NEW HERE! NEED HELP!--Starting time out and Sample menus

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by infinity62202, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. infinity62202

    infinity62202 Well-Known Member

    Hello, all!
    Just moved over here and I have a few questions of advice.

    1) How did you start time outs? And more importantly where do you make themn sit fo time out when they just turned one?
    Doc says they are ready for approx 1 minute of time out to begin teaahing discipline. Her idea was to use an extra empty room. haha With my mom moved in to take care of the kids...that isn't an option. Also she mentioned an extra playpen. Well, the only playpen we have is still used for naps(the kids take naps better in sperate rooms--at night they are in the same room)
    I am not so sure using the place they sleep is such a good idea. I know when they are older, you can use a chair or a rug, but there is no way my little ones will sit in one spot unless they are contaied. Especially if they are mad about something.
    I know now if they misbhanve at the table(we turn their highchair around so they cant see us, but we can't do that all the time. Any ideas? My kids are good kids but I want to keep it that way. :)

    2) I need help with some sample menus for 1 year olds.
    My kids are strictly on table food.
    What does your meal and snack schedule like and what do you serve for each to make sure your kids are getting what they need? Details please. How many veggies and fruits?
    What kinds of veggies and fruits?
    When do you serve milk?Doc says only 12-16 oz of milk, but when do you do it? I am not a SAHM--my mom cares for them and is not too creative with meals.
  2. my2boys

    my2boys Well-Known Member

    When we started time out, we used the highchairs. That way you can seat belt them in and keep them contained. We would also turn the highchair to face the wall.
  3. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the 1-5! :)

    I started timeouts around 18 months and used to put them in their crib. We also did not have any extra rooms or an extra pack-n-play lying around for just timeout. I debated it at first but it was really the only options since they would not sit in a chair, on a rug or in the corner. I don't think I really ever sent mixed messages as when they went to timeout in their cribs all items were removed- blankets, loveys, pacifiers, books, etc... and I always made sure to say, "You are on timeout for 2 minutes for doing XX. We do not do XXX and it is not acceptable behavior." Then I would walk out and come back in give them hugs and out of the crib they would go. Just before they turned 3 we switched timeouts to a chair. I have also hear of people doing it in highchair or booster chairs.

    Unfortunately mine were very picky eaters at age 1 and I just fed them whatever they would eat! Generally I did 3 meals and 2 snacks. I was never one who was super concerned that everyday they got 3 servings of veggies and fruits. I just tried to incorporate them into the meals and offer them when I could. Fruits that mined loved were cantelope, watermelon, applesauce, grapes cut up very small, honeydew melon, peaches and pears cut up to small bites. Veggies that mine would eat were green beans, peas, carrots and corn. As for milk mine had milk when they first woke up, around noon, at dinner and before bed. Generally about 4 oz at each of those times.
  4. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Can't help you with time out, we still just do redirection. But I can tell you what we eat!

    We do 3 meals, 1 snack (and two bottles.. soon to be gone:) )

    7:30am- bottle (formula/milk mix)
    8:30am- breakfast
    12pm- lunch w/all milk sippy
    3pm- snack
    6:30pm- dinner
    7:30pm- bottle (all formula right now)

    Menu options (we obviously don't give them all in each category :rolleyes: )- but I try to give them 2-3 servings of fruit, veggies, protein and grain over the course of a day. I also keep a mental tally of the amount of dairy I give them (too much binds them up). So if we do yogurt and fruit for breakfast I won't give them cheese with lunch.

    Breakfast options- banana (they split one), oatmeal, applesauce, cut up fruit (I cheat and use canned, no sugar added fruit that we rinse and serve), scrambled eggs (my girls don't have a problem with egg whites though), pancakes, toast with cream cheese, yogurt

    Lunch options- left over from dinner, deli meat rinsed and cut up, canned green beans rinsed, mac & cheese, cut up cheese cubes, diced carrots, peas

    Snack options- cheerios with fruit (banana or canned or apple slices in mesh feeder because I'm still a wuss about apples), toast, banana bread, pumpkin muffins, yogurt

    Dinner options- whatever we are eating!! chicken breast, turkey, chili, pasta with meat sauce, beef stew, etc etc. HTH!
  5. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I didn't find Time Out to be effective until closer to 2 1/2 years old. The purpose of time out is to change behavior, if a child doesn't have the concept of cause/effect than it can't have a long term effect, and the concept of cause/effect doesn't develop until between 2 and 2 1/2. Up until that time, we used redirection. We would verbally tell them what they did was wrong, but to send them to time out didn't do anything. Yes, they would go, and say sorry, but as soon as they came back, they did the same behavior--which told me that time out was ineffective. Once they were older, there was a definate change in behavior after a time out, so much so that a warning of going to time out, usually changed the behavior on its own.

    As for meals, Leighann gave some great ideas!
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