New to forum and lots of questions

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by jakesgal88, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. jakesgal88

    jakesgal88 Member

    Hi everyone! I am new to the forum and am looking forward to chatting with others that are sharing my same concerns and excitements. So a few questions that maybe some experienced moms will know. I am close to 18 weeks pregnant with identical twin girls. Different sacs, same placenta. Is there ever a safe point with twins? I know with singletons they say that if you make it to the second trimester you can feel safe, does this go for twins as well? Also, I still do not feel much movement but have been told the placenta is in the front. Is this normal or should I definitely be feeling a lot of movement by now? I have three healthy boys at home and all were successful pregnancies, but the twin thing is new and very scary to me as well as exciting.
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I worried throughout my entire pregnancy. That was just part of my personality. But my RE did tell me that once you see a heartbeat the risks of M/C go way down. :hug:

    I felt movement pretty early on, but I didnt have a placenta in the front. There are plenty on here who didnt feel movement until they were 20 weeks plus.

    :welcome: to TS.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :welcome: to TS! I worried throughout my entire pregnancy. However, I focused on little goals like getting past the 1st trimester, 24 weeks, then I'd be satisfied with each four weeks that passed. I think it is normal to worry :hug:
    My placenta was in the front as well, I did not feel movement (consistent movement that I could definitely say was a baby) until later in the pregnancy, probably around 25 weeks. My DS (baby B) would make stronger movements and I always felt him more. Baby A (my DD) her movements were harder to detect.
  4. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    Hello and Welcome! Well I didn't find out until 19 weeks along so I didn't really worry until I knew, lol. :) The placenta (two fused) was also in the front. I felt my babies around 22 weeks. I have had a placenta in the front for most of my pregnancies, and I always feel the babies later than they say I should.
  5. mitmit

    mitmit Member

    I felt my first movements aroung 17 weeks but the were far and few between and then picked up around 20 weeks and by 22 weeks I felt them a lot more but I am 25 weeks and still only feel kicks. I don't feel them turn or anything. By 20 weeks you got two babies and they are here to stay but there are a lot of potiental complications that could cause early delivery so after 20 weeks look foward to 24 weeks at which point they could live outside the womb with a lot of intervention, and then at 28 weeks if the had to be delivered they have a good chance of survival without any longer term problems. My doctor said if born at 28 weeks they would be development and physical caught up by thier 1st birthday. Good Luck and congratulations.
  6. jakesgal88

    jakesgal88 Member

    Thanks for all the replies. Yes, I am hoping to feel movements in the next four weeks and then I may not worry as much whether or not they are still in there. lol. Now my newest worry is the swine flu that I have heard a lot of horror about, but haven't had the chance to talk to my doctor.
  7. arkie

    arkie Well-Known Member

    Congrats on your twin girls, and :welcome: I didn't feel my boys until after week 20 and it is my second pregnancy, so it's so different from person to person, I have a friend that said she felt her babies from week 14.
    I asked my doctor is there a date we should have as a goal to reach and he said he would feel best when I hit week 34. However, there are so many moms here on this site, that have delivered way before that and have healthy beautiful babies, so I am so thankful for this place because it has allowed me to relax and not stress as much as I would if the only person I had to talk to was my midwife and/or doctor. :friends:
  8. morgan57

    morgan57 Well-Known Member

    jakesgal- congratulations on your mono/di pregnancy! I am also pregnant with IDs (same placenta, different sacs) and am 24 weeks along. Since both yours and my twins share a placenta, we are at higher risk than fraternal twins.

    The riskiest time for ID twins is from week 16-24, this is prime time for twin to twin transfusion syndrome. It only affects about 10-15% of identical twins, but it is scary. There is a good website with information about TTTS, The other problem that can happen with IDs is unequal sharing of the placenta. My share unequally (have always been approx 15-17% discrepant) but so far it has not caused a problem.

    If you are not being seen by a perinatologist, I highly recommend that you see one. They should be doing growth and fluid checks (for TTTS) every 2 weeks.

    We had a potential IUGR scare two weeks ago, but things improved immensely at my 24 week ultrasound. Right now, my twins are doing really well.

    If you ever need someone to talk to re your ID twins, feel free to PM me, I would be happy to!

    Best of luck!
  9. Daffodils

    Daffodils Well-Known Member

    Welcome and congrats on your twin girls!!! I too have been worried the whole time, though mine are in different sacs with different placentas. Thats just the way I am though, I worry all the time. I wouldnt worry about not feeling movement. My baby a's placenta is in the back, and at 27 weeks I feel him almost constantly (unless he's sleeping of course!). But my baby b's placenta is in the front. It took me probably until 22/23 weeks to feel him, and even then I only felt him on the very side or top (his placenta is kind of right beside my belly button on the left side). At 27 weeks, I do feel him more, but its more when he interacts with his brother as opposed to when he's just moving on his own.

    You'll feel those girls soon enough!! :)
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