Neosure formula up for grabs....

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lisagayle, Jun 4, 2010.

  1. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    Hey ladies. I'm not sure if this can be posted here or not but as many of you have read we have been going through a formula battle to figure out what the babies need to be on for their Reflux. When they were discharged from the NICU we were told they would have to be on the Neosure for at least 6 months. So DH went out and bought a ton of it before we brought them home. Enough to get us through at least the first month if not longer. However we only stayed on the Neosure for about 2 weeks after they were home and I still have 20 cans of it and a brand new unopened case of 48 ready to feed 2 oz bottles that we ordered from

    We can't return them, no receipt and Wal-Mart has some strict rule about not being able to even exchange formula without a receipt. Not sure why formula is that way but they seem to take everything else back. lol Anyways...I'd like to pass these on to someone in need who would put it to use and may have trouble affording it but there is no way I can ship it. It would probably wind up costing just as much as the formula cost to get it mailed somewhere.

    Does anybody live in Oklahoma that would want it? I know it's a long shot, but I thought I'd check. If no one can take it on here I think I'm going to donate it to Emergency Infant Services, which is a service here that provides things for babies to Mommies who can't afford them.

    Anyways...let me know if anyone would like it.
  2. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    That's a lot of formula to just give away! But very kind of you to offer to do so. I also had a slew of Neosure and Enfamil cans that our boys couldn't tolerate. I actually ended up selling them on eBay and charged extra for shipping. It was a win-win for me and the buyers because even with shipping the cans only cost them about $9, much better than what they would pay in-store. So you may want to consider doing that with your Neosure formula. I'm sure you have plenty of expenses yourself with your two little babies and could use the money :)
  3. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    Do you by any chance remember how much it cost to ship it? I just know that the ready to feed stuff is SUPER heavy! We paid a pretty penny for shipping on it so I know it has to be pricey.
  4. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    When I sold 12 bottles of the ready to feed Neosure quart bottles I specified shipping charges of $20. But the buyer ended up being somebody in Alaska so it cost me $25 to ship it to him - doh! I can't remember what I charged for shipping on the cans of powder. But if I were you I would just do a search of some current ebay auctions for the same formula and see what they are charging for a similar number of cans and charge something comparable. It's also a good idea to put them in a shipping box and weigh it to figure out how many pounds and ounces it is, then uses Ebay's shipping calculator to figure out how much it will cost to ship via US Postal service or UPS. I sold like 19 cans of Enfacare, 4 cans of Neosure, and 12 quarts of the ready to feed Neosure and not counting the shipping costs I made like $340, but then ebay took their cut so I probably cleared about $300 from the sales. I also highly recommend listing a Buy Now price. One of my auctions sold within 2 hours of posting because I had a very reasonable Buy Now price, just under the competitors. And the other cans sold in less than a day or two with their Buy Now price. Good luck! I think its only fair that you recoup some of your money :) That stuff is expensive.

    ETA: You will have the option to charge a flat shipping fee, or one that is based on their zip code and the weight of the package. I wish I would have done that for those 12 bottles of ready to feed Neosure! When you do it that way the seller enters their zip code to determine the shipping costs and they can decide then if its acceptible or not. On the cans of formula I actually charged a flat shipping rate that was a little more than it actually cost me, but it was still slightly cheaper shipping that most other competitors. Some of those ebay sellers charge crazy expensive shipping rates IMO.
  5. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    Some stores are picky about formula returns since it is a very heavily shoplifted item--relatively small and high price so you can either sell it on the street for a lot/trade it for drugs/or return it for cash.

    Haha! I just reread my post--I didn't mean YOU, I meant the shoplifter!
  6. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    I guess I don't think about things like that....I'm relatively unschooled and sheltered. lol

    I posted a sample auction of the neosure for 5 cans for $40 plus $15 shipping. (5 cans will fit in a $14 flat rate box). And it sold within minutes!
  7. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    I used to be an inner city prosecutor--that's the only reason I know--it would have never occured to me before that either! Glad it sold and will be off your hands. I ended up throwing out about 23 cans of it and it really irked me to have to waste it.
  8. CuriousGeorge

    CuriousGeorge Active Member

    I buy a lot of my formula fr craigslist. You can post it and people in your area can come and pick it up from you. You can charge like 10 bucks a can, that's how much I have been paying. Still beats paying 17 a can.
  9. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    Glad it sold so quickly! :) I first listed my cans on craigslist but people emailed me asking if I would take WAY less than my very reasonable asking price. Ebay was definitely the way to go for me. I'd rather go to the post office than have to meet somebody somewhere anyway. Hope the rest of your formula sells quickly too!
  10. lalique

    lalique Well-Known Member

    I use neosure, but i have 30 or so cans from WIC right now lol. I'm not sure how much longer she will be on it.
  11. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    How on earth did you get WIC to pay for it? We tried and they said that "weight gain" is not a reason to be on it and that's what our doctor used as the reason they needed it was to put on weight.
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