Negative Ffn But Lots Of Contrax

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Wilmington Twin Mom to Be, Apr 9, 2007.

  1. Wilmington Twin Mom to Be

    Wilmington Twin Mom to Be Well-Known Member

    I had a negative fFN test last Tuesday, but since Friday I have been having a ton of contrax. Has anyone ever had a negative fFN and increased contrax? I haven't had any cervical changes (had it checked last Tuesday as well) either so I don't think I need to call the doctor.
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Are you drinking enough water? I had tons of bh's and eventually(at about 28 weeks), they did start to change my cervix. I had to drink ENORMOUS amounts of water and Gatorade in order for my body to stay hydrated. Even if you think you are drinking enough, you may not be. Rest as much as you can. :hug99:
  3. Wilmington Twin Mom to Be

    Wilmington Twin Mom to Be Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(becky5 @ Apr 9 2007, 08:10 PM) [snapback]211988[/snapback]
    Are you drinking enough water? I had tons of bh's and eventually(at about 28 weeks), they did start to change my cervix. I had to drink ENORMOUS amounts of water and Gatorade in order for my body to stay hydrated. Even if you think you are drinking enough, you may not be. Rest as much as you can. :hug99:

    I am trying to drink as much water I can and luckily my doctor took me out of work and put me on modified bed rest at 22 weeks. I have an appt with my OB tomorrow for a BP check (I had problems with that last week too!) so I am going to mention it to them. Thanks for the advice! :)
  4. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    I went into the hospital at 28 weeks for increased contractions. By the time I got there they were about 4 minutes apart. I did not have any cervical changes and I'm not sure if they did the ffn test. They did put me on medicataion to stop the contractions and I ended up there for 4 days while they monitored me. They ended up sending me home on 20mg of Procardia 4 times a day which I am still taking. Who knows what would have happened if I hadn't gone but I still have them even while on the meds so I'm guessing they would be worse. Hope that helps. :)
  5. ceb023

    ceb023 Well-Known Member

    My OB does an fFN every other week and it's always negative, yet I have tons of braxton hicks all day. She tells me to just stay rested and drink more water.
  6. nanhancan

    nanhancan Well-Known Member

    If you have more that 5 in one hour, please call your doctor. At 27W I had a negative FFN test on a Friday & was admitted to the hospital on a Sunday for too many contractions- 2 minutes apart! Luckily, they stopped everything during my "Mag Vacation".
    Take good care of yourself!
  7. Inlowtwins

    Inlowtwins Well-Known Member

    Hey there - I don't want to scare you, but to make you aware that if anything seems off please please call your doctor. I had a negative fFN test on a Monday and delivered my twins that same week on Thursday. So I wouldn't put 100% confidence in it. It is definitely a good thing and I know my situation is rare, but if you think something doesn't feel right don't ignore it.

    I agree with pp that maybe upping your water intake and laying on your left side will probably ease your contractions.

    Good Luck!
  8. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    I have a billion braxton hicks contractions and just got back a negative ffn test. My ob said not to put too much faith in the test - one of her patients just delivered twins 5 days after a negative ffn. I believe the percentage is a 9% room for error - so, if it is negative you will not go into labor within 2 weeks 91% of the time. I could be wrong about that but I think that is what my ob told me.

    I was given terb. pills to take as needed but have not used them yet as I am a chicken about medicine. I have; however, been noticing the difference between "irritable uterus" type contrax and braxton hicks and have decided to stop paying attention to the irritable uterus ones (within reason)

    32 weeks
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