night light in the nursery

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by vtlakey, Jul 22, 2010.

  1. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    We have always had a night light on in the nursery 24/7. Even during the day its handy for naptime because the room darkening curtain works really well. And it seems like we have to go into the nursery at least once or twice every night to deal with a night waking, so I like the dim light so that I don't trip over toys. But now I am wondering if maybe that light is partially to blame for their night wakings and Brandon's early waking in the morning?? I don't really want to get rid of the night light for selfish reasons, though if doing so would mean more sleep for them (and us!) I'll do it.

    I'm sure we'll do a trial run without regardless, but I'm just wondering if anybody here had problems with night wakings/early rising while using a night light and whether it got better if you stopped using it? Or just seeking opinions whether you have had similar issues or not :) I would also be curious to hear if some of you use a night light in the nursery but have rigged it somehow to not be so bright. Hmmm, it just hit me, maybe we should use a motion sensor one so that when we go in the room to tend to a fussy baby it only turns on then. That option didn't occur to me until just now. I've never used a motion sensor night light but i assume they work as advertised.

  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    we have always had a night light in the girls' room but we've got it tucked behind a bunch of stuff so the light is very diffuse & doesn't at all shine directly on them. if the light is shining right on them, it might be disturbing them.

    you could definitely try a motion sensor light, but i would imagine that a light coming on in the middle of the night (even a dim one) would be more disruptive than a light on all the time. :unknw:
  3. WaterGuzzler

    WaterGuzzler Well-Known Member

    We've had night lights on with every child for 6 years now. Our first child was a troubled sleeper, but none of the girls have been. We use a 4 watt bulb in the night light. It's so dim that you might think it's worthless when you first turn it on, but in the middle of the night it's actually perfect. JUST enough light to let you see what's necessary.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We've always had a night light in DD and DS's rooms. I use the night light that comes with the Pedia-Vapors kit. It's bright enough to give enough light so you won't trip over anything if you have to go in the room but not bright enough to keep them awake or bother them.
  5. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    The reason I wondered about this is because my husband's coworker had problems with his toddler son waking up frequently at night, and when he was 2 years old or a little more they removed his night light and supposedly he started sleeping much better. Then yesterday I was talking to my coworker, who has 2.5 year twin boys, and I asked him if they had a night light in their nursery and he said no, that they just use this turtle thingy that displays a constellation on the ceiling for 45 minutes and then automatically turns off. We happen to have the same turtle and always turn it on for their nighttime bottle so I thought maybe we could just use that for light when giving them their last bottle in the nursery, but I still worry about having to rush in there in the middle of the night and not being able to see a darn thing. And I also wonder if a motion sensor night light would be disruptive by going from pitch dark to dimly lit. Hmmm. We may just leave things as they are for a while. Especially since neither boy woke during the middle of the night AND we actually had to wake them up at 7am!! That NEVER happens! Brandon is usually awake around 5:30am and Colin usually wakes between 6:00 and 6:30am. Man I sure hope this is a sign of things to come! But we're going on a little mini-vacation this weekend to a nearby lake house, so I'm sure everything will get all screwed up now :lol:
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