Nighttime sleep help

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mcad64, Nov 27, 2006.

  1. mcad64

    mcad64 Well-Known Member

    Our DD, for the last few weeks has been waking up several times during the night crying. We go in, rub her back and she used to go back to sleep. Now it often doesn't work and we end up bringing her in our bed where she falls asleep immediately. Obviously we have created a UNDESIRABLE situation with her. How do we extricate ourselves from this? She won't even settle in the pack in play in our room (DS naps there during the day). My wife thinks we will have to move her crib to another room and let her cry it out(so she doesn't wake DS). Any other ideas. We have tried medication (thought it was maybe teething) but that makes no difference. Any ideas?
  2. mcad64

    mcad64 Well-Known Member

    Our DD, for the last few weeks has been waking up several times during the night crying. We go in, rub her back and she used to go back to sleep. Now it often doesn't work and we end up bringing her in our bed where she falls asleep immediately. Obviously we have created a UNDESIRABLE situation with her. How do we extricate ourselves from this? She won't even settle in the pack in play in our room (DS naps there during the day). My wife thinks we will have to move her crib to another room and let her cry it out(so she doesn't wake DS). Any other ideas. We have tried medication (thought it was maybe teething) but that makes no difference. Any ideas?
  3. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I used CIO to stop night waking and getting in bed with me at 9-10 months with Ainsley. At the time, the girls were in separate rooms. It took about a week to stop the waking. It really got unbearable for me, she just wanted to play and wouldn't go back to sleep, so I was up too.
    Anyway, you might be able to do CIO with them in the same room. I don't know about your twins, but mine (now back in the same room) sleep through each other's crying, but what wakes them up is if I open the door.
    I'm sure other people will have non-CIO solutions, but it's what worked for me.
  4. DebbiesTwins

    DebbiesTwins Well-Known Member

    When my girls were under 1 year old, I used to move my "cryer" to a pack-n-play in the den when I was using CIO. But then sometime after 1, I just left her in the same room w/ her sister when she periodically did the wake-n-cry thing and her sister never seemed to mind.
  5. * Dana *

    * Dana * Well-Known Member

    You have 2 options. A full on CIO, or just keep going in, settle her without picking her up, do not talk to her or make eye contact. Just a quick re-settle and reassurance. This is the longer route, but be consistent and it should work. I have done both my DD. I have done the CIO and it works very well. For some reason at almost age 2 this is harder to do, she now yells "Mommy, mommy, mommy" and has thrown up in her crib when I tried to let her CIO. So now I do a quick re-settle, reassurance, say good night and leave. It works most of the time!

    Good luck!!!

  6. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    I would try CIO in separate rooms if you can. We did this around 9-10 months as Josh got it fast. But alas poor Zach would prolly cry forever if I let him [​IMG] Then a few months later, I plopped them into their cribs for both naps and night time. It took a few weeks but now they both sleep thru eachothers cries 99% of the time.

    HTH [​IMG]
  7. kws

    kws Well-Known Member

    hi! nicholas and james have always been very different sleepers. james like a rock and nicholas literally (still@ 18mos) wakes up slightly and wimpers between sleep cycles. and usually once a night has a good cry for about 2-3 minutes. we've learned that it's just something he does and it's WORSE if we go to soothe him. that extends it. so, James sleeps through the whole thing. I've heard that most twins can sleep through the siblings crying, or if they dont they do fall back to sleep as soon as it's over. karen
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