Newborns sleeping in Pack n Play

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by sylvia_a, May 25, 2007.

  1. sylvia_a

    sylvia_a Member

    Hi there,

    We are expecting twin boys - I'm currently at 32 weeks and scheduled for a c-section on July 2. We have our nursery set up, with one crib, and just down the hallway from our bedroom. I would like to have the twins in our room for a couple of weeks, even though their room is nice and close (I think it'll make me feel more comfortable). My husband and I were thinking of either setting up the pack n play (it has a full size bassinet feature which both twins can sleep on) or disassemble the crib and move it into our room for this short duration. The former option is, of course, more convenient, but I'm concerned about the safety of having a newborn sleeping in the pack n play during the night. The age range given on the packaging is 3-18 months.

    I'd appreciate receiving your suggestions and experienced advice.

    Thanks kindly,
  2. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    I let my 2 week old boys sleep where ever they will fall asleep. Mine really do not like the crib yet. I have pretty much heard this all around that people let them sleep where ever they will sleep. Mine sleep in their pack-n-play, and in their baby papisan chairs. Me and DH sleep where ever the boys decide to sleep. It is rough but I hear it gets better.
  3. ExpectingTwins 7-31-07

    ExpectingTwins 7-31-07 Well-Known Member

    I thought about putting mine in a pack and play also, but we ended up buying 2 cribs. We are putting one in the nursery and one in our room.
  4. ems9882

    ems9882 Well-Known Member

    i would let them sleep where they fall asleep
  5. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    For us, the first several weeks, the babies slept in their bouncy chairs. But when they started sleeping with more of a pattern...they slept in pack n plays (they each had their own). They slept in them for several months until they slept through the night, and then I moved them into their cribs in their big brothers room.
  6. 2BMommyof2

    2BMommyof2 Well-Known Member

    We put our crib in the nursery but since the nursery and our guest bedroom are one in the same (we're city folk, so we're pretty tight on space), we plan on having the boys sleep in the pack n play in our room for the first couple weeks or at least until our guests leave. I don't really think there's any safety issues, just make sure the pack n play is empty and it'll be the same as sleeping in the crib. I would think moving the crib around would be more of a pain. This way, you have the option of where you want to put them down for naps or the night.

    Good luck!
  7. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    The girls slept in the bassinet section of our pack-n-play in our room until they were 3 months old. We had no problems with it at all. They only slept in there at night and during the day they slept in their bouncy chairs downstairs.

    I personally wouldn't bother putting the crib in your room - I would say that they are just as safe in the pack-n-play as they are in the crib. And it is SO much easier to put the pnp next to your bed and just grab them for feedings, etc.
  8. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    We kept pur boys in our room with us till they were 6-7 months old. For the first weeks while they fit they both slept in a cradle after that one sleppt in the cradle and the othen in the pnp and no problems
  9. Twin-kle Twin-kle little stars

    Twin-kle Twin-kle little stars Well-Known Member

    I would use the pack and play....mainly for the convenience. Its easier to assemble and dis-assemble. The babies will be safe in there, plus they will be in your room.
    I plan on using a co-sleeper for the first 3 months...then move them into a crib.

  10. andiemc

    andiemc Well-Known Member

    I wonder if the 3-18 months is for the pack-n-play itself. The bassinet piece is only for up to 15 pounds on most which would get you to about 3 months (of course with 2 it will be less time). I used the pack-n-play with my son to sleep in at the beginning before moving into the crib and kept it out after that for naps, etc.. If it is a Graco brand, they are really quick to respond to questions sent to the address provided on their website so you could email them. Good luck.
  11. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Our room is right next to the girls' room and we had them in the bassinet in the pnp in our room until they were 7 weeks old (too wiggly at that point to keep them in there!). I found the pnp to be very convenient!
  12. dizzyhay+2

    dizzyhay+2 Well-Known Member

    I had alot of trouble with my c section and slept on the couch right afterwards. I set up the pack n play in the living room and thats where the slept the first few weeks of life until i was able to move back to the bed, then they were transfered to the crib.

    I say let them sleep wherever is most comfy for you.
  13. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Mine both slept in the same pnp for about a month
  14. Wilmington Twin Mom to Be

    Wilmington Twin Mom to Be Well-Known Member

    Graco makes a PNP with Twin bassinets that is what we will be using in our room
  15. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    The bassinett portion of the P&P has a 15 pound weight limit. That being said, my girls didn't hit 15 pounds combined until they were like 2.5 months old, so that is where they slept. After that, they slept in the lower portion together. At 3 months we moved them to a crib (shared) in their own room, and at 4.5 months moved them to their own cribs.
  16. kclady

    kclady Well-Known Member

    I was wondering about this too. I has a two bedroom townhouse & also have a three year old. I might have to set up the crib in our room until we find somewhere else to move to. Agh, so little room! Kiesha
  17. Tina Ross

    Tina Ross Well-Known Member

    My babies are 8 weeks old and they still sleep in their Pack n Play at night.I have it set right beside my bed..I find more easier to sooth them and get them back to sleep,when they loose their binky...I quess you can say maybe I'm just to lazy to get up in the middle of the night..But soon they will be in their room which is right across the hall for mine!
  18. butterfly02

    butterfly02 Well-Known Member

    I wanted to use a PNP, but with the weight of 15 lbs I was not sure as with twins, that weight can add up quickly. But i just read that graco makes the PNP with twin bassinettes!! If they sell them in Canada, I will go that way i think...if not i have 2 small bassinettes that i can use.
  19. kimr

    kimr Well-Known Member

    We bought 2 cribs, but no bassinets and we had planned on putting them directly into the cribs when they came home. Things didn't exactly turn out as planned and Brooke came home the day after I did and Natalie didn't come home until 6 weeks later. We didn't want to put Brooke in their room until they could be together. So we set up the PNP and put Brooke in the bassinet. When Natalie came home, we put Brooke in her crib and kept Natalie in the bassinet for the first few nights and then to her crib. We used the PNP bassinet for naps and when they were too big for that, we lowered it and used the regular PNP for their naps. I'm so glad we had it!!
  20. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

  21. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    i too had planned on the babies sleeping in a pack n play bassinet in my room for the first few weeks, with the 15 lb limit i figured we'd be ok for a while....i looked into the twin pnp but the bassinet seems to have the same weight limit and it costs almost twice as the regular graco i bought...

    i have 2 friends with twins who used the regular pnp bassinet at first, and they reported no safety issues whatsoever, they just kept up with the babies weights and moved them down when they hit the combined 15 lb limit

  22. cricket1

    cricket1 Well-Known Member

    We had them both in a bassinet for a little while, then one in the bassinet and one in a small pnp/dome thing-you could zip it closed if you wanted. Then they were in the crib sideways together until they were too long to fit sideways and one of my boys started to Thrash in his sleep and I was afraid that he would hurt his brother.
  23. Br00klineBabe

    Br00klineBabe Well-Known Member

    My girls went right into the crib that they shared and still do. A friend of mine taht has twins used a co sleeper and loved it.
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