Nighttime cough

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by JenniferBrz, May 26, 2008.

  1. JenniferBrz

    JenniferBrz Well-Known Member

    So it 3 am- my DD has been coughing for 1.5 hrs on and off. I finally gave her some Dylsom. I'm not sure if I gave her enough but dont want to overdose her. Poor thing, Im out of idea's. I was able to give my 4 year old Benedryl. He is sleeping soundly. My other twin is not coughing - yet :rolleyes:

    We just celebrated their 2nd birthday today ;) I am as overtitred as she is. How is it that DH is sleeping soundly. I have DD in the crib in our room. Prehaps that was my first mistake- but she was coughing so much she threw up earlier.

    So what do you ladies do when the coughing- just wont stop???

    Ugggh feeling so bad I bet the kids who cam over (cousins) will be getting whatever this lovely virus is... It Just came on the am of the party. But my older DS coughed all over the entire time. UGGH I feel so bad.....
  2. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    You could try raising her head/chest a bit. Fold some blankets and put them under the head end of the mattress so that she is sleeping on an incline.
    The only other thing I can think of is to have a bottle/sippy of water to hand so that if you both wake up you can give her a few sips.

    I hope she feels better and you can both get some sleep. Fingers crossed that your other son doesn't get it too.

    Also :birthday: Ethan and Ella!
  3. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    If the coughing is continuing after a long period (2 weeks), I think I would be visiting my pedi about it.
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    If you can proper her head up a little bit it will help. Delsym is what my pedi recommends. I can't remember when I gave benadryl, but I am sure it was around 2. That will help dry her out a little. :hug99: Sorry you are so whipped!! :hug99:
  5. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    Mucinex during teh day to get the phlegm loose and out and cough suppresant @ night is what we do.
  6. Joanna G

    Joanna G Well-Known Member

    One of my boys just had a virus that gave him a bad night cough for almost 2 weeks. I think he may have had some allergy problems making it worse. I gave him Ped Sudafed which worked wonders. It dried up his sinuses & stopped the postnasal drip which causes his cough. When they have a cold I put Vicks on their feet, covered by socks.
  7. annieuetz

    annieuetz Well-Known Member

    My girls (2 1/2 years old) just went through this. We put phone books (we have thick ones) under the feet of their cribs to prop the bed at an angle (pedi recommended that). We put Baby Vicks on the bottom of their feet and then put socks on them and put the baby vicks on their chests. Suctioned out their noses, gave them ibuprofen (motrin) and a tsp of honey. We also would give them a neubulizer treatment right before bed if we heard wheezing but we didn't have to do that every night.
  8. JessicaD

    JessicaD Well-Known Member

    We have given Benadryl since about 10 mos (recommended by my cousin the nurse to help them sleep through teething). You can find proper dosing by weight online. I also just went through this coughing thing with Donovan, and the Benadryl was the only thing that worked w/ the nose, and we also propped him up. The other Godsend I've found is Hyland's honey cough syrup...they're the same ones that make those awesome teething tablets. I've only found it in one CVS around here (the biggest one), and it was like $7.99/bottle, but it worked like a charm, and he took it so easily because it was sweet.
  9. AlphaBeta

    AlphaBeta Well-Known Member

    A nice sip of water then a good spoonful of honey (prob 1/2 tbsp). If that doesn't work, repeat water then honey in another 30 mins to an hour. If that still doesn't work, I warm 1/3 cup or so apple juice (the good thick stuff with lots of pectin) in the microwave for 10 or 20 seconds to get it warm, and let them sip it thru a straw - the warmth relaxes the throat and the juice helps coat it. Apple juice is less acidic than other juices, but I'd guess in a pinch you could use grape or pear, or fruit punch. I'd avoid orange, lemonade, cranberry, pineapple juice.

    If that still doesn't work, Benadryl. It will dry them up and act as a cough suppressant (since it makes them sleepy). I've used Delsym in the past, but found it less than effective, and it certainly dosen't last the advertised 12 hrs. We've been giving them Benadryl since they were about a year, sanctioned by their Ped. Right now they get 3/4 to 1 tsp every 4 to 6 hrs depending on severity of symptoms as needed. They weigh around 32 lbs, I think. At 2 yrs, I think the kids were getting 1/2 tsp. But like pp said, there's proper dosing tables online - maybe Dr. Sears website?

    I like to start with the least amt of medicine and work my way up to what's needed. For a while, we were giving them so much (not overdosing, just so many types so often) and it finally occured to me that it's not working. Stop the meds and step back. So, the first spoonful of honey usually works for us, but occasionally we get all the way to the juice. When I know they are sick and will be coughing, I usually Benadryl them before bedtime to get in front of the cough response. Elevating their head is good, but only if your child will stay mostly in that position. If you have a whirlygig, you could end up with their head on the down end. A humidifier might help - I'm not convinced they do any good. You can also take them into a bathroom and run the shower on hot to let the air steam up, and if that doesn't work, go stand in front of the freezer (with the door open). Sometimes changing the temperature they are breathing, either way, helps.

    Can you tell I deal with a LOT of night time coughing? My DD is scheduled to have her adenoids out next month due to this ... another post.
  10. JenniferBrz

    JenniferBrz Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much ladies YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!! I TRULY appreciate all of your advice. I am so tired right now- I want to read this more closely- I wonder if their is a way to pront out a thread??

    Thanks again!!!!
  11. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    Our ped. just told me that recent studies have found honey to be more effective than cough medicine.

    Good luck! Hioe you all get some rest!
  12. Mum2TwinBoys

    Mum2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    Honey is a wonder med if you can get your babe to take it, for some bizarre reason my kids hate it. I have used the mucinex, another great item. I am one to avoid meds if I can help it so when I do use it I can use very little. My doc said humidifiers a good. If you can get her in the cold air that is also supposed to help, though I guess it depends on what the cough is so scratch that, that is for my guys with asthma.

    The other thing to check on is the dust. A major allergen is dust so make sure you really get in there and take care of all that. Make sure the sheets and blankets are washed, bathing them at night to get all of the outside allergens off before bed may help. Pets are said to be cause of allergens, (I have a big dog and haven't and won't take any measures there). Vacuum under the bed, any shelves or ceiling fans, any lovies put in a trash bag and freeze to kill dust mites. If I can think of anything else I will be sure to post again. Oh and make sure there is no mold on the windows or anything like that. Please don't think I am telling you your house is dirty, these are all things I have had to look for and found that my cleaning wasn't up to par in the bedrooms. I really never noticed the windows but when I did I saw the mold from the condensation I guess.
  13. Jennib9

    Jennib9 Well-Known Member

    My 3 girls have all been sick for 2 weeks too (I love the idea of the vicks on the feet!!) but since one is coughing a lot mostly at night I am wondering if it is either allergies or a sinus infection (from experience about 6 weeks ago, my oldest had a constant cough at night and after a week I brought her to the Dr. and it was a sinus infection-the cough was just a product of the post nasal drip) I am taking Annabelle to drs. today to find out which it is... hoping for allergies. I think.... :rolleyes:
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