new word of the day :)

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by fuchsiagroan, Oct 2, 2009.

  1. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    I gave them some pomegranate flavored yogurt. They asked what it was, so I told them.

    Ivy: "It's yogurt with pomegrahamcracker! It has graham crackers in it!" Um, not really... :rofl:
  2. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    LOL!! Next time give her some graham crackers with pomegranate spread, heehee.

    Karina does that with a pair of her pajamas that have Cinderella on them. She has no idea who Cinderella is, and thinks we're saying it comes out Cinderumbrella. :ibiggrin:
  3. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    SOOOO cute! I love how their little minds work to make sense of the things we say to them!
  4. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    That is :laughing: Mattie calls a Watermelon a marshmallow? :crazy: But a marshmallow is a marshmallow too.
  5. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    I'm so excited that we can finally play this game!

    My two favorites right now are McDonegal's for McDonald and icky-omics for economics, which they heard when I told them what their grandfather does. Obviously not a word they use often, unlike (unfortunately) McDonegal's.
  6. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Too cute Leighann! We have a bunch of mix ups here too, my favorite of which is Big Yellow Bird for Big Bird. My girls have no clue who the Sesame Street characters are, but they love the 'big yellow bird' stuffed animal at the library. I have tried a thousand times to tell them that the bird's name is Big Bird, but they just don't get it.
  7. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Ooops Tricia- I think you meant Holly ;)

    But I'll add mine to the bunch. A&M are currently obsessed with the Cars movie and Meara calls the red car "Red Light Queen!" Pretty close to "Lightening McQueen" and he is red!
  8. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    So funny! I love how they pronounce some words. I hope all of you are writing down the funny things they say!

    My current favorites are both from my DD. When she was younger, it was never "McDonald's" it was ALWAYS "Old McDonald's". (as in "Old McDonald had a farm . . .") It always made me giggle to hear her ask, "Can we go to Old McDonald's today, Mommy?"

    Her other one is one she still does. She doesn't get the /r/ in "burger" and it comes out sounding like "booger".

    "Mommy, can we go to Old McDonald's so I can have a booger?" :huh:
  9. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    This is more of a mispronunciation than a misunderstanding, but Sarah still (at almost age 4) calls an ambulance an "am-blee-ance." (ETA: And, of course, there is the classic "puh-sketti" for spaghetti.)

    They both refer to a harmonica as an "Annika" because when they first learned the word, they thought it had something to do with their friend Annika.

    I love McDonegal's. :laughing:
  10. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Sooo cute - all of them! I can't think of any good ones right now, but we get giggles on a daily basis from speech mis-steps like these. :wub:
  11. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    Ian calls Lightening McQueen Mightening McQueen...and for the longest time abby called cucumbers coocoocumbers...
  12. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    :rotflmbo: I can finally join in too! Jake calls anything that has the word "cake" in it a cupcake. We tried pancakes for dinner tonight and kept begging for "cupcakes". I think Ryan may be from Boston though I'm not sure how. He says "car" like they do there and now says "showwa" everytime we go upstairs b/c he wants to take a shower. I'm going to buy a notebook so I can get all these down now that there are finally words coming out of their mouths! Thanks for the laugh ladies!
  13. AandKtwins

    AandKtwins Well-Known Member

    Avery calls Cheezit crackers "Jesus crackers." She's always asking me for Jesus crackers. And for some reason Rice Krispies are known as "Christmas beans" in our house. Haven't figured that one out yet!
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