Newbie with question

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Annasmom, Feb 27, 2008.

  1. Annasmom

    Annasmom Well-Known Member

    Hi ladies,

    I'm new here, but have been lurking for a few months. I'm 31 weeks 3 days with twin boys and I have 21 month old daughter. I was in the hospital at 27 weeks with pre term labor but got it under control and went home. I came back to the hospital on Monday for pre term labor again and I was dialated 3cm and my cervix is soft. Again we got the contractions under control so i might get to go home tomorrow on bedrest. I Just wondered if anyone else has been in a similar situation and how long did you make it? I of course want to keep the boys in as long as possible.

    I really love this website. Its been a wealth of information and I appreciate any feedback.


  2. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    That was like reading my story! It seemed like after the docs did their finger thing to determine my cervix width, all he!! broke loose. Have you had the steroid shots? I was able to make it to 33 weeks and 1 precious day. My boys spent a month in the NICU as they were both very small. They say that every day in the womb is three less days in the NICU. Keep'm cooking, but know that there are a lot of us here with experience in this and we're all here for you!
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hi Sharon, Congrats on your twins and welcome to Twinstuff. :sign0016:
  4. Annasmom

    Annasmom Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies!

    They did give me steriods at 27 weeks so hopefully that has helped the lungs develop. I have a growth scan March 6th so hopefully they're getting really big:). Last time they were 3.7 and 3.8 pounds I think I was 29 weeks then.
  5. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    First off, congrats on your twin pregnancy. I went through a similar situation. I had a scare at about 26 weeks and they gave me 2 shots in my arm to stop the contratctions. Then a few weeks later it happened again but I only needed one shot and the contraction were under control again. They really wanted to avoid giving me the steroid shot for as long as possible and since I wasn't even a full cm dialted they decided against it but told me if I ended up in L&D again that they would. I ended up having no more problems and carried my girls a day shy of 38 weeks (They came 2 days before our scheduled C via "emergency" c section). They were very healthy big girls and fortunately never saw a day in the nicu.
  6. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    Kinda sound like my story. PTL at 29 weeks then again at 31 From 31 weeks on i was 2-3 cm dialated and made it to 38 weeks. GL!!
  7. Vero

    Vero Well-Known Member

    CONGRATULATIONS on your Twin Boys. Sorry, but I don't have any input - my situation was different - full bedrest from 14 weeks until the girls arrived at 37 weeks. Hang in there! :D
  8. Annasmom

    Annasmom Well-Known Member


    DoubleJoyTwins - How did you handle bedrest for so long? I'm have trouble....I think the hardest part is not taking care of my 21 month old.

    [email protected] Well-Known Member


    Welcome! I am sorry you are on bedrest. I know it must be hard and you must miss your toddler. I will be praying for you, Lisa
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