New Fear of Baths

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by theflyingflamingo, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. theflyingflamingo

    theflyingflamingo Active Member

    My boys are 26 months and one has recently become afraid of the bath. He has never been a fan of water near his face. Recently they wanted DH to turn the shower on so he did but didn't put it on them. He was ok with it a few times- now he is scared to death it will come back on. We try to get him in with no water, with me , with husband, with brother of course. No real luck- we did by a new light up bath toy and he willing got in the empty tub for 2 seconds today. We have covered the shower head, removed the shower head.

    Any other sugestions?

  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Both of mine went through various phases, during the toddler years, of being afraid of the bath. We bribed them with new toys, sang songs, bathed/showered with them, etc., and if necessary we just double-teamed one at a time (putting the other kid in front of the TV or something) and did it by force.

    It isn't fun but it always seemed to go away on its own after a couple of months at most (usually not that long).
  3. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    My boys are a little over 3 and my one DS freaks out at every bath. It has been getting worse over the past 6 months and has gotten so bad we only do them once per week. He hates having the water poured over his head. I bought one of those hair rinse cups but just having the water run down his hair sends him into a screaming mad man . I even tried washing his hair with a wash cloth and he still screams.

    So I wash him as fast as I can, and let my other DS who loves baths stay in. About a year ago I tried the shower and that went really bad with him (but his brother loved it :rolleyes: )
  4. theflyingflamingo

    theflyingflamingo Active Member

    Little update- he did put both feet in the tub tonight to play with the light up toys we bought. Then a few minutes later he got a little further in and put his bottom in the water - but only stayed in a few seconds. I'll take any progress at this point.
  5. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I have to put Addison in only after the water is in the tub and turned OFF. Even then though, it is bathe and get out for her. Thanks to one of my older boys who LOVES to joke with his sisters, she thinks she will go down the drain. Luckily, Addison will shower with me in our shower that is a shower only, no tub. Even though the drain is larger in it LOL!! Addison is 4.
  6. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My two will still go through phases of hating the bath. I can tell though it's usually because the bath before had some sort of tragedy (soap/water in the face, too cold, too hot) and it usually lasts a few weeks.
  7. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    We just went through this in Feb. with my 2 year old :headbang: They were given those crayola tablets that you put in the water and it changes color. Oh.My.Goodness. You would have thought we put electricity through the water.

    We tried everything that has been mentioned and the only thing that seemed to finally help him back into the tub was making him stay in the bathroom while the twins bathed. I didn't force him back in but I gave them some of their favorite bath toys (that I knew he would love too) and after about 2 weeks he finally went in on his own and has been fine since.

    Good luck!
  8. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I almost forgot about those crayola tablets!!!!! My two FREAKED out with those a couple of years ago!!!! and you described the reaction perfectly!!!! Also our tub has jacuzzi jets in it, turn them and you will see two little girls FLY out of the tub!!!!!!
  9. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    We also went thru this recently and have no idea why it started. We let him bring new toys to the tub lots of bubbles. We also gave them the bath crayons basically anything to entice and distract him. Good luck hopefully it will pass soon.
  10. Shohenadel

    Shohenadel Well-Known Member

    We went through this too and I didn't know what I was going to do. So one day I said, "Sarah, let's go take a bath!" and she said, "NO, no like it" and so I said, "It's FUN!!!!!!" and she said, "OK" and went running to the bath. I don't know what happened?????? She had been screaming and trembling about baths for a couple of weeks. I guess I should have told her it was FUN sooner! :rolleyes:

  11. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We also recently went through this, and I think it's because Rylee had a skinned knee, when I put her in the tub the water/bubbles must have hurt. She started freaking out and just about jumped out of the water. I thought it was the bubbles all of a sudden, so the next bath, I didn't use bubbles, but she still freaked out. DH had to hold her in the shower to get her clean. This went on for several weeks. Finally the other night I got into the tub with them, she would sit on my legs with her bottom in the water, but hold her legs/feet up above the water. That's when we figured out she was scared it was going to hurt. I basically had to force her feet into the water, and wash her with her in my lap. The night before last she was FILTHY from playing outside, she had no choice but to get washed really good in the tub. She screamed while i washed her down, but after about 10 mins she finally started playing with the toys again, and quickly went back to her normal, bath loving self!

    No idea what changed! Toddlers are such fickle little critters! :lol:
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