New beds! Toddler bed vs. Bunk Bed for 3-year olds

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by amelowe9, Jun 7, 2011.

  1. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    My mom is getting my kids beds for their birthdays and asked me to research what I want for them. In theory, I'd love to get them bunk beds. They share a room and it would save so much space. But they are so little still and I fear them falling off of them, even with the enclosed ones like this When it comes to toddler beds, I would prefer getting one that would grow with them over the years. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you in advance!!!
  2. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We went straight to twin beds for our two, skipped the whole toddler bed stage. I really just didn't want to buy any more beds that they were going to outgrow quickly. None of my kids have bunk beds, I have never been very comfortable with them especially at a young age.
  3. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    We have bunk beds that we got about their 2nd birthday. They did fine with them. We have never had a problem. We got them from the Walker Furniture Outlet and the top bunk has the guard rail that we bolted down.My link Our beds are like this, without the drawers on the bottom. I love that they will come apart at some point and they have loved them.
  4. kgar

    kgar Well-Known Member

    You can get bunk beds that break down into twin beds. That way you can start them off in the twins and then convert them to bunks later, when they're a bit older and more comfortable with them. The danger with bunks (other than the obvious danger of a kid falling off the top one) is that your kids won't like them. I had them as a child and hated the top bunk; I wouldn't sleep on it. If you've got kids like that, you've wasted your money.
  5. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You could also do a toddler bed that converts to a twin which is what we did.
  6. Janclamat

    Janclamat Well-Known Member

    We went straight to twin beds. Didn't want to do the bunk bed thing. Harder to get up there and change sheets, too dangerous, etc. If you can get toddler beds that convert into twin beds I would do that.
  7. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would not be comfortable with my 3 yr olds on the top of a bunk bed yet. My oldest ds was 6 before we moved him up there, and my oldest dd will be 6 before we put her on the top. For now, I would look for a bunk bed set that separates, and use it separately until they are old enough to be on the top. This is what we are planning to do for our twins this winter/next spring. My older two kids share a room with bunk beds, and we'll get a second set for the twins room and just use them separated for a few years. Then we'll split the kids up, boys in one room, girls in the other, put the second set of bunk beds together and put the big kids on the top bunks and the twins on the bottom bunks.
  8. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We switched straight from cribs to twin size bunk beds when they were 3y3m, but the beds are still unbunked. My twins are almost 6 and I still don't feel comfortable with either of them being on top. The AAP doesn't recommend it till age 6 either (in fact they are not crazy about bunk beds, period) -- the injury rates are very high for younger kids.

    We may wind up never bunking ours, since we're finally doing our renovation and may wind up with separate bedrooms for the kids by the time they're old enough to bunk their beds! I don't think the kids would like being bunked very much anyway -- they annoy each other enough as it is, on opposite sides of the room.
  9. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    a bunk bed for us would really scare me. my twins are wild & crazy and it would become a jungle gym! ugh! I thought the comment about the top bed being harder to change was an interesting one... one I wouldn't have thought of. Not sure if it is harder, but seems a bit more cumbersome.

    good luck figuring it out. I know my husband would eventually like the bunk over a desk unit for our son one day, but thankfully our cribs convert to toddler beds so we're just doing that for now.
  10. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Ditto this. I think it would make most sense to get bunk beds you can take apart and just keep them separate until they are old enough to have them bunked.

    ETA: Changing a top bunk bed is a total pain for sure. You pretty much have to climb up there to get to it properly.
  11. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I know my kids and they would have fallen from the top bunk while playing already... no way.

    We just have twin mattresses on the floor.
  12. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    hey, girlfriend! happy bday to the little ones!!

    that bunk bed is adorable! we'll probably get bunks at some point as their room isn't all that big (and the way the windows and closets are limits space). anyways, we went staright to twin beds when the boys were less than 2. it just worked out for us cuz they always hated their cribs. we have the crib mattresses next to their beds in case they fall off (which they do) but we never saw a need for toddler beds.

    best of luck!

    maybe we should try to get together some time this summer!?! did you go the wlapom picnic? i'm going to the patty fitzgerald meeting next week. any chance you're going?

    xo, jl
  13. Eyler07

    Eyler07 Well-Known Member

    My twins were granted a wish by a local organization. They only thing that they could talk about at that time was a bunk bed - they had just turned 4. I was worried about them falling as well so we picked this one. the kids LOVE it and we have had no accidents with them throwing each other over the edge or anything...and it give TONS of storage.
  14. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Very cute! I would be ok with one like that I think.
  15. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Same here.
  16. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I would not be comfortable with my two in bunk beds at such a young age, but I ditto going straight to twins. If you really want bunk beds, then I also suggest you going with the kind that can be taken apart and then put them together as bunk beds after they get a bit older.
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