New Walkers

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kristie75, Oct 22, 2007.

  1. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    And if you take them out, they will run in opposite directions and pull things off of shelves, and you will never get them back into the stroller. If you make them stay in, they will be screaming and crying by the time you leave the store, and everybody will stare at you. That is, if they haven't wiggled out of the straps by then, because forget about any straps keeping them in.

    What do I do about this problem? :p
  2. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    I not much help here either as that is what my two want to do!! I have whole blown tantrums when i dont let them out! I have bought some saftey reins so i can take them out for short distances without them being in the buggy. x
  3. dawnmj

    dawnmj Well-Known Member

    We are just starting to encounter this too. They are good in the stroller until they get taken out and then they don't want to get back in. I have the safety "leashes" they are little monkey backpacks and come in handy when we are just making a short trip. I am sure this is going to become a bigger issue in the next few months.
  4. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    I just bought 2 leashes, and I think I am going to start using them!
  5. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    My girls started this at about 12-13 months. I've retired the expensive stroller I bought and now use leashes. :( I also limit myself to stores that have carts. They love to ride in those and saves me a headache. :)
  6. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    I'm going through this as well. Unfortunately, mine started soon after they could crawl. They have NEVER been good stroller babies. In fact it had gotten so bad that I really don't go to stores anymore unless I absolutely have to. I haven't been to the mall in months because it's just not worth traveling 25 min there for them to throw a fit after being in their strollers for 5 minutes. The only way I get away with it is if I go to the store, get what I need quickly and get out. Usually 10-15 min. There's no browsing or just strolling along. It really sucks too with winter weather right around the corner. I have one harness and need to get another but I'm still nervous about that as well.
  7. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Trish_e @ Oct 22 2007, 06:51 AM) [snapback]461288[/snapback]
    I also limit myself to stores that have carts. They love to ride in those and saves me a headache. :)

    I ditto this, and I discovered this weekend that Kohls has double carts :D
  8. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(double-or-nothing @ Oct 22 2007, 12:52 PM) [snapback]461291[/snapback]
    I'm going through this as well. Unfortunately, mine started soon after they could crawl. They have NEVER been good stroller babies.

    I am in the same boat as well!!! They never have enjoyed the stroller. Needless to say I will be investing in some "Leashes" pretty soon as well!
  9. BellaRissa

    BellaRissa Well-Known Member

    I think you should "hang tough" & keep them in the stroller no matter what kind of fit they pitch. If the straps are 5 point & tight enough - they won't be able to get out. I had to suffer through at least 6 major screaming tantrums before my Isabella got used to the idea that she was NOT getting out of that stroller come Hades or high water. I tried the leashes once - in the Disney Store - it was like Hurricane Isabella & Marissa had blown through the place before I got them contained & out of the store. To save my sanity, keep my girls safe, avoid the destruction of stores & get my shopping done...I taught my girls that they were not getting out of the stroller & if they were patient & well behaved...they would get a treat.
  10. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Feed them! Give them a couple Cheerios at a time. This helps keep their mind off the fact that they are contained. I just kept up the stroller no matter what because I cannot deal with them running in opposite directions, or both demanding to be carried. They are too heavy for me to carry at the same time. Also, if you are at the mall or something like that, do not let them out for a period and think you will get them back in. Just keep them in the stroller! Fortunately, they don't protest the stroller too much.
  11. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Snittens @ Oct 22 2007, 04:26 PM) [snapback]462547[/snapback]
    Feed them! Give them a couple Cheerios at a time. This helps keep their mind off the fact that they are contained. I just kept up the stroller no matter what because I cannot deal with them running in opposite directions, or both demanding to be carried. They are too heavy for me to carry at the same time. Also, if you are at the mall or something like that, do not let them out for a period and think you will get them back in. Just keep them in the stroller! Fortunately, they don't protest the stroller too much.


    I actually plan all my store errands during morning snack time for this exact reason. Mine are pretty content in a stroller if we're outside AND moving, so I try to go to an area where I can hit three errands and park once (Target, post office, grocery). The fresh air between stores seems to reset their patience timer. I also try to find a roam-free park area to hit either before/mid/after to thank them for their cooperation.
  12. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Mine didn't know that they had an option until they were almost 3. I would start by planning short 5-10 min trips, where they have to stay in the stroller, and gradually lengthen the time. Set them up for a good time, meaning not so long at first that they will get mad or fussy. But, you can't let them out to run, because once they know they can do that, that is all they will want to do.
  13. Melissa Wojcik

    Melissa Wojcik New Member

    I started using the radio flyer wagon that I had. My boys hated the stroller!
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