New here and worried

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by crazeek8, Jan 7, 2007.

  1. crazeek8

    crazeek8 Member

    Hello everyone-

    My name is Kate and my husband and I are expecting boy/girl (Charles David & Madeline Marie)twins in April! I'm 24 weeks along and we are very excited and nervous at the same time. So far everything has gone really well with this pregnancy other than morning sickness in the begining, and the joys of growing bigger and being unable to put my shoes on! [​IMG]

    We have had MD appts every 4 weeks along with u/s at the perinatologist every 4 weeks. At our last appt on Friday, Charlie was weighing in at 1 lb 10 oz and is in the 66th percentile, but Madeline was weighing in at 1 lb 5 oz and in the 19th percentile. The u/s tech said she has always been like this but I don't ever remember her being in the 19th percentile. We get a CD rom of all the u/s pics and they also have a chart with all of their measurements on it. When I looked back at the old ones, she has always been smaller than him, but hasn't been in this low of a percentile. And some of her individual measurements were also smaller percentiles (
  2. crazeek8

    crazeek8 Member

    Hello everyone-

    My name is Kate and my husband and I are expecting boy/girl (Charles David & Madeline Marie)twins in April! I'm 24 weeks along and we are very excited and nervous at the same time. So far everything has gone really well with this pregnancy other than morning sickness in the begining, and the joys of growing bigger and being unable to put my shoes on! [​IMG]

    We have had MD appts every 4 weeks along with u/s at the perinatologist every 4 weeks. At our last appt on Friday, Charlie was weighing in at 1 lb 10 oz and is in the 66th percentile, but Madeline was weighing in at 1 lb 5 oz and in the 19th percentile. The u/s tech said she has always been like this but I don't ever remember her being in the 19th percentile. We get a CD rom of all the u/s pics and they also have a chart with all of their measurements on it. When I looked back at the old ones, she has always been smaller than him, but hasn't been in this low of a percentile. And some of her individual measurements were also smaller percentiles (
  3. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    Hey there, and welcome! You will love this board. As for your concerns about Madeline, from what I understand it's not a big deal for one to be bigger than the other, as long as they are both maintaining their own growth curve. If she hasn't dropped off significantly, it's probably nothing to worry about...but I know telling a pregnant lady not to worry is like telling water not to be wet! I think you should just verify the info at your appointment next week for your peace of mind. I'm having boy/girl twins in April too! Looking forward to getting to know you.

  4. AWillow

    AWillow Well-Known Member

    I don't have the size differnce that you do. But My babies are small. (27th percentile). As long as your little girl continues to grow they'll probably say that everying will be OK.

    My OB has never been concerned over the small size of my boys. Some people who have twins can still grow big babies, Some of us can't.
  5. kuchar

    kuchar Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your twins! I'm due in March with boy/girl twins! My doctor plans on delivering them no later than February 27... [​IMG] !!!

    I wouldn't be worried about your little girl's size as long as the doctor isn't worried. Personally, I have started drinking high protein shakes in an attempt to grow mine a little bigger. I don't know if this works at all, but it lets me feel like I am trying!

    Good luck at your appointment on Friday. Ask your doctor about the weight concern... I'm sure he'll say as long as she continues on her own curve she's doing good.

  6. hollymama-of-3

    hollymama-of-3 Well-Known Member

    Hi! I haven't been in your situation. I just wanted you to know how off those u/s measurements can be. My twins always were close in size and baby B was always a couple oz smaller than baby B... always. Well, when they were born, I sure was surprised to see that baby B was 6 lbs 1 oz and baby A was 7 lbs 10 oz. As long as your little girl is progressing normally and your OB isn't concerned, there isn't anything to worry about. If she were in a higher % for a long time and then fell drastically, that would be the time for worry.
  7. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Welcome to TS! My b/g twins were so off it was ridiculous! They started out measuring about a week different at 7 weeks and the discordance only grew from there. I was lucky enough to know from the beginning mine were fraternal since there was a cyst on each ovary where each egg released so I knew not to worry about TTTS. She grew well, just more slowly than he did. At my last u/s at 35w5d he measured 7lbs1oz and she was only 4lbs! They were born exactly two weeks later. She was 6lbs 2oz and he was 8lbs 3oz. A big difference but both totally healthy. Remember with frats they are basically just siblings sharing mommy at the same time (although there is something to be said for the twin bond!). Try to relax and just focus on what you can control. Eat as much protein as you can (the boost shakes or instant breakfasts are good for that) and rest as much as possible.
  8. Marbear

    Marbear Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't worry about it, esp. with fraternals. If you were just pg with Madeline you wouldn't have anything to compare it to to worry about, ya know? As long as she is on the charts and progressing at her own rate try not to put to much of your energy into worrying about it.
  9. ReallyTiredMom

    ReallyTiredMom Well-Known Member

    I agree with all the above posts - since they are fraternal, one may have received the 'tall'genes' while the other may have recieved the 'short' genes! Plus, your weights are just a few ounces different, so really not too bad! My 2 girls are REALLY different - at 31 wks one was 4#1oz (48th percentile) and the other was 2#9oz. (4th percentile). I have had a few issues, but that little one has grown each week and that is what they watch. And the u/s tech said they can be off by 20% the later you get into the pregnancy. Try not to worry - and keep us posted!
  10. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I won't repeat everything mentioned above but will add K&K were always measuring different but they both continued to grow on their own curve which was most important. Continuous growth is key not identical growth. I am not sure there is really anything you can do to bulk her up, sometimes it is just out of our hands. My two were born over a pound different and that has only increased. Their most recent appointment was their 5 year check up and they are 30 pounds and 4 inches different in size. Yup, 30 pounds. She just isn't meant to bulk up but has always been perfectly healthy!
  11. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    Congratulations Kate and welcome to TS! My girls were both always small but it was the littler one that we were concerned about. She had a 2-vessel umbilical cord (only 10% of babies have this) and was the donor twin for TTTS (only 10-15% of identicals get this) so she had a double-whammy constricting her size. One thing that I did was sip a couple of Boost/Ensure drinks every day so make sure I was getting all the vitamins I needed so that the little baby would, hopefully, get some of what she needed. That being said, there's nothing wrong with being in a lower percentile as long as the baby is growing along a similar curve throughout the pregnancy.
  12. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your twins! You sound very excited!

    As for weight diff, are you concerned about the difference between the twins, or about her size in general?
    I would say 19th isn't bad, especially if you and/or your husband are on the smaller side.

    My docs didn't start to worry until we dipped below that 10% line.
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