NICU stays... any stats?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by TrishaLinn, Apr 1, 2011.

  1. TrishaLinn

    TrishaLinn Well-Known Member

    My doctor has said a couple of times that she thinks 32 weeks is the goal for me given my history and how this current pregnancy is going. I've had two boys born at 35 weeks. One of them had a 6 day NICU stay and the other didn't have to go to the NICU at all. But I'm wondering if anyone knows of a website or book or anything that gives average NICU stays for weeks gestation? I'm really worried about having babies at 32 weeks and having them in the NICU a long time. The hospital is a 45 minute commute and I have 2 other children... this will make it extra hard to have babies in the NICU. Hoping and praying the doctors are wrong and I can hold out until 35 weeks with these babies too :)
  2. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    There is a sticky on the expecting forum. Second one down.
    2 people like this.
  3. SaraSatin

    SaraSatin Well-Known Member

    There are stats listed here from mothers who have experienced it, but I would also put the 32 week comment out of your mind. Tell yourself that you are going to take it as far as you can and not put a limitation on it. My doctors did the same thing, telling me to shoot for 34 weeks due to my small stature and I told them I was shooting for 38! I am having some physical complications of my own (none that affect the babies) that make me going past 37 tricky so that is where we have compromised, but I wouldn't have just said ok 34 and given up on the thought of going further.

    ETA: I keep being curious about this and forgetting to ask. Are the birth years for your boys accurate in your siggy? It has them being born just several months apart... unless I'm missing something which is completely possible.
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Here is the sticky the PP's were talking about. :)
  5. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    Check out the links in above posts.

    Mine were born at just shy of 32 weeks with an emergency C. We had a 4 & 5 week NICU stay.

    I would aim to go as far as you can.

    Initially our goals were 24 weeks, then 28, then, 30, 32 and then 34. After 34- my DR said they would not attempt to stop labor....but before 34 the risks for intervention to keep the pregnancy going were lower than the potential complications of prematurity. After 34 weeks, the risk of side effects from all the preterm labor meds was greater than the potential preemie side effects. Statistically speaking of course..... everyone and every baby is different.

    I was on bedrest from 21 weeks on with a few hospital stays in there before delivery--- I think it made a big difference, my two were *almost* born several times. I am very happy that we went as long as we did, but would have liked to have gotten a few more weeks in.

    I hope you get to 35!
  6. TrishaLinn

    TrishaLinn Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone for pointing to the sticky and sharing your experience! I didn't notice the sticky before. Sorry for asking a redundant question.

    @Sara- Woops! Apparently I made a mistake with my siggy :) Thanks for pointing it out. I'll have to change that.

    I am trying to stay positive and shoot for 35 weeks, but at the same time I'm trying to be realistic. I've not carried a baby past 35 weeks and having twins I know puts more stress on the body. I know it's very likely I could deliver them earlier than 35 weeks and want to be mentally/emotionally prepared for what that might look like in terms of complications and nicu stays etc.
  7. morgan57

    morgan57 Well-Known Member

    Mine were 34 weeks and stayed 11 days and 17 days. It was tough but we made it! I understand what you are saying about the other kids. I am considering trying for a third and I have the same concern about having a baby in the NICU again.
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