New behavior after starting preschool

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by dfaut, Sep 16, 2008.

  1. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Martin's whining has hit a WHOLE new level and he's ARGUING with me about stuff! (Well, everything really!)

    Mommy: Martin, is that Speed Racer in your hand?
    Martin: Nooooooooooooohhhhooooooo!
    Mommy: It sure looks like Speed!


    Ali: I'm being a nice girl (because she can't hear herself think over the whining of brother)
    Mommy: Yes you are being a sweet girl, and Mommy appreciates it!
    Mommy: Martin, you sure are whining a lot this morning
    Interrupts: Nnnnnnoooooooo I'mmmmmmmm NNnnnnnnooooootttt!!!

    You get the idea, but it goes on and on and on and on!!! He's barely talking normal anymore :cry: where is my boy and why can't he talk anymore?!

    (while typing this he told me to "be quiet" when I was talking to Ali! :girl_devil: I counted him and threatened a specific privilege he holds so dear and he quickly knocked it off. So, THAT stuff I have a handle on - how backwards is that?)

    But the whining and arguing. Do I count all that too? (1-2-3 Magic follower)

    My turn.... Heeeelllllllpppppppppppp pleeeeeeezzzeeee!! :hug:
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :hug: Diane! As a mom of younger twins, I'm not sure this will work, but my SIL tells her kids "Whining gets you nothing" and then pretends she can't hear them when they are whining or arguing. I think she says "I can't hear you when you talk like that. Say it nicely." And then tries to ignore it. Not sure how to handle it when he interrupts you to talking to Ali, but that might be worthy of counting or time out.

    From what I've heard from other preschool moms is that they are good at school and being good takes a lot of effort- so you can to bear the brunt of all their crankiness when they get home... yeah. :crazy:
  3. carmenandwhittsmom

    carmenandwhittsmom Well-Known Member


    Whining at an all time high over here as well. I do Magic 1-2-3 but quite honestly not for whining because it gets on my nerves. Okay, I do one or two warnings and if it continues, they go to timeout. For arguments, no counting, one warning and off to timeout. It depends on the day as to how well I handle it but the above is what I am striving for.

    Good luck with surviving the whining. Hopefully, someone who has survived will offer us both some great advice. :D
  4. kbksmama

    kbksmama Well-Known Member

    I don't post much here but this is definately happening to us! Braeden is great but Kaia is sooooooo sassy! I asked her teacher if she was in class and she isn't (of course Braeden said she was!) She also said that they try so hard to be good in class that they are naughty at home. She said I was the third to ask her about a sassy child and it was the third day of preschool!
  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Good to know I'm not entirely alone. Thanks for the suggestions!! I'm going to ask at preschool today, so I'll let you know what they say!!
  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I would say it's definitely related. Amy and Sarah have been going full-time to the same daycare since they were born, but they switched to a new preschool room 3 weeks ago, and Amy's difficult behavior increased sharply for the first two weeks. It's only now getting back under control. So in their case, it's not even new kids and a complete change to their routine -- just having a new room and new activities was enough to send her round the bend.

    The teachers also said that lots of parents were reporting meltdowns at home during that first week. Interestingly, Amy was an angel in class, but Sarah (who was mostly an angel at home) was more whiny/clingy in class.

    Hang in there! And good luck with the whining. I've had some success recently with the "If you need to whine, go do it in your room" tactic. She keeps trying to come out (still whining/crying) and I keep plunking her back in there, until she manages to at least halfway calm down and ask me nicely.

    I did have to laugh at QUOTE

    :laughing: But I'm laughing with you, not at you. :hug:
  7. Babytimes2

    Babytimes2 Well-Known Member

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but at 4.5, the boys are doing that, too. I'm about ready to lose my mind. Or drink heavily. Not sure which.
  8. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    Oh man---we are in the thick of that right now. It is SO amazingly annoying. I know part of it is he's not napping most of the time these days because he's in afternoon preschool, so by the end of the day he is so tired and gets super whiny. So, I just try to remind him I can't hear him when he talks like that and ignore him...and then get him in bed!
  9. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    it drives me NUTSO!!!! the only thing that works for us is to be as consistent as possible about telling them we don't respond to whining and they need to ask in a nice voice. although, that strategy doesn't work for the "moommmyyyy, aweeeeeeesha said nooooooooo to me" whines. oy!
  10. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Di, I've been using the I can't hear you/understand you when you whine approach. It seems to help, but we have a lot of what you are experiencing too.
  11. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I would ignore him too. Di, John also changed a lot after he started nursery school. He learned a lot from the other kids around him I think. It happens to all of them when they go to school. :hug:
  12. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    We're dealing with it here, too. DS didn't nap yesterday and last night and all morning he was a BOOB! Whining, fits, throwing toys, etc. Unfortunately, he goes to naughty time every single time that he throws a toy in anger (one day he will hit somebody in the nose, I'm certain). He was in several times between yesterday and today. He also got angry during dinner, breakfast and lunch today - I bet he's hungry for dinner tonight!

    I'm just chalking it up to the change in schedules and environment, but hey, I'm relaxed and re-grouped after naps. This morning, you would have had a totally different response from me! :laughing:
  13. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Di, could it have something to do with Daddy being home more? That is a change in your routine too.

    When the kids whine we say, "Try that again." And most times they do. I am curious what his teacher has to say.
  14. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Thanks for the responses. He's spending more time in time out and on the Fit carpet! He went there today when he did something he knew he wasn't supposed to.....but then whined and cried.

    The teacher said "He's TIRED" (No? REALLY?!) I was like yeah, I get that but he's also napping a bit more than recently to make up for that. She said to give it two weeks to adjust.

    Alden, thanks for the info!!! That helps!! I'm so happy I could amuse you!!! :p

    Misty, I'll drink with you!

    The rest of you, I am going to start ignoring much much more (I'm actually pretty amazed with my tune out abilities! :D) But he's not going to get away with it. MOMMY HAS TO WIN!!! :D

    Thanks Girls!!
  15. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ruthjulia @ Sep 16 2008, 07:02 PM) [snapback]982767[/snapback]
    although, that strategy doesn't work for the "moommmyyyy, aweeeeeeesha said nooooooooo to me" whines.

    I had to laugh at this, because I still think of you when Amy complains that Sarah is "no'ing" her. I posted about that when it first started happening (months ago) and you responded with a funny dialogue about them no'ing each other. :D But I'm sorry to hear that it's still happening!

    QUOTE(~* dfaut *~ @ Sep 16 2008, 10:12 PM) [snapback]983056[/snapback]
    He's spending more time in time out and on the Fit carpet!

    "The Fit carpet" -- I love it. I often tell Amy "You're having a fit." Or "Yes, I know you wanted to buckle your own buckles, but you decided to have a fit instead." I guess we have a "fit mattress" instead of a fit carpet.
  16. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    QUOTE(Minette @ Sep 16 2008, 04:48 PM) [snapback]983094[/snapback]
    I had to laugh at this, because I still think of you when Amy complains that Sarah is "no'ing" her. I posted about that when it first started happening (months ago) and you responded with a funny dialogue about them no'ing each other. :D But I'm sorry to hear that it's still happening!
    "The Fit carpet" -- I love it. I often tell Amy "You're having a fit." Or "Yes, I know you wanted to buckle your own buckles, but you decided to have a fit instead." I guess we have a "fit mattress" instead of a fit carpet.

    :laughing: I can't even remember what I said! :blush:

    I don't like the word naughty for some reason, so the FIT CARPET was born! :D
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