New Pics!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Ericka B, Jul 15, 2008.

  1. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    I haven't shown off my boys since before their birthday. Dh shaved their heads 2 months ago and their hair is finally growing back :angry: . I think he tried to cut their hair but screwed it up and had to shave it, but of course he told me is was so they could stay cool :lol: .
    Here they are post head shaving incident

    Here they are now


  2. DarciH

    DarciH Well-Known Member

    Super cute!

    I think they looked just fine! Max already had his first haircut on 5/22, and he needs one again...I'm thinking of giving him a buzz cut because I think they look kinda cute on little boys in the summer, and he gets SO hot.
  3. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Great pictures!! OMG, your DH *shaved* their heads? I think I would have to hurt mine if he did that. :D But, they are still cute as can be in the post-shave picture!

    My DH is nagging me to cut Kevan's hair, but I adore his little curls in the back (it's longer than Karina's hair, LOL) -- can't bring myself to cut it yet!
  4. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    Ok he didn't actually SHAVE them, he just used clippers on the shortest possible setting :lol:
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    So cute!!!
  6. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    They're so darn CUTIE!!!!! And great smile too!!!!!

    D, w/Rianna and Justin
  7. Aprilisdisney

    Aprilisdisney Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=10pt]They're so stinkin cute!!

    My DH (and everyone else for that matter ;) ) keeps telling me I need to cut Peyton's hair. I just can't bring myself to do it. I know that it will make him look so much older ~ and I am SO not ready for that :D

    April :)
  8. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    We had a similar "incident" with the clippers. Part of it too, I think is that baby hair is different from adult hair so putting the clippers on a blade 1 or 2 isn't all that short for DH but gives my boys a really short cut. But mine are about due for another soon and that was 2.5 months ago!

    Adorable pictures and they look very cute with their hair cuts and grown out a bit too!
  9. ceb023

    ceb023 Well-Known Member

    Yay! I love seeing new picks of Jack and James. Those boys are just as adorable as ever Ericka. And how on earth did your dh get them to sit still long enough for that hair cut? I can't even get mine to sit still for me to brush their hair!
  10. 2boysforus

    2boysforus Well-Known Member

    Awww!!! They are so adorable!

    CROSSTWINS Well-Known Member

    They are so cute. I love their haircuts.
  12. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Adorable little guys!! :)

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