new to this age group!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by someone, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. someone

    someone Well-Known Member

    My twins are two today. I cannot believe how fast the last two years have gone by.. I guess I am not a NEW twin mom anymore even though I often feel like one! Anyone here still have their twins on bottles? Now that they are two I guess it's time to get off.. any suggestions? Same question regarding pacifiers.
    Also, when did you switch to 2 or 1 percent milk and which one? Thanks!
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :bday: to your twins!

    My twins were off the bottle at 15 months and I did a gradual method with them (though I really do think that they would have been fine if I did it cold turkey too)...I don't know how many bottles your twins are getting per day, but I dropped the bottle they would miss the least first (the 2pm one), then the morning one and last the bedtime one. I dropped a bottle per week. A lot of people have had success with going cold turkey, dropping them all at once. Just be consistent with them and they will come around to being bottle free.
    I have no advice about the pacifiers, my kids were weirdos and refused to take them :wacko: I guess they knew using a pacifier might have made Mommy and Daddy a little more saner during the FY :laughing:
    My two are still on whole milk but I've definitely heard from friends that their children switched to 2% at age 2. We'll probably switch at 3...right now our two are at the 5th percentile for weight, so we'll get the pedi's okay before we make the change.
  3. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    We eliminated bottles one at a time over a two week period when the girls were 15 months old. We just got rid of Karina's pacifier last weekend. We snipped a slit in the end. It was relatively painless. My girls are still on whole milk and I expect they will be for quite a while since they aren't yet on the weight charts.

    Welcome to the forum and Happy Birthday to your kiddos!
  4. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    :welcome: to the 2-4 forum!!

    We starting switching around 18 months from bottles and were completely off before they were two. We were in no hurry and took our time, but they switched to sippies fairly easy. We went to 2% milk at age 2 and are still on 2% now, and I don't see us switching to anything other than that for a while. I have no paci advice, but there are lots here with experience in that area.
  5. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    My two were off bottles by 13 months. I just did it gradually.
    And they both still drink whole milk. We will probably switch to 2% around their 3rd birthday. Just depending on their weights. (I have one who is always very average and one that's a little shrimpy. LOL)

    DD, though, will probably go to college with her pacifier. <_<
  6. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    Welcome! And happy Birthday kiddo's!!!!

    We got our last 3 off of bottles 12 months but my oldest was much much later and for all of them we did the same method. Cold turkey. We took them away and never looked back. We had some fits and low intake of milk for awhile but it evened out and it only lasted for a day or two.
    All of mine are still on whole milk and will be until my youngest turns 3. It's very good for their body, and brain and mine are all little so we can use the extra fat.
    I hope you enjoy this age as much as we do!
  7. jen8675309

    jen8675309 Well-Known Member

    My girls aren't 2 yet, but we're close! They were completely off bottles at 12 months (we did it cold turkey) and have been on 2% milk since they were 15 months old. They are in the upper ranges of the growth chart in terms of weight, so our pedi said we could go to 2% with no problem.
  8. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My two were off of bottles by just over a year, although my older son had a bottle until he was 2. He wasn't too difficult to switch over to a sippy, though. We never did pacis so I don't have a lot of advice there. We switched to 2% milk at 2 and that is what they are still drinking now.
  9. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    :welcome: to the 2-4!

    Mine switched from bottles to sippies at 12 months. I just changed what I put in the bottles. If they wanted milk they had to drink it from the sippie....if they wanted a bottle all they got in it was water. It worked for us. Unfortunately, I still have a hard time getting them to drink plain water. We went to 2% milk at age 2.
  10. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    mine gave up their bottles by themselves at 13 months (but were down to one a day at that point anyway) and DD gave up her binky at 18 months when she got a cold and couldn't breathe - we're still on whole milk here per the pedi but I've got kids that are in the very low percentiles (they're just small kids - nothing wrong with them)...

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