NIght time feeding routine -6wk old

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jdorourk, May 22, 2012.

  1. jdorourk

    jdorourk Well-Known Member

    What were/are others nighttime feeding routines at 6 weeks (4 weeks adjusted). We've been feeding the kids on demand separately for the past week or so to see if they'll go longer stretches. DS has been going one 5 hour stretch for a few nights but DD has been going one 4 hr stretch sometimes. They dont do their stretches at the same time.

    Is there any benefit to feeding them separately to have them get used to the longer stretches? Or should i just stay with feeding them together and let them go to longer stretches together?
  2. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    I read in a few books to just wake up the other twin to eat for the first three months. I tried to do that, some nights I was just too tired to wake up the other one and would fall asleep while nursing the first. I don't know if it helped or didn't help, my girls still don't do more than 4 hours or so.
  3. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    We fed them together most of the time until about 8 weeks when we put Liara in the nursery followed two weeks later by Sierra. I tried to let them go longer separately but in all honesty, that lasted two days before I couldn't handle two hour stretches of sleep.
  4. j-squared

    j-squared Well-Known Member

    They pretty much woke up together for about the first 4 weeks or so if they fell asleep at the same time. After that, one of them started sleeping longer than 2-3 hours occasionally (different baby each night would do one 4-5 hr stretch). I stopped waking the sleeping baby for two reasons:
    1. The one I woke was often too sleepy to nurse well and would and even sooner the next time (like after 90 minutes) OR the twin I woke would freak out and wake up completely and take two hours to put back to sleep.

    2. My first son was a crappy sleeper and never slept more than 2 hours in a row at night until he was almost a year so I don't want to wake a sleeping baby for fear of training them to sleep shorter cycles.

    That said, the one thing I do is put them to sleep at the same time (works most nights and they ate never off by more than 30 minutes). Most nights they are waking close together so I can nurse one, put them down just as the other is waking. Or last night where they slept identical starches and woke together so I had to tandem them.
  5. j-squared

    j-squared Well-Known Member

    Sorry for the typos in that reply! I'm on my phone! :)
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