Night wakings. . . what are the reasons or causes?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kaysyd, Feb 20, 2007.

  1. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    We have gone through a month of good sleep and bad. SOme nights the girls will cry out for a few minutes and then back to sleep for an hour and then repeat ALL night long! I have read about the milestone issue- when they are reaching milestones, it may interfere with sound sleeping. Do you know of any other causes? Syd did it all night last night- and I was just trying to figure if there was something else causing it. I tried the transition to one nap a month or so ago and that was a no go. They still are going down at 2 1/2 hours after being up, sleep for an hour and then take a mid afternoon nap (2-3:30 usually). I don't think they are ready yet for the one nap because when I tried that- they were beyond crabby, unable to comfort, and really waking up for longer periods throughout the night- even CIO didn't work.
  2. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    We have gone through a month of good sleep and bad. SOme nights the girls will cry out for a few minutes and then back to sleep for an hour and then repeat ALL night long! I have read about the milestone issue- when they are reaching milestones, it may interfere with sound sleeping. Do you know of any other causes? Syd did it all night last night- and I was just trying to figure if there was something else causing it. I tried the transition to one nap a month or so ago and that was a no go. They still are going down at 2 1/2 hours after being up, sleep for an hour and then take a mid afternoon nap (2-3:30 usually). I don't think they are ready yet for the one nap because when I tried that- they were beyond crabby, unable to comfort, and really waking up for longer periods throughout the night- even CIO didn't work.
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    The other things that come to mind that would cause that kind of brief frequent waking are teething and illness. You did say your kids had just been sick -- maybe it's still bothering them a little? Also, it is normal to wake up during the night, but maybe they just don't usually cry out, but now they are doing it because they're having a bout of separation anxiety?

    Or maybe they're too hot or too cold, or there is an unfamiliar noise in their room?

    Sorry, no real answers -- but it seems there could be a variety of causes. It does sound like you're right that they're not ready for one nap, though. If they are only crying for a minute or two and then back to sleep, there's probably nothing really wrong, just something that's interfering with them sleeping soundly (as you said).
  4. girlsxtwo

    girlsxtwo Well-Known Member

    Sometimes teething can bother them, do you know if they are cutting any new teeth? My girls go through stages where they do this and I just can't pinpoint a reason. Sometimes I think maybe they are cold or hot or whatever!!! It's hard to figure these little ones out at times.
  5. thompsontwinners

    thompsontwinners Well-Known Member

    They could be getting too much day sleep. Even though they are not ready for one nap, their naps might need to shorten just a little to consolidate more sleep at night. Maybe try taking one nap and cut it back to only 2 hours. I am not sure.
    Teething shouldn't waken a child. So my girls only would wake at night if they were overtired. Not enough sleep. But it sounds like your girls are getting some. Hang in there and continue to be consistent!
  6. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Are there any noise changes? Mine sleep sound because I keep on the humidifier every night, and it blocks out all other noises.

    But as a PP mentioned sickness... it can mess up a schedule... even if they are over being sick... it can take some time getting back on the schedule.

    Hang in there, I hope everything gets worked out for you.
  7. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    How about ear infections?? These can linger around with few (if any) symptoms. I think if they are sleeping well during both naps then they still need them.

  8. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    The night before they slept soundly- I was terrified something happened while they were sleeping. It's not consistent- and I look back at how much sleep they have gotten during the day and not gotten during the day it is consistent. I'll have to monitor that closer- maybe track and see if it is overtiredness or too much sleep. ?? Thanks ladies!

    I was searching for any other things out there I may have missed!
  9. Holly Wiebe

    Holly Wiebe Well-Known Member

    Mine do this if they are over-tired. Especially if we put them to bed too late - regardless of how much they nap during the day.

  10. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Mine tend to have more night wakings when they are not sleeping well (overtired). So if we've had days of bad naps, early wakings, etc. then they wake up more at night. When they are well rested they usually sleep through no problem. Have you tried putting them to bed earlier? They might need the extra sleep for a week or two and then when they are caught up they will wake less at night.
  11. kerilynh

    kerilynh Well-Known Member

    Mine are doing that to, I think because of noise issues. We live in an apartment with an upstairs neighbor and they walk very heavy. I have to keep a fan and a humidfier on to block out noise, but sometiems that isn't enough. I know other times like middle of night, it is because they "lost" their wooby.

  12. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Are they screaming with closed eyes and difficult to console or are they waking up and wanting to play? I ask because mine are sensitive to irregular sleep patterns so a bout of teething or an illness or just plain too much activity in a day results in confusional arousal. They'll have 1-3 episodes between bedtime and midnight and then sleep normally after that. It scared the heck out of me the first time I picked one up in the middle of it and he arched his back and flailed -- completely unaware that his mommy was trying to comfort him.
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