new here! (14 wks with di/di twins)

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kbaldwin, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. kbaldwin

    kbaldwin Well-Known Member

    Hi! I've been following this great board for some weeks, but now with a reassuring ultrasound and the first trimester behind me, I'm a little more confident to poke my head out and say hello. :) Congratulations to everyone!!

    On to complication #1: Because of a strong family history of thyroid issues, I had some tests run at 11.5 weeks, and I came back hyperthyroid (a year ago my levels were fine, though I had two very small nodules on my thyroid), but some internet research informed me that this state can occur temporarily at the end of the first trimester when hcg levels peak (and obviously they would be even higher w/twins). I've been having trouble gaining the kind of weight I feel is ideal, and my heart tends to really pound if I have too much sugary stuff without protein, so I'd certainly believe it, but I'd chalked up these symptoms to being pregnant with twins, on progesterone gel until 12 weeks. etc. Luckily my new endocrinologist seems to be similarly wary of how "real" of a situation this is, and if necessary is willing to start PTU on the lowest dose possible, but I'm waiting to hear back from him this afternoon about my blood work done at 13.5 weeks. Has anyone else gone very temporarily hyperthyroid, or if it persisted past first trimester, what dose of PTU or other antithyroid drug did you take?

    Thanks in advance for any insight or commiseration, and I look forward to meeting you all!
  2. Momof2wonders

    Momof2wonders Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=12pt]Hi, sorry no advice but i just wanted to say welcome and huge congrats on expecting twins!!!!!!!! :clapping: [/SIZE]
  3. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Welcome to TS! It's a great resource and I don't think I could have made it through my pregnancy without it!

    I had an underactive thyroid (can't remember if that's hyper or hypo) that was discovered during the end of the 2nd trimester b/c my hair was falling out. I was put on synthroid and then a referral for an endo. It took me over 6 months AFTER my boys were born to get in to see them and they took me off the meds and I've been fine ever since! Also no complications to the boys! You are already ahead of the game b/c you have the specialist. I know several other women on here have had thyroid issues too.
  4. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :wavey: and welcome to Twinstuff!! Congratulations on your twins! :Clap: I'm glad you are feeling more courageous now and decided to join us here. We look forward to getting to know you. :hug: I have no experience with PTU, sorry.
  5. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Hi! :wavey: Welcome to TS and Congratulations on your twin pregnancy!! I have no advice, but I am glad that you are being followed by a specialist so closely! Good Luck!!
  6. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    I don't have any advice on thyroid issues, but wanted to say WELCOME to twinstuff & congratulations on your pregnancy :yahoo:
  7. laura87

    laura87 Active Member

    Hi! I'm new here as well, welcome!! :) I'm sorry I don't have any advice either hun
  8. kbaldwin

    kbaldwin Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the wonderfully warm welcome!! :)

    QUOTE(mommymeg @ Mar 16 2009, 10:30 AM) [snapback]1230353[/snapback]
    Welcome to TS! It's a great resource and I don't think I could have made it through my pregnancy without it!

    I had an underactive thyroid (can't remember if that's hyper or hypo) that was discovered during the end of the 2nd trimester b/c my hair was falling out. I was put on synthroid and then a referral for an endo. It took me over 6 months AFTER my boys were born to get in to see them and they took me off the meds and I've been fine ever since! Also no complications to the boys! You are already ahead of the game b/c you have the specialist. I know several other women on here have had thyroid issues too.

    I'm so glad to hear that everything worked out well for you and your boys! I, too, had trouble finding an endocrinologist who would take me quickly enough, but lucked out in the end. It sounds like we have opposite problems, though, since my thyroid is overactive at the moment. Hyperthyroidism is really dangerous during pregnancy (miscarriage, preterm labor, stillbirth, low birth weight, preeclampsia/HELLP symptoms), so I obviously want to take the right precautions, but don't want to have to take a medication that could make my babies hypothyroid, either. Since I developed HELLP late in my first pregnancy, I can't help but wonder if I went hyperthyroid then, too.... anyway, as some of you pointed out, I'm definitely grateful to have it caught early, in case it does turn into a significant issue. Now if only that doctor would just call me back with my results!! :angry:
  9. kbaldwin

    kbaldwin Well-Known Member

    An update: Finally got the call, and it turns out that my free T3 and T4s came back in the normal range, but my TSH was still a bit on the hyper side, so it looks like my system may be coming down on its own! :) At least for now I won't have to go on any medication, but will be monitored about once a month to make sure things stay where they should. And I also got a call today that my ultrascreen came back within a normal risk range (as far as those things are actually accurate). So, all in all, yay!
  10. becky5

    becky5 Guest


    Congratulations on your twin pregnancy! I found out almost simultaneously that I was hyperthyroid and pregnant! I have a 2 inch nodule on my thyroid that was/is causing my TSH to be on the low side(usually .01), but my T3 and T4 are usually in the normal range. While I was pregnant with the twins, I was having a terrible time with a racing, pounding heart, which my endo thought was due to the thyroid issues. He put me on a low dose of PTU for awhile until my levels came up and I actually started going the other way, hypo. At that point he took me off the PTU.

    I had my levels checked very often throughout the pregnancy. Apparently being hypo is more dangerous to the babies than being hyper. I had major issues throughout with my heart rate being super high(140's resting :eek: ), and in the last few weeks of the pregnancy was put on a beta blocker that helped.

    It sounds like they are taking good care of you! My babies were born at 37 weeks, perfectly healthy, with no issues. GL!
  11. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twinssofar @ Mar 16 2009, 05:12 PM) [snapback]1231349[/snapback]
    An update: Finally got the call, and it turns out that my free T3 and T4s came back in the normal range, but my TSH was still a bit on the hyper side, so it looks like my system may be coming down on its own! :) At least for now I won't have to go on any medication, but will be monitored about once a month to make sure things stay where they should. And I also got a call today that my ultrascreen came back within a normal risk range (as far as those things are actually accurate). So, all in all, yay!

    I'm glad to hear you won't have to go on meds right now. :hug: Sounds like all good news. :good:
  12. kbaldwin

    kbaldwin Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(becky5 @ Mar 16 2009, 11:28 PM) [snapback]1231973[/snapback]

    Congratulations on your twin pregnancy! I found out almost simultaneously that I was hyperthyroid and pregnant! I have a 2 inch nodule on my thyroid that was/is causing my TSH to be on the low side(usually .01), but my T3 and T4 are usually in the normal range. While I was pregnant with the twins, I was having a terrible time with a racing, pounding heart, which my endo thought was due to the thyroid issues. He put me on a low dose of PTU for awhile until my levels came up and I actually started going the other way, hypo. At that point he took me off the PTU.

    I had my levels checked very often throughout the pregnancy. Apparently being hypo is more dangerous to the babies than being hyper. I had major issues throughout with my heart rate being super high(140's resting :eek: ), and in the last few weeks of the pregnancy was put on a beta blocker that helped.

    It sounds like they are taking good care of you! My babies were born at 37 weeks, perfectly healthy, with no issues. GL!

    Congratulations to you, too, and thank you for sharing your experience! I'm lucky that my outward symptoms haven't been too bad -- my resting heart rate was in the 80s (though it feels like it's going much harder if I have too much sugary stuff without protein) -- and my latest TSH, while on the hyper side, isn't enough to warrant PTU right now, considering my T3 and T4 levels. I'm sorry you had to go through all that, but it sounds like all the monitoring and medication was for the best, with a healthy mommy and two healthy babies. :)
  13. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hi and welcome to Twinstuff! :welcome: Congrats on your twins. :Clap: I am glad to hear you won't need meds, as of right now.

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