New sleeping issue

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by BigKyle, Jan 2, 2011.

  1. BigKyle

    BigKyle Active Member

    Both my boys have been great sleepers, started sleeping through the night very young (3 months old) .. They have always layed right down when we put them down for bed, and fallen right to sleep, or maybe even quietly rested for a bit before shutting their eyes. Over the past 4-5 days Landon, after we put him down, he will lay there for a few, but then get up screaming... we figured we was getting afraid of the dark so we started using a night light... still same thing... it takes me or my wife going in there, and hugging him, telling him everything is going to be ok, don't be scared, we are right here, re-tucking him in and kissing him good night about 4 times before he will fall asleep.

    I don't want to give in to this habit he seems to be forming, but watching him in our video monitor standing in his crib screaming he looks so scared, and after watching that for about 2-3 minutes, we start feeling bad, and not wanting to let him continue being scared.

    The other one, Aiden, has no issues at all and falls right asleep. There cribs are and also have been right next to each other.

    Has anyone experienced this before? Is it just a phase? any advice would be great!

  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    How old are they? (Your ticker is broken.)

    We are going through a similar phase, only we don't have cribs and I don't think either of mine are fearful, they're angry that they're going to bed. We got rid of the naps and they go to bed a bit easier, although Alice has a ton of night terrors now. Royce will stay up until 9 or 10 before he falls asleep, he's reading or playing quietly.

    Is it affecting their moods during the day? Could you drop a nap/the nap? Are you sure that it's fear and not just angry/bored?
  3. BigKyle

    BigKyle Active Member

    They are 21 months old
  4. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    my daughter was closer to 2.5 when she got scared of the dark. Even a night light was not enough light for her -- she needs quite a bit of light to feel safe. My youngest is 20 months and we have cut the naps down to one hour a day or possibly no nap some days. She still gets up early in the morning despite this but it works with her twin sisters schedule. I'd have to wonder if it is behaviour and not as sleeping.
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