
Discussion in 'General' started by silver_stardust, Jun 29, 2012.

  1. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    We love our daughter's name Addison but aren't really too keen on Addy. I know that could be what she's called eventually by friends and such but right now family and close friends know to call her Addison.

    I went to pick her up from daycare today (this is like her 3rd time going) and the teacher said, "Addy, your mom's here." Grr. I didn't correct her but said, "Hi, Addison!" and than repeated it on the way out.

    Curious to know if you would correct her next time or just leave it alone. (I probably will.) I really don't like nicknames because all my life I've had to deal with them and never really liked them. I was always called Tina until I could voice my opinion and get people to start calling me by Christina.

    I just really don't want her to have this nickname so young. :(
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Correct it now while she's still new there. I wouldn't let it go much longer, or the teacher might wonder what took you so long to correct her.

    I have the opposite problem, I hate my given name, and I wish my parents had named me what everyone calls me. :girl_devil: When people receive an email from me from work, they're like, "who's Rebecca?"
  3. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'd also correct it right away too, but as she gets older I'd let her decide whether she's ok with nicknames. I had a friend growing up named Jessica who always wanted to be Jess, Jessa etc. but her mom would always correct us, and that was so awkward.

    FWIW, Austin had a nickname before he was even born! We have always called him Ozzy, and now at daycare he gets confused that they call him Austin. Whoops!
  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree. A quick, "We really prefer Addison to Addy" is simple now & will stop it before it becomes a habit for everyone there.
  5. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I had that problem. I was called Missy. And on the first day of Kindergarten the teacher had written our names on place cards and instructed us to find our spots. I knew how to write Missy and I really was only vaguely aware that my name was Melissa, and I didn't know how to write that. I walked around and around the room looking at the place cards and not one said Missy. I remember the others were just a jumble of letters as I couldn't read. Finally the teacher told me which was mine, and I was really upset--I knew my name and that was not it.

    We call Gabriela, Gabby, but since she was little I made a point of labeling her things Gabriela, so she recognized that.
  6. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    Correct it right away! I sometimes call Ben, Benny. Which is fine coming from a mom every once in a while. But, his hockey coach must have heard me once and then all of a sudden he is Benny on the ice all the time, which he doesn't like. It's been 5 almost 6 years! I wish we would have tried harder to correct it then.
  7. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Jesslyn wants to go by Jess not the jessy she usually goes by but she responds to all three. If you don't like it I'd correct them
  8. momofangels

    momofangels Well-Known Member

    DH and I used to call DS Joshua. He now goes by Josh, and likes it. I don't want him to have a name he hates, when he likes his nickname better.
    But when he was little, I used to point out that we liked Joshua if asked. Sometimes I explained that we liked the name, and why we'd picked it, but sometimes I just said, "We like 'Joshua' better". You have complete control over them for such a short time. Don't let something like a name/nickname mar that time and closeness. But if she grows up and likes some other name, try to accept it.
  9. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    My daughter's name is Abigail and we don't ever call her Abby. I will correct anyone that calls her Abby and just say, "Abigail" right after they say "Abby". Usually that's all it takes. I actually think it's rather rude and presumptious of people to assume it's OK to call her "Abby", especially when it happens right after I've introduced her as "Abigail".

    After I corrected one mom, she actually told me my children's names are too long and I should stick with nicknames! My boys are Andrew and Nathan - she wanted to call them Andy and Nate.
  10. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I almost had a Benjamin for a brother but my parents did not want him to be called "Benji." His given name was Charles but I think on our welcome home banner, he was Charlie from the start. My kids go by their given names. Clayton is the only one who really could have a nickname but if you ask him, he will tell you what his name is. We picked the names on purpose... so there was not much in choices for nicknames. Clayton was dh's grandfather, who was called Clayt apparently.
    That said, I would correct her when you drop them off next time because you know they are calling her Addy all day.
  11. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I agree, correct it now while she is new to the preschool.

    We purposely used names that DH and I liked the nicknames and more formal names for that reason. A few names on our list got cut because one of us did not like the nickname and as kiddos get older they may prefer one over the other.

    I go by both- I started using my formal name when I started my first job and now use it all the time in professional settings and settings where the two blend or when I meet a new person. But I do readily answer to my nickname- DH has called me by it for over 15 years! My kids know both for DH and I.

    That said,DD1 has gone by a nickname from age 0-5. She knew her formal name and could read it, but we called her by the shortened version.When she started 1st grade and there was another girl with the same name (nickname). DD1 decided she would rather go by her formal name than her name and last initial. So at school she goes by formal and at home she goes by any of the nicknames or formal.

    I think a lot of people change their nicknames as they age and/or situations call for it (too many of one name in a work setting, dont like formal/nickname, etc). I know a few people that go by middle names too since they did not like their first name.
  12. Kendra

    Kendra Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yep, correct it now. I've had parents correct names to me and it's no big deal.

    I work in after school care where nicknames are in the process of happening. One of my "line up games" is the number of letters in your name and that is the only time Alexandria goes by Ali. ("if your name has 2 letters, line up"
  13. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    What does she prefer? I know she's little, so maybe she doesn't really care. If she doesn't want to be Addy (or doesn't really have an opinion and you do), I'd definitely correct the teacher.

    I have a BIL who is David and definitely NOT Dave. And he's not shy about telling you (a good thing because there are 2 other Dave's in the family). My son goes by Trey, because he's William III, but he's always known his given name from the time he was little. Another of my boys goes by his middle name, but could tell you even when he was 2 what his first name is. And both of them learned early how to tell people what they wanted to be called. Right now Trey is considering changing what he goes by, which makes me a little sad. But it is his name, after all.

    So maybe have a conversation with her about what her name is and that some people will automatically shorten it. But help give her the words to use to politely correct someone if she doesn't want them to.
  14. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Speaking of nicknames, my sister was born a "Jennifer." She went by Jennie until middle school. Then she insisted on being called Jennifer. Well, that lasted until college when everyone shortened her up to Jen. Well, about 7 years ago, my brother chose a classmate of his to settle down with. Her name is Jen as well. My sister is not married so her and our SIL have the same last name. So, my sister Jen goes by Jennifer again if there is any question as to which one of them we're talking about. Talk about taking it the full circle. Just do not call her Jennie! :girl_devil:
  15. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My SIL is also Rebecca Samelastname. And we both went by Becky or Becca, and now I'm 100% Becky and she's %100 Becca.
  16. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    We were actually the opposite. Our boys were Marc and Jon until they started preschool. They decided they liked Marcus and Jonathan better. Now at 10, Marcus rarely goes by anything else, but will answer to Marc, but really only family and those who have known him since birth use it. Jonathan is only Jon when he has to write his name, otherwise he is Jonathan "without the H", but he will answer to Jon.
  17. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    Abby goes by both Abigail and Abby and knows how to write both and has answered to both all her life...if it is important to you for her to be Addison then reinforce that.
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