Night time wake-ups?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mommaoffour_ohmy, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. mommaoffour_ohmy

    mommaoffour_ohmy Well-Known Member

    Lilly is fairly good, she will sleep 6-9 hours at a time at night, usually solid, without waking.

    Logan... ((sigh)) is up every 45min-2 hours every single night... he wont take a bottle or a paci, he wants to be held.

    I dont take them out of thier cribs ever, and they have been sleeping in thier cribs since they were 6 weeks, if anything I turn on the vaccum, which hushes them right back to sleep, but always wakes up my other two. They go to bed between 4:30-5:15pm after bath's and after they have been awake a good 1 or 2.

    Im wondering, if your twinks did this, what did you do?
    I wont let them CIO all night every single time he wakes, but he doesnt even know why he is awake, its almost like a habit at this point for him. I switch his positioning, change diaper etc... nothing works.
    Should I let him CIO to every other wake time? Ive let him CIO a couple times when he does this and he doesnt last longer than 5-10min crying and Lilly sleeps right through it. But these are babies #3&4 so we arent new to getting something down that works. Im home by myself and night 6out of 7 nights, so its on me to make it work, any ideas would be great.
  2. Cjoy

    Cjoy Well-Known Member

    I am only guessing at this... but my guys (now 7 months) slept a bit better...DS 1 slept great, waking only once and not every night...DS 2 woke up constantly. We did CIO at 4.5months for naps & bedtime (that helped with STTN), also during the night if they woke up before 3am (bedtime is 7), we would ignore them until it turned into an all out cry, then we would rub bellies and turn on mobiles and leave the room. Now we wait until closer to 4am, so it pushes the wake up time to 730 or so.

    Have you taken a look at "Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child"? This was a huge help!

    How is the napping going during the day? As explained in this book, "Sleep begets Sleep" the better they sleep during the day, the better they will sleep at night. It also discusses why they get up...are they hungry? lonely? or is it habit (as you mentioned)?

    At 4 months my guys were taking 2 naps, 1.5hrs each, and then a little cat nap just before dinner...and in bed by 630-7.

    We also have a white noise machine in their room all the time (even for naps), and often run the humidifer...that may help as well.

    When DS 2 gets up, he normally does not wake DS 1...and we do not have any other kids, so it is easier for us than for you.

    Best of luck! I can't imagine doing the night shift alone.
  3. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    I do something similar. The girls are 6mos now. They can sleep 7-7 without waking. Sometimes one or both wake around 3am for a paci. If they wake at before 6am I will go in replace paci, give them their blankie, and then turn on their music box, and leave. Usually that does it for them and they're out. Sometimes they fuss in which I just let them. Unless it turns into frantic cries I'm not worried. I won't give them a bottle before 6am. Last night wasn't normal and turned out great. They went down at 8pm instead, slept through, woke up at 5am (both of them). I gave them a bottle and they went back to sleep until 8am! WOW I might try this out again tonight and see how it works out. I like this better! lol

    EDITED to add: I forgot we have a humidifier that's kinda loud. I love it. We have the cute Frog Humidifer from Target and while it's adorable and does it's job well it's quiet. This one has a loud fan and when I turn it on with the music box it helps to drown out the noise from rest of the house.
  4. mommaoffour_ohmy

    mommaoffour_ohmy Well-Known Member

    I just dont know what to do in the middle of the night... I guess I will look at this book... I mean he will litterally wake every 10min for hours on end.... he cried from 4-5am like he was ready to get up and I refuse to let them up that early, Lilly is just so good and Logan just sucks at sleeping.
  5. mommaoffour_ohmy

    mommaoffour_ohmy Well-Known Member

    I just dont know what to do in the middle of the night... I guess I will look at this book... I mean he will litterally wake every 10min for hours on end.... he cried from 4-5am like he was ready to get up and I refuse to let them up that early, Lilly is just so good and Logan just sucks at sleeping.

    Im just at a loss.

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