Night waking at 18 months!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sruth, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    My Lo's will be 18 months old tomorrow. One DD has been sleeping through the night (12 hrs) since she was 5 months old. However, I can count on one hand how many times my other DD has slept through the night without a peep. They are in separate rooms and we rarely go in my DD's room since she just cries for less than two minutes or like last night, plays for an hour or so!
    When she cries I listen to make sure she falls back asleep or when shes playing I just put in my ear plugs for the rest of the night. But next week I'll be going back to work and I'm worried about the lack of sleep or energy. Normally I wake with the girls after 7am and slip into jeans, but now I'll have to get up earlier to get ready for work and slip into "work" mode. Please tell me there is hope... :mellow:
    I should mention they both typically sleep 7pm-7am and have one nap 12pm-2pm.
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    So is she always getting up crying for a few minutes and then playing? Or are there times when she wants out and you go get her? :hug:
  3. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    My LOs are very close in age to yours. Mine also sleep 12 hours (9pm-9am) and nap around the same time. I found with my DD that teething would wake her in the night. I also discovered the more I went to her, the more she wanted my company so I stopped going to her (once I was happy she had had her needs met). She would have a mini tantrum (screaming) but I´d just ignore her and she quickly got bored (amazingly her brother would sleep through it all!). I´ve read that by going to our LOs in the night for problems like teething, illness, etc, can cause habitual waking later on. Has this happened at all? It did with me, which is why I ask. I´d carry on as you are and leave her to it. As long as she doesnt seem distressed then she will fall back to sleep on her own.

    As for work, I give class at 8am every morning and there are days when I´m exhasuted. However, I dont have many classes and am at home with the twins in the mornings (they go to nursery in the afternoons). You will adapt to working again though it may be hard in the beginning, but hang in there! :youcandoit:

    Edited to add: Happy 18 months!! Has it gone by quickly for you!?
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    That's my question too. My DD went through a similar phase and as long as she was playing quietly I let her be. Eventually she did get through it and now sleeps through the night. The only time I would check on her if she was seriously bawling and I'd make sure she did not have stinky or wasn't feeling ill.
    Happy 18 months!
  5. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    I rarely go in her room, she either cries for just a bit (once or twice a night) and goes back asleep or awakes and plays for at least 45 minutes. The times I have gone in is because she was crying very loudly and sounded in distress, but I'm never in there more than 10 seconds, I don't turn on the light and avoid eye contact. They've never been really sick and they eat a lot everyday...The only thing I can think of is maybe they (she) needs more physical activity during the day?
    It just never seems like she will ever sleep through the night! :blink:
  6. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Mine took a long time to STTN, but they would wake up screaming and acting a fool. :) Finally, we decided to run a fan in our room, so they don't wake us. I'll still wake up if it's really loud crying, but the jabbering and whimpering don't phase me any more.

    Maybe you could try some white noise for yourself.
  7. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    Thanks Sullivanre! I have a third sound machine that I tried last night and it worked! I heard Julia a bit but my mind must of then focused on the white noise and I fell back to sleep! Oh man I hope it keeps working...
  8. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Me too girl!! Believe me I know your pain. In fact, last night was terrible in our house, the boys were up for nearly 2 hours, which hasn't happened since they were newborns. Ugh!! We finally turned the fan up to level 3 and put them back in bed around 12:45.

    I really don't know how people with baby monitors do it. To me those things are torture devices.
  9. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Rachel I think my DH feels the same way but he deals with it :) The kids sleep on the opposite side of the house and we keep both their door & our door shut so I like the security of the monitor on level 1. generally we don't hear anything but their white noise machine as we have the baby monitor right next to it in their room :) So both babies & parents get it and we only really hear them if they are crying.
    Dh wanted to get rid of the thing a long time ago, but he lets our 2 small dogs sleep in bed with us and that's not changing anytime soon- so neither is the monitor :) Its our compromise.
  10. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    Rose has been waking [for the past week or so] about 2 hrs after going to bed. I realized what she does.. gets up.. is hanging out and playing with her glow worm [i.e. plays it about 10 times] while sipping on her water sippy. She does cry a bit, but I typically leave her alone. Every night before I go to bed I check on them to make sure they are covered with blankets [and lately check on Rose's sippy - it's been empty. Go figure]

    And yes, we've turned on the fan a few times because of the noise.. We've actually considered getting a sound machine for our room too! :p

    On another note. Make sure to keep your attention on whether or not they may be teething. Mine recently went through an 8-teeth teething stage [including all canines and 1yr molars - no fun] and they'd wake up in pain frequently.
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