Night two without paci NOT GOOD

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by JenniferBrz, Mar 15, 2008.

  1. JenniferBrz

    JenniferBrz Well-Known Member

    Uh oh, night 2 without the pacifier. Crying, turned on the light, kicking the door, throwing things, keeping the twins up..... I can't give in, I can't give in, I can't give in, oh no he is destroying his room!!!


  2. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    You can do it!!! Our Nighttime terrors post paci lasted a week....yes a week. Hardest week since they were born to be honest. It took a month or 2 to get back on track...but now 3 months later we are good again (naps and going to bed).

    STAY STRONG!!! and lots of hugs!
  3. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    Don't give in ... stick to your guns. When he finds out you don't, he'll give up ... pretty quickly.

    Hang in there and stay strong.
  4. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Be strong. I won't tell you how long our fits lasted....but DON'T GIVE IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. JenniferBrz

    JenniferBrz Well-Known Member

    An update: when DS woke up thise morning, he looked like a wreck! I mean terrible- Poor guy. This is breaking my heart. Is it really necesssary? Won't he give it up himself? Ped said get rid of if becuase of his teeth. The dentist across the street said no worries and thumb is MUCH worse.. He has never seen any damage with a rubber tip paci....

  6. NatalieK

    NatalieK Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(JennX2 @ Mar 16 2008, 10:10 AM) [snapback]671372[/snapback]
    An update: when DS woke up thise morning, he looked like a wreck! I mean terrible- Poor guy. This is breaking my heart. Is it really necesssary? Won't he give it up himself? Ped said get rid of if becuase of his teeth. The dentist across the street said no worries and thumb is MUCH worse.. He has never seen any damage with a rubber tip paci....


    We were going to give them up this month and I chickened out. I googled online to see what damage they could cause to teeth and I honestly coulden't find anything that said it was damaging longterm unless they used the paci until they were 5 or 6. Since your neighbor the Dentist said the same thing, I'd be second guessing myself too. I know everyone is telling you not to give in, but if you decide to give it back, don't feel bad. I know mine would be a nightmare without their pacis but they know they are only for bedtime. I decided that it's just not worth the fight for me or them right now.
  7. JenniferBrz

    JenniferBrz Well-Known Member

    Thaks Natalie, DS turned 4 last week. With no sight of giving it up just for bedtimes mind you- I decided it was time.... Thanks for the support. I talk to him about it during the day, tellinghim how proud I am of him etc... He watches out the window for the fairy to bring his "plug" back... Heartbreaking!!! I know he will get through it- poor little guy. I doubt I will force the issue with my twins... I think how I have to move them to a toddler bed (DD is already getting out of her bed)- then she lays on a blanket next to her twin- soooo sweet! Then I know we will be moving them into their own room etc.. So many milestones and they just use the "night night's to sleep. That was a struggle to give them up even during the day. I kept saying "no those are for night night time" Hence they call them night night's- adorable.

    Thanks for your support. I'll update you on tonight.

    I wonder if he is going to give up his naps completly now? If he doesn't have his paci... uggh.. That was a nice break. He usually slep 3 lhours like the twins- even at the sme time! I have not even treid to get him to nap because I know where it will end up. I think maybe he will be more tired at night. Of course that may lead to more crying for his paci... ahhh where did I put that instruction manual for kids?? he he

  8. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    Oh man... I have no advice... just sending good vibes your way!~~~~~~~~~~~
  9. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Oh Jenn. I know you want to throw the towel in but in your original post about whether to do it or not, I voted to let him give it up on his own. I don't CARE what the doctors say. If we have to deal with braces in the future so be it but I don't think they are as bad for the teeth as most people make it out to be. I think the finger sucking is much worse because the finger sucking actually puts pressure on the front teeth. Much more than the paci. I'm not going to tell you what you should or shouldn't do. As I said in my post in your other thread, follow your heart. Do what you feel is best. If you want to give it back to him then do it and don't look back and don't worry about what ANYONE tells you. If you want to keep trying then stick to your guns but be prepared that it could take a few days or a few weeks or even months to get life back to normal. But, if you do decide to give it back to him, be prepared to be commited to be ok about it. We are not talking about a life threatening situation here. It's just this little plastic bubble that gives some kids the comfort they need to destress from all the chaos and stimulation of a constantly exploring and learning little mind. JMO
  10. JenniferBrz

    JenniferBrz Well-Known Member

    You are so sweet! Thank you for your unconditional support!. I really thought I ws doing the right thing- but my heart is aching for him!! I will see how tonight goes...

    My mom was telling me how I was very attached to my paci and one day she "gave it to the garbage man" I actually think I can remember that. How awful! I actually feel a little mad at her! It seems so heartless!

    It seems like lately I am second guessing myself and feeling guilty over everything! What is going one with me?

    Thanks for hearing me out!!

  11. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I really don't know what to tell you, but I love what Mel said! If you are going to do it, go all the way without looking back. If you aren't, then just give them back. :hug99:

    You probably thought the garbage man was pretty cool at the time ;)
  12. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(JennX2 @ Mar 16 2008, 04:51 PM) [snapback]671680[/snapback]
    It seems like lately I am second guessing myself and feeling guilty over everything! What is going one with me?
    Thanks for hearing me out!!

    Jenn, nothing is wrong with you at all. I think second guessing yourself as a parent is what makes you such a great parent! We have choices all the time. It's kind of like this. Imagine a game of tug of war. You have opposing possiblities on either side. On one side people are screaming NO PACIS, NO PACIS, NO PACIS and pulling with all their might. Then you have the otherside where people are pulling with all THEIR might screaming IT'S OK, GIVE HIM THE PACI! IT'S OK, GIVE HIM THE PACI! And there you are in the middle. You ultimately will decide either which side you will choose to win the game or simply decide to just play your OWN game. Does this analogy make any sense? LOL Well it does in my head. I used to be that way with EVERYTHING. I found myself listening to this person or that person. I had a ped (who was not our regular ped) who made me feel bad and said "You have to take the pacifier away now." Dh and I got home and were very stressed about it and in the end, we basically said, "You know what? Screw her. She's not the parent of our kids." To be honest, I don't think she even has any kids but that's besides the point. So we decided, we weren't going to stress out about the whole thing and WE as Lorien's parents decided that she can have it for bedtime and naps as long as she feels she needs it. I guess you could say, we basically quit the game of tug of war and decided to play our own game. What ever you decide to do I wish you the best of luck.
  13. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    You are stronger than me!

    I hope they can get over it soon... :hug99:
  14. JenniferBrz

    JenniferBrz Well-Known Member


    Thank you so much. You are a God send! You make total sence. I agree fully! I was willing to give in tonight. DS started acting tired and moopy this afternoon. He did not take a nap, slept awful the night before, so I thought maybe he was really tired. I decided that's it, I'll give him one of the babies tonight. Then I realized he was sick. 101 degree temp- he sounds a little crouppy. I read him a few books, layed in bed with him for awhile and stayed in his room for longer than normal, just waitng to hear him ask for his "plug" HE DIDN"T!!! He did ask to sleep in the crib in our room. Which is reserved for usually one of the twins who may wake up at night... And for older DS if he has a nightmare or is sick. I promised him that I will check on him before I went to bed.

    I will go up and check on him in a few minutes.

    So, I guess we will see...

    Thanks girls,

    I'll keep you posted

    I hope my ordeal help someone else

  15. KellyJ

    KellyJ Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(JennX2 @ Mar 16 2008, 11:10 AM) [snapback]671372[/snapback]
    An update: when DS woke up thise morning, he looked like a wreck! I mean terrible- Poor guy. This is breaking my heart. Is it really necesssary? Won't he give it up himself? Ped said get rid of if becuase of his teeth. The dentist across the street said no worries and thumb is MUCH worse.. He has never seen any damage with a rubber tip paci....


    I know people really push getting rid of a paci by a certain age or whatever, but we did things a little differently and I'm happy we did. I have not read al the responses, but I will share that my 4 yr old has recently made the decision by himself to give up the paci. Yes, he's 4 and still has had a paci. We discussed giving it up many times but it never seemed the right time. Once he was over 2, we restricted it to the house only and only when we didn't have company. For a long time he has only used it when he sleeps or when he's terribly upset about something. For some reason he woke up one morning about 6 weeks ago and said his teeth were hurting. I took the opportunity and said it was probably his paci making his teeth hurt and since then, he has not slept with it and has only asked for it a handful of times only to give it back and say he doesn't want his teeth to hurt. I'm actually glad we have left it up to him with a little encouragement from time to time from us to give it up when he was ready. It has not been a struggle and he decided when he was ready so it has been so super easy. His teeth are just fine BTW. His dentist encouraged him at his last visit to give the paci up by his next visit in May. Aaron told me the other day he can know tell the dentist he gave up the paci and he's really proud. I'm happy for him. This is what worked for us and was right for us. Everyone is different and have already started the addiction-breaking process so I'm not sure I'd stop but if you do, maybe limit his time with it. Good luck and hang in there!


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