Never ending diarrhea

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kgroharing, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. kgroharing

    kgroharing Active Member

    My 17 month old son has had diarrhea for 10 days now. The number of blow-outs has decreased but they are still just as runny as ever. He shows no other symptoms of being sick except for an off-n-on low-grade fever. anyone relate--should i take him to the doc or wait it out?
  2. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    I would take to the doctor just to be sure. Esp. with fever on and off.

    Let us know what happens....
  3. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    after that long, I'd take him. We went through that with rotavirus and it was no fun :( I hope everyone's on the mend soon :hug99:
  4. MTBx2

    MTBx2 Well-Known Member

    My DD Brooke has had Diarrhea since 6-24. There is a nasty virus going around here right now. The Ped said that it usually would last about a week, but he has seen it last longer, expecially in toddlers. Mostly because the foods they eat tend to make it worse not better. He told us to try and stick to low fat, low sugar foods, and try to push the regular diarrhea foods (apple sauce, rice, bananas....). And to put her on skim milk until it's gone, them go back to whole. I feel for ya, and hopefully it will get better soon.
  5. annabell

    annabell Well-Known Member

    Both mine had it. DS lasted 10 days, DD 6 days. But we had puking too. The doc said no milk for 2 days, clear liquids only, and only bland starchy foods like pasta, rice, and bananas. It worked because today we finally stopped the diarrhea and reintroduced milk. Good luck!
  6. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    If you are giving milk I would cut it out totally and even for a few days after the symptoms stop. This used to happen to Kyle and it was amazing how quickly he was better after cutting out the milk. The only dairy I gave him was yogurt with active cultures to try to rid him of the bad bacteria with good bacteria.
  7. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    ditto on the milk thing... I've heard a lot of moms say this. The other it real he pooping constantly??...or is it just when he does poop, it's a lot and it's on the wet side??... My kids have gone through 10 day stretches where they have blow outs once or twice a day...very messy..diarrhea-like poops....but real diarrhea should be much more frequent than that. I find that over the summer time they get like this more... I think it's a combo of the extra water they drink, the extra fruit intake..especially berries and melon...and just the outdoors in general.. I don't know if they are eating dirt or consuming water from the kiddie pool...but whatever the reason, they get like this more frequently over the summer. I load them up on startches and cheese (since my kids don't have issues with dairy.).
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