Too funny......our 5 year old daughter Sasha nicknamed our b/g twins shortly after coming home from the hospital. She even made up little short songs for their names! Our twins are William and Maeve (pronounced "MAVE") For Maeve, we all now sing "Maevey Maevey Maevey Muffin" :lol: And for William, we all now sing "Willie Willie Willie Woopeee" Just thought this would be a fun silly post to see what you all call your babies! Thanks for sharing!
my DS made these up for the twins Claire Bear and Emma Snake then my 3rd DD had punk hair when she was born so I call her punky
"Roe and Joe" Baby Benzes (our last name is Benson) and when they were tiny, I called Roe the Peanut, and Joe the Pumpkin (cause he had a big old pumpkin head). Now Joe is tall and thin, and Roe is short and fat, so Joe is now the Peanut, and Roe is the Pumpkin!
We kept the names secret until they were born, so in utero they were known as "Kermit" and "Frog," names given by my almost-4-year-old niece. She knows which is Kermit (Will) and which is Frog (John), so those names have stuck. Will is also called Chunky Butt...he's a full pound heavier than John. John is his counterpart of Small Fry. Both are affectionately called "Booger," "Bright Eyes," and "Bud."
DD name is Melody, Daddy calls her "poo-poo-doo-doo" The name speaks for itself. I call her Melly, Melo, Melo-Dear, Yummy, Pretty- pretty princess, Diva, and Girl yup just plain .And she "answers" to every single one. DS name is Marcus, affectionately called "Bubby" a cuter name than Bubba, Chubby bubby, Baby Banks (his last name) Now my sister calls him JAPAN_A_MAN(he is part asian) Snarf, and Thundercat, and it's funny because he does remind me of both Snarf and Thundercat from the cartoon series :lol:
Kevan is Stuff (our ped likes to call him Big Stuff), Kev-man, Kev-Kev, Kevski, Kev-monkey, Kev-monster, Dude, and The Keviest Kev-Kev. Karina is Karina-Bina or Karina-Bean, or just Beans or Beanster.
Riley has a little clump of hair that sticks up on top his head so we call him "Buckwheat" sometimes. Lately, Parker has had a cold and can blow some amazing bubbles through his nose when he sneezes--I know, gross. So I've been affectionately calling him "Snot bubble"
We have a few! Sofia: She is the larger one and gets really upset when she doesn't get her food right away. She also stretches and opens her mouth so... hubby started calling her "Hogzilla" I prefer "Sofzilla" Maya: Maya Bird Maya Bean and then hubby discovered that Godzilla had like a little brother or something called "Mina" so now he's been calling her that!!
AJ (Arthur John) is called 'little fat man' (he's about 4 pounds heavier than his twin! ), Grumpus (he makes fabulous sour faces when he's about to cry), Mr. Arty-pants, ArtJohn, Ajj-ie, Beautiful... Benjamin is usually Benny, but also Ben, BenBen, Benito Pepito (and a slew of twists on this, like Benny Burrito, Benarito, etc), Benji(-wenji), Itty Bitty Spitty (he spits up like it's a sport!), cranky britches, peapod, little guy, cutie pie... Collectively, they are usually 'the boys,' 'the bubs,' or 'the brothers.'
Jacoby is Jake the Snake, Jacoby-Wan-Kenobe, J-Boogie, J-man, Monkey Butt... Gabriel is Gabe the Babe, G-Money, G-man, Chunky Butt... My personal preferences are Chunky Butt and Monkey just SOUNDS like a set... LOL angel
[SIZE=10pt]Alexis is Peanut, Coconut, Lexus, Munchkin & baby girl Peyton is Chunkers, Chunk, Pumpkin Butt, Pukinator, & Bubby Of course there are others....whatever happens to come to mind ~ depending on what they're doing April [/SIZE]
Aubrey's is "Chunky Monkey" and Avarey's is "Squirmy Wormy" Our 4 year old is "Ken Ken" to her older brothers.
anthony is "ant man" , "chubber munchkin" & "pumpkin pie" && angelo is "angelbug", chubber elf", "peanut pie", & my fav "spongebob pooppants" LOL
I call them both munchkin, baby bears and loves. Sometimes poopypants and grumpypants or grumpybear. I call Ryan, Ry-bear I canll Jack, Jackers and Jackie(yes, I know...that's a girls name...oops).
WE call DS Buddy or Melon Man - he had a big head for a while and it just sort of suits him since he holds his mouth open in shock a lot. DD is fatty watty or cubby wubby far too often but usually sweetie petey or sissy. We'll have to break ourselves of it soon. Ironically she is tiny but she holds her head in such a way that she looks like she has a huge double chin!
QUOTE(Becca34 @ Apr 9 2008, 09:59 PM) [snapback]714408[/snapback] Kevan is Stuff (our ped likes to call him Big Stuff), Kev-man, Kev-Kev, Kevski, Kev-monkey, Kev-monster, Dude, and The Keviest Kev-Kev. Karina is Karina-Bina or Karina-Bean, or just Beans or Beanster. Your Kevan nicknames are my favorite--sounds like they came right from the 'making copies' SNL sketch. I call Asher and Soren baby babe, cutie cutes, toots and I love to call them by their entire names and end with cutes: Asher Banister Davis Cutes Soren Carlton Davis Cutes
QUOTE(jennyj @ Apr 9 2008, 09:08 PM) [snapback]714306[/snapback] my DS made these up for the twins Claire Bear and Emma Snake then my 3rd DD had punk hair when she was born so I call her punky That is funny, we call our Claire "Claire Bear" too! My son we call Jack Sprat or Jumping Jack
Reese is Reesey Doodle or Reese-A-Roni. Riley is Riley Bear or Riley Bug. Sometimes we'll call them both Doodle Noodle, I don't know why but they think it's hilarious. :lol:
Dillon we call Spanky, sometimes he looks like Spanky from the Little Rascals. He is also called Cowboy Roy when he wears his cowboy hat LOL Lucas we call Murph.....he looks like a relative with the last name Murphy and my mom has started calling him Little Bit Dianna
Conner is typically called ConnerMan/Ca-Ca-Ca-Conner Man, Midgie Monkey Aiden is Aidenator, Buddy, Chubba Monkey I collectively call them my little monkeys, my baby bugs, or "the boys". I think Conner may not know his name is Conner because we usually ALWAYS call him ConnerMan! DH started it in the hospital & boy has it stuck!
My dd is starting to babble A LOT so my mom and I came up with Chatty Cammy (Camryn) My son is monster, booger, but mostly monkey or love bug. Cam gets monkey, love bug or lady bug.
I'm a nickname person so I have a few for each. Makenna is Kennalicious, Punkinetta, Makadocious and Baby Girl. Nathan is Nacogdoches, Punkin Pie, Natchez and Natta Boy. My dh says Kennalicious sounds like a stripper but I think it's cute.
Anthony... Teeny Tiny Tony Bones, Bones, Tiger, Tony Bologna, Bologna Bones, Balogna Jackson... Mac, Max, Big Mac, Mackers, Me Mac, Mackersbee These are just a few of many. I'm so weird, I know :FIFblush: