he takes one. He can't go all day w/o some sort of break. I don't think any kid can go that long w/o a break at 2 or 3. I think most kids need that downtime even if just for 30 min. Josh also goes to bed around 8 at night.
  8. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I think ours is entering this phase. They only took a nap on Monday and Sunday. We couldn't get them to nap for anything!! I feel you're pain!!
  9. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    We dropped them "officially" around the same age as yours are now, but they still nap occasionally! What you do is institute Quiet Time - and they will fall asleep if they need to and some days they will and some days they won't!! :hug:
  10. SweetPeaTwinsx2

    SweetPeaTwinsx2 Well-Known Member

    L & M are still nappers and will be 4 in October! We've had our ups and downs with nap and for the past 6+ months I've needed to sit outside their bedroom in the hall to help them remember that it's time to be quiet and close their eyes. They nap anywhere from 1 to 2 hrs depending on the day. I've wondered if it was time to stop off and on all summer but they just get so miserable (us too!) if they don’t nap. They fall asleep at night just fine too and sleep until 7-8 am.

    I agree that all kids are different. I wouldn’t give up just yet though!! Mommy time is precious!
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