New Habit? One Not Sleeping without Being with Us

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by ladypotter, Feb 11, 2011.

  1. ladypotter

    ladypotter Well-Known Member

    For the past couple weeks, one of my girls will NOT stay in her room anymore. We can get her to sleep easily at bedtime which falls between 7-8 usually. But, usually within 1-2 hours, she is up and screaming. Not just a little whimper but banging her feet and screaming!! We have been taking her to our bed lately because we don't want her waking up her sister who is sleeping just fine.

    I was thinking maybe this is just a separation anxiety stage or part of teething, but I don't want this to become a permanent habit!! I would like her to sleep in her crib again. They were doing so well for a while sleeping 7-7 every night...but all of a sudden around 7 months old...BAM!!! But only one of them.

    Any ideas on how to help? I work during the day so my mom is my nanny and they typically nap/eat fine throughout the day. I'm not sure about CIO because of her possibly waking her sister (which she HAS done once). I'm going nuts and we can't get good sleep with her in bed with us every night!!
  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Those 7 month old's...they are pretty smart! If you have ruled out everything else: teething, dirty diaper, sick, etc... I'm thinking...she now knows you are going to come and get her...and she's going into your bed. It's exactly what SHE wants.

    Now, I know you don't want to do CIO for fear of waking the other. My boys are 3. We did CIO with them in the same room(they still share a room, and always will). They RARELY wake each other up in the middle of the night. Back then, and now. And they can SCREAM. It's just something they get used to, and I think it's probably good for them. You may have a transition stage of both waking possibly, but they will eventually get used to it. Try it on a weekend when you are not getting up and going to work. Whatever it is, you need to stick with it. But I would suggest CIO. If you can/want to separate them to get her sttn again, you could try that. But I wouldn't necessarily worry about one waking the other. They learn to sleep through the cries.
    Good luck!
  3. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    Exactly! One of my girls did this around the same developmental age for a period of two weeks. We let it go at first because she was sick, but then we just couldn't figure out what else could be wrong... We did CIO for two nights and that was the end of that. No more problems.

    Do you plan on having your kiddos share a room for awhile? If so, I would battle CIO in the same room. I know it sounds torturous, but my girls don't wake for one another anymore and I think it's because we have never separated them due to crying. We even change diapers and dress one while the other sleeps. I know every child is different, but it seems like it may be worth a try?
  4. ladypotter

    ladypotter Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies...I will be doing a run of CIO tonight for sure!! It is getting ridiculous...

    You are both right...she KNOWS I will come. She stops crying and smiles the SECOND she sees me! ugh!

    We could put one of the cribs in the game room on the other side of the wall from their room for the good sleeper, but I think the best thing like you said is to do it together. Then they are both used to it.

    I will report back!! THANKS AGAIN!
  5. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You can do it!!!! I've had one kid throwing up in his bed, need to change him, his sheets, everything.... The other twin doesn't even move-he's sound asleep. It may get some getting used to, but they will. Be strong! :) And let us know how it goes!
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