New house = Their OWN bedrooms

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by TeeandGee, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. TeeandGee

    TeeandGee Well-Known Member

    We are moving to our new house in a week and at that time we are going to separate our 15.5 month old girls so they will be in their own rooms. I don't know if it will be an issue for them or not. Up until now they have shared a room for nighttime but they were in separate rooms for naps.

    At what age did you separate your twins? How did it go? Any advice to make the transition smooth?

    I may be worried about nothing but I thought I should ask you guys if there was anything I should consider before we do it.

  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I think a few people have done it that way! It might be just fine! Mine aren't separated yet, so I can't help :) Just want to wish you good luck with the move and the transition!!
  3. Becky444

    Becky444 Well-Known Member

    We moved to this house when mine were 11 mo old. They did the transition fine. I think I was more worried about it. They did fine and LOVE their own rooms. It is cute when they play in each others room.
  4. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    My opinion...disclaimer - not based on experience :D that they will adjust just fine due to their age. If they were a year+ older I would maybe start them in a joint room until they were "settled" from the move and then transition them a few months later. Good Luck!
  5. terilynn12116

    terilynn12116 Active Member

    I too can't offer words of wisdom. Just wanted to wish you good luck with the move. Am considering it myself, but the twins would still need to share a room. I just can't afford a 4 bedroom home.

  6. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    Kids adjust easily. Maybe a few nights might be strange but considering their age they should acclimate quickly.

    I always feel like I have been in the minority here on TS. It seem that in most posts that I read, most people's twins share rooms. Our boys have had their own rooms since about 2-3 months old. It just seems very normal to me. Just as if I have 2 singletons...I would prepare 2 rooms for them. Plus within my circle... two of my close friends (happen to have twins), 2 playdate mom's of twins and my cousin with twins...all have their twins in their own rooms. Again, it just seems "normal". It made life SO much easier on all of us with sleep issues/naps, etc. Just our prespective.

    Our kids all seem to really like having their own space. I think it offers them something that it just theirs and not a shared item as most everything ends up being in their early twin lives.

    Good luck!
  7. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    We gave the kids their own rooms at 15 months! It was the best thing we could have ever done! Their sleep improved dramatically, they loved (and still do) having their own space with their own belongings, and they take great pride in their own little room! WHen we made the switch, they never even looked back. That first night they were sooooo excited to sleep in their room, that they did not have any issues.

    Good luck with the transition!
  8. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    They sound young enough that this will be "the way it has always been."

    I chose to have a bedroom for the girls and a separate playroom (but mine don't wake each other up) when we moved to a big enough house to split them up. I think my singletons were 6 and 8 when they got their own rooms. I know for sure I was 12 when I got my own room (I am not a twin). My parents used the third bedroom for my dad's study until my surprise baby sister came along.

    I think whatever works best for your family is what you should do.
  9. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    Rianna and Justin are going to have their own room sometime in April/May at 19/20 mos. I'm excited because I've been wanting to do their theme. :D

    Diana w/Rianna and Justin (16 mos)

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