Night Terror?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Ela, Jan 11, 2007.

  1. Ela

    Ela Well-Known Member

    This is the first time we ever had this happen. At 9pm or so one of my 3 yr old daughters woke up crying/screaming- I douldn't get out of her why she was crying and was unconsolable - nothing would work including holding her, cuddling, etc. That went on for at least 10 minutes or so... She ended up falling asleep clinging to me in my bed, on my chest.. Could it have been a really really bad dream? They only watched winnie the pooh before they went to bed and read books... Another standard evening...

  2. Ela

    Ela Well-Known Member

    This is the first time we ever had this happen. At 9pm or so one of my 3 yr old daughters woke up crying/screaming- I douldn't get out of her why she was crying and was unconsolable - nothing would work including holding her, cuddling, etc. That went on for at least 10 minutes or so... She ended up falling asleep clinging to me in my bed, on my chest.. Could it have been a really really bad dream? They only watched winnie the pooh before they went to bed and read books... Another standard evening...

  3. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    It sounds like a nightmare or night terror. With night terrors they sometimes don't even wake up. My pedi says they're very common at this age though.
  4. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have been wondering if this is what is waking Meghan up at 2 AM every night. Last night Doug ended up sleeping on the floor in there for almost an hour, I think. She starts out crying, then starts screaming. It breaks my heart.
  5. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Jessy has night terrors. I talked to the dr and he said that only thing we could do is be there for her. It is very scary but as the doctor said very normal. Just as you or I have nightmares they have nightmares too.
  6. Tam1969

    Tam1969 Well-Known Member

    Could she have tummy gas or stomach pains from something she ate? One of my girls would wake up screaming every few months at night. We couldn't figure out what it was. I even thought at the time about night terrors. I did notice that she did pass some gas while I was holding her. The next time it happened, I gave her some gas drops. She calmed down much faster.
  7. Cristina

    Cristina Well-Known Member

    One of my boys has night terrors. It started at around 10 months of age and it has lessened, but he still gets them at least once a week. He is also started to sleepwalk, they say they are related. My DH was a sleepwalker and I have a CRAZY dream life, and the Ped said this kid of stuff runs in families.

    It is so hard to hear them scream, and even though there isn't much I can do, I still go in there, hug him and try to settle him back down..
    Plus, I usually console Aaron, because Connor's screaming has caused him to wake up and cry...

    A lot of kids outgrow it really quickly. It is worse when they haven't had enough sleep or are over tired... I am sorry you are going through this [​IMG] I know what it's like!
  8. Lillybelly

    Lillybelly Well-Known Member

    My 5 year old has had them off and on since he was 6 months old. The best thing we have learned is to wake him just before he usually has them. He almost always has them around 11:30 or 12:00. So we wake him up around 11:20 and the break in the sleep cycle stops the night terror cycle from occuring. Good Luck and [​IMG]
  9. Cristina

    Cristina Well-Known Member

    Lillybelly is right! I forgot the doc told us to try that, it didn't work for us because Connor's were so unpredictable, but I have heard it works very well!

    Try to see a pattern and wake the child up FULLY before he has it. He can't be groggy, or he will fall back into it. The doc said sometimes after a week or so of that the pattern will break. I forgot all about that.
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