no fair!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by fuchsiagroan, Jun 15, 2008.

  1. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    OK, my daughter is a genius. She says easily 4 dozen words or more, including words like "happy" and labeling some colors correctly. She also knows a few signs. She knows the word "brew" (as in "Want to help Mommy make coffee?" "BREW!"). She says "strawberry" in Greek (bilingual household). She says night-night to the tree outside the window before bed. She says "pat!" when the cat walks by, because that's what she wants to do.

    So why, oh WHY, doesn't she say "Mommy"? No fair! :(
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Awwwww!! :hug99: Lauren said a few words before she said "mama" too. :hug99:
  3. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    WOW Those are a lot of words!!!! Kevin hardly talks at all, he does say Momma, but I think I would trade it for that many words... cauz he is going to be two and EI is going to be called. :(

    She will get it eventually. :hug99:
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    :hug99: OH NO!!! That's sad Holly!! I hope she comes around soon!!! :hug99:
  5. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    She is a very smart girl, indeed! She must know how badly you want her to say it....KWIM? :)!
  6. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    What does everyone else call you when she's around?
  7. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    Of course she is a genius, look at her Mommy :lol:

    It's funny what those little sponges pick up and they don't!! Does your husband call you Holly or Mommy? If he calls you Holly she may be learning Mommy later just because she isn't hearing it as much. Just a thought. She will soon it promise!
  8. Orestia

    Orestia Well-Known Member

    aww :( They'll do it! "Dada" was one of the first words my girls figured out. "Mama" happened around word 24 or so. Not that I'm resentful or anything... ;D
  9. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    While both my girls said the sound "mamamama" first, Meara still won't call me mommy. She says Bella (neighbor's dog), Daddy (of course), Aya (Ana!), Sarah (my best friend), and Jackie (DH's sister).... but not Mommy! I think she is messing with me at this point. So Holly, I TOTALLY understand! Thankfully Ana says Mommy in just the sweetest little voice, so at least one of them says it.
  10. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Leighann @ Jun 15 2008, 04:12 PM) [snapback]828028[/snapback]
    While both my girls said the sound "mamamama" first, Meara still won't call me mommy. She says Bella (neighbor's dog), Daddy (of course), Aya (Ana!), Sarah (my best friend), and Jackie (DH's sister).... but not Mommy! I think she is messing with me at this point. So Holly, I TOTALLY understand! Thankfully Ana says Mommy in just the sweetest little voice, so at least one of them says it.

  11. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ThreeLittleSnowflakes @ Jun 15 2008, 03:17 PM) [snapback]827986[/snapback]
    Of course she is a genius, look at her Mommy :lol:

    It's funny what those little sponges pick up and they don't!! Does your husband call you Holly or Mommy? If he calls you Holly she may be learning Mommy later just because she isn't hearing it as much. Just a thought. She will soon it promise!

    This is my personal theory as well! My girls had quite a few words/animal sounds but wouldn't call me Mommy!

    Then I thought about it, since I'm with them all day I'm constantly labeling things for them. Is that the doggy? Is that your cup? Would you like some milk? Oh, who's coming in the door? Daddy!

    But since I'm not usually gone that long or they're in bed when I get back, I don't get the repetition/build up that others do.

    Hang in there Holly! She'll say it soon!
  12. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    My philosophy is that "mama" is one of the least necessary words for kids. You're always near by, you know them so well that they rarely need to call you, and you don't go out much (unlike dada at our house, who goes off to work all the time) so they don't need to talk about you while you're gone. So mama will probably be late in coming. But I'm sure she knows who mama is when you ask her, right?
  13. EmmaKay

    EmmaKay Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(CHJH @ Jun 15 2008, 08:44 PM) [snapback]828060[/snapback]
    My philosophy is that "mama" is one of the least necessary words for kids. You're always near by, you know them so well that they rarely need to call you, and you don't go out much (unlike dada at our house, who goes off to work all the time) so they don't need to talk about you while you're gone. So mama will probably be late in coming. But I'm sure she knows who mama is when you ask her, right?

    That's a great boys STILL don't call me mommy <_< They have tons of other words (including several other peoples' names), so I know it's not that they can't do it...and they definitely know who I am. Sometimes it bothers me--so I understand where you're coming from, Holly--but like pp said, I take it as a sign that they just see me as so much part of their lives that it doesn't require explanation.
  14. EMc2

    EMc2 Well-Known Member

    My two didn't say mommy til way later either. They were probably closer to two when they finally said it. My DH is gone alot, so I'm sure it was because they didn't hear it. They'll come around eventually. It doesn't seem fair at all though, I agree.
  15. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I too have one that says it and one that doesnt! I figure by the time he wants his new sportscar he'll find a way to say it ;)
  16. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I completely understand how you feel

    My boys are in the midst of a vocab explosion lately, too... they say their own names, the cat's name, and mimic almost any word that is presented to them. Consistently, they say 15 (Jake) & 10 (Jack) words each. Not bad for just having turned one! However, they have not one but TWO moms. We call each other Mommy (me) and Mama (her) all day long... and still, no "Mom" or any real variation thereof. They went through the baby babble phase of "mamamamamama!" but since they've really started talking, it's totally gone. No "mommy" in sight. I'm waiting... though I can't honestly say I'm being patient! :D
  17. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I was the LAST person in my children's lives to get a name! They said Dada, Oma, PopPop, cat, each other's names (at least Bea and "Az" for Ainsley), and even some of the cats' names before they said Mama! They would point to me if you said "Where's Mama?" but would they say it? Noooo!
    Don't worry, she will say Mama or Mommy, and then that's all she will say! Coming from someone who's in the "Mama Mama Mama Mama" "WHAT!" "I have a booger." phase.
  18. carmenandwhittsmom

    carmenandwhittsmom Well-Known Member

    I have to agree with Kelly (Snittens). Both kids said Mommy last. Now, they have started with Mom. Most days, after hearing Mom or Mommy 42,000 times, I consider changing my name to something else they cannot pronounce. It will definitely come and when it does, watch out :D
  19. twinmom11

    twinmom11 Well-Known Member

    Mine didn't say Mama until about 20 months!!! Meanwhile they had been saying Dada since before 12 months. I was heartbroken! Then one day out of nowhere they just started saying they SCREAM it. Hang in there, it'll come.
  20. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    I'm in the same boat!!! I don't understand it either but I sit there all day and try to teach them mommy and they look right at me and say dada. However they do call me Acka (which I think might be short for Ericka)great! :rolleyes: Obviously your little one IS a genious and I think all of those other words trump mommy although it would be gratifying :) .
  21. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(~* dfaut *~ @ Jun 15 2008, 10:38 AM) [snapback]827949[/snapback]
    :hug99: OH NO!!! That's sad Holly!! I hope she comes around soon!!! :hug99:

    me too.

    I think she's just toying with ya' B)
  22. kma13

    kma13 Well-Known Member

    Mommy was easily the 100th word Joss said... 'dog' being the first.... daddy being the 3rd.... GRR! It will come, she must have been 17 mos... Now Mama/Mom/Mommy is the word she says the most. :hug99:
  23. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    mine are saying mama but then again i kept saying it to them. like come to mama, mama is going to change your diaper, want mama to get your bottle. here mama made your bottle, look what mommy has. come read with mommy, can mommy play with those toys with you, can you share with mommy. i started doing this when they were saying everything else but mama and i wanted to hear it. so someone said to me that's because you don't say mama you always say look at daddy, here comes daddy, want to go to daddy. even my DH refers to me alot too here go to mommy :laughing: look what mommy has for you. give this to mommy. they don't say too many words though maybe like 6 for ds and 4 for dd and mostly babble.
  24. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Chillers @ Jun 15 2008, 08:18 PM) [snapback]828034[/snapback]
    This is my personal theory as well! My girls had quite a few words/animal sounds but wouldn't call me Mommy!

    Then I thought about it, since I'm with them all day I'm constantly labeling things for them. Is that the doggy? Is that your cup? Would you like some milk? Oh, who's coming in the door? Daddy!

    But since I'm not usually gone that long or they're in bed when I get back, I don't get the repetition/build up that others do.

    Hang in there Holly! She'll say it soon!

    How about refering to yourself as moma or mommy or whatever it is you want them to call you?

    "I'm changing you sister so you have to wait for mommy."
    "Mommy's here."
    "Mommy needs to go to the bathroom."
    "Mommy's busy."
    etc. etc.
  25. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the reassurance! That's an interesting idea - that they don't need to say mama, because mama's right there anyway. I've tried everything to get them to say it, and they just won't bite. (Maybe they are messing with me.)

    Meanwhile, add to the list of words other than "Mommy" that DD says &/or signs:


    Etc. :rolleyes:

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