no epidural?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by thuber, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. thuber

    thuber New Member

    So we just found out today that we are having twins! (they run in my family, but I'm still a little freaked out that I am expecting two!!!)

    While I was in my appointment the doctor mentioned that due to the metal rods in my back I cannot get an epidural- I should mention I have a daughter already, I had her all natural vaginal delivery 7 weeks premature. Now I asked her and she said she has to look into this, but maybe someone on here has experienced something like this before? I cannot get an epidural due to the rods in my back, however there is a possibility I could still wind up having a c-section later on down the road.

    How can I have a c-section without an epidural? I have never heard of that. I'm a little freaked out that its going to be painful if that happens, it was bad when I had my single daughter because she was pushing on my back which in turn was pushing the rods and causing them to hurt my entire back through my shoulders.

    I have a million other questions, but I guess since that was one of the first things that popped in my head when she said with twins I could wind up needing a c-section...
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    congrats on your twins!

    if you aren't able to have an epidural, i believe they would just use general anethesia if a c-birth became necessary - i would definitely chat with your doc about that. that's something you'll want to know in advance.

    in terms of pain management during labor, there are lots of options, as i'm sure you know already since you had a med free birth with your daughter. have you thought about hiring a doula? they can be a wonderful support & offer lots of suggestions for comfort measures & positions that can help you cope with contractions, and specifically for things like back labor. check out DONA International for more information.
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  3. thuber

    thuber New Member

    Thanks miss_bossy, I haven't really looked into a doula yet, we just found out that I am expecting 3 weeks ago and between being in bed from being so sick and trying to chase a 3 year old around I had trouble finding a high risk doctor in my area accepting new patience with my insurance. She already said at 14 weeks she wants to me to start getting a shot every week of (pogrestrone?) I'll have to ask again what it was she wanted me to take. My daughter I went into labor with for the first time at 20 weeks and was in the hospital almost every weekend after that until she was born because we had trouble stopping it. They put me in complete bedrest at 25 weeks and we still had the problems-the doctor said that odds are the rods in my back caused it because I can't adjust to the weight like normal pregnant women do (when you start to get heavy and you lean back a little to keep you balance-my back is perfectly straight from my neck to my tailbone so I can't adjust backward to handle the weight) so all the pregnancy weight was baring on my cervix. They are afraid that could happen again and faster since it is twins this time. (I still have to find a way to tell my family I am expecting twins! I didn't know weather to laugh or cry in the appointment. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to have twins, but I'm nervous since I've heard so many horror stories from older family members who have had twins before)
  4. lizzbeech

    lizzbeech Guest

    So did a dr tell you from your first pregnancy that you couldn't get an epidural? Or did an anesthetist tell you?

    If it was just your dr, I wouldn't rule it out completely as medicine has come a long way now (i.e. remember when they were saying you couldn't get an epi if you had a low back tattoo?) So I would talk to an anesthetist and see what he/she says and what they are comfortable/experienced with. There might still be hope for you for one.

    I could be wrong, but just trying to give you some hope that maybe, just maybe, it was your dr or anesthetist on call that pregnancy, who just didn't feel comfortable administering one due to the risks. Other drs might feel differently?
  5. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    No answers here, but if it was me: I would find a great specialist first, talk to an anestesiologist(sp) and see if it is standard or can find one who will give it. Good luck. Having twins aren't terrible. I love mine and love how much easier some things are with 2 of them not 1.
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :welcome: to Twinstuff!! I'm sorry the rods in your back prevent you from having an epidural during delivery and you are worrying about this. :hug: I think I'd definitely look into this further and I'm sorry you are worrying about early bedrest since you had it with your oldest child. :hug:
  7. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Welcome to TS!! So glad you're here! :wub:
    I would talk to your OB quite a bit more about what the plans are for your delivery, enough so that you are comfortable with what's going to happen. Make a list of questions so you can be thorough.
    Try not to stress about things that are not in your control (easier said then done,right?) :hug:
    As for the c-section with out an epidural I agree with Rachael it will probably have to be done under general anethesia.

    Good luck to you and welcome again!! :welcome:
  8. SaraSatin

    SaraSatin Well-Known Member

    Welcome and congrats on your twins! I would find a chiropractor or someone like that who can help you find a proper pregnancy support system. It is a sort of harness that helps hold up the weight of the belly, it might help your body counterbalance the belly weight so you won't need bedrest as soon.

    As far as the epidural, for a c-section they would put you to sleep for it.
  9. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Welcome to TS! I agree with all of the other suggestions to double check the epidural info and check into a doula. You may look for a midwife practice to help with a vaginal delivery as well. Congrats!
  10. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    YAY congrats on the twins!! How exciting but painful all at the same time, lol.

    I agree with everyone else about sitting down and talking with your OB and your specialist or Perinatologist about this issue.

    I had a c-section but didn't get general. I had a spinal, not sure if that's something you can do or not.
  11. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    Yes, please talk to an anesthesiologist at an academic medical center as they will be able to give you the most up to date information. My friend had a c-section under general anesthesia (not an emergency) and she didn't love it but got through it ok.
  12. MamanMag

    MamanMag Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your twins!!! I know how you feel! I'm still worried sometimes about the thought of having 2 but when I feel them inside me, I'm overjoyed!!! The first 5 months were really hard for me (severe nausea, throwing up, IV's at home), I lost 10 lbs (I'm not big to start with 5'5" 120lbs) but even with all that the babies are growing well and I'm doing good too!

    Well you see I cannot have an epidural either for other medical reasons, I had my 3 girls without meds and it wasn't very pleasant especially with pitocin... So I made some research and discovered Hypnobabies ( and I'm following their program and I'm really hoping to experience a much more positive birth with my twins :laughing: They have a wonderful forum on Yahoo. They even have a track to stop preterm labor - which I listen to quite often as I've been having contractions from 20 weeks on and I can relax my uterus thanks to it :) I'm almost 32 weeks now and no dilation :)

    If you are open to it, it might be a great option for you!

    Good luck!
  13. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    First of all congrats! The hypnobirthing could be something worth looking into for you. I had my son naturally without any pain meds and wanted to do the same with my girls. I took the Hypnobirthing course and found it very useful. My labour was incredibly easy to manage, much easier then it had been with my son. They also teach you a technique to breath your baby down to avoid pushing. Having delivered a baby once before I thought this was a load of you know what was TRUE! My Baby A literally fell out on the floor in the bathroom (a quick moving nurse caught her and DH caught me so everyone was fine :)) and Baby B came out just as easily (we made it back to the bed before she arrived).

    Get all the information you can and ask lots of questions! Good luck!
  14. SuzyHolland

    SuzyHolland Well-Known Member

    I also had my twins without painmeds
    By the time i got to the hospital i was 5 cm no meds posible
    Most women in Holland give birth at home, so no meds involved.
    Twins always in the hospital, but only meds when needed
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