New to 2nd Year and Breathing Question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by RhodeMomma, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. RhodeMomma

    RhodeMomma Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone! This past weekend the boys turned 1 year old, so it's now time to visit the 2nd year forum. I cannot believe how far we've come in what seems happened overnight.

    I have a question, hoping some folks could chime in with some opinions.

    At about 2 months, i purchased a couple of the AngelCare motion monitors for my boys, because I was paranoid of them passing away from SIDS. I still happen to use them, as it gives me peace of mind. Especially since at least once per week, one of my sons sets off the monitor. The monitor works by detecting movement in the mattress, and if it doesn't detect any (such as breathing) in 15 seconds, it gives a warning beep, and after another 5 seconds, the alarm sounds, and hubby and I go running. There have been a number of instances in which my son (and it's almost always one over the other) seems like he is not breathing - I'm rubbing him, checking his torso to see if he is indeed breathing, squeezing his sides, and calling his name. After about 5-7 seconds, he takes a breath. As you can imagine, this freaks me out.

    My question is: Is this pause in breathing normal?

    I asked my (condescending) pediatrician about it at their 1 year checkup this past Monday, and all the doctor did was tell me how I shouldn't be using the monitor, should have never used it in the first place, should get rid of it, etc. He told me to have a shot of Johnny Walker before bed, and just calm down. Basically berating me for using it, told me to stop, and said I've done a good job raising the kids, and the gist was "if something happens, it's gonna happen". Not once did he actually answer my question.

    And yes, I'm ready to find another pediatrician. Being bullied into not using the monitors anymore is not giving me any kind of comfort, and ya know, I'd like to keep my kids alive just a little bit longer! And hubby and I both felt that the doctor was saying "if something happens to them, oh well". Not quite the attitude of someone who is working with me to keep my kids alive and healthy.
  2. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    :welcome: to the SY and :birthday: to your boys! :D

    I've never used the Angel Care monitor, but I've had friends who have. I don't know how long they used it, or what the lifetime is on the units. My first thought: if it's almost always the same son who sets off the monitor, then could the monitor be going bad? I'm assuming they usually sleep in their own cribs every night and don't swap. If this is the case, can you swap monitors between cribs for a couple weeks and see if the "problem" follows the monitor or the child?

    My next thought (but you beat me to it) is get a new ped!! I don't know if your sons were preemies or if they had problems with breathing in the beginning, but they could have apnea, which causes people to stop breathing for a few seconds. My dad had it, and it really contributed to his health problems. I think that any doctor who suggests taking a drink to avoid thinking about a child's possible health issues ought to lose all his business. :angry:

    Good luck, and I hope you get some answers soon!
  3. RhodeMomma

    RhodeMomma Well-Known Member

    Valerie, you're not kidding. I was pretty flaming mad about the Doctor's comments, and that was the final straw that broke the camel's back. Condescension is one thing. Not answering my question, telling me to take a drink, and allow Darwin's theory to work in my bedroom (survival of the fittest) threw me over the edge.

    My hubby's doctor is a GP/FamPractice.... and he's such a nice guy. We've taken our kids to him once in the past for a second opinion on something else, and he was awesome, answered all of our questions. I know who we're switching to.

    Excellent idea on the switching monitors. I'll try that tonight.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I totally agree with Valerie, I would definitely look for a new pedi and see if switching the monitors around helps, I was also going to suggest about apnea too.

    :welcome: to the SY and keep us posted with how you make out.
  5. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    oh my!!! I hope its just a monitor issue... great idea to swap them. and I hope you find a better pedi! Big hugs to you!!
  6. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    No advice on the breathing issue, I do hope it's nothing. :hug: Just wanted to say :bday: and welcome to the Second Year forum!!
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